Turned it into hot garbage..........well at least you all did the hardest thing you could have accomplished. That is taking something that could have easily been amazing..........and ran it into the dumpster. lol. Writers and hollyweird completely blows ass any more.
Ответить4 seasons
ОтветитьСложная работа предстоит актёру, который заменит Генри Кавилла. Ему не только предстоит передать характер героя книги и игры, но и то что создал Генри, работая над ролью. Книгу не читала, в игру не играла. То что сделала команда за три сезона это великолепно. И то, что создал Генри 100%, ох уж трудно будет приемнику. Это точно будет другой Ведьмаг.
ОтветитьОтличный фильм. Сложная работа предстоит актёру, который заменит Генри Кавилла. Ему предстоит тяжелая работа, не только передать характер героя книг и игры, но и то что создал Генри, работая над ролью. То, что сделала команда за три сезона - великолепно. Не читала книг, не играла в игру, однако то, что создал для своего героя Генри 100%, это нельзя терять. Но с новым актером, это будет другой Ведьмаг.
ОтветитьThe Witcher without Hanry is NO Witcher 😢😢😢😢 I want him back!!!!
Ответитьi look for true love
ОтветитьHenry Cavill, you should have kept him in the series. Now we will continue with the novel.
ОтветитьWithout cavill season 4 will be meh
ОтветитьThe way I came to save my eyes from S4 teaser, God what a terrible downfall! Will always miss you Henry
Ответитьseriously? we gotta have gay s*** in this also? stop with this bs and stick to the story!
ОтветитьЭто ужасно. У вас был превосходный оригинал. А вы умудрились все испортить
ОтветитьDecepção sem o Henry será isso uma decepção The Wicther 😢
ОтветитьComo coseguem acabar com a melhor série tirar o Henry é uma falta de consideração com os fãs
Ответитьwhat a disaster
ОтветитьAfter completing all four seasons of this show, the only thing that kept running in my mind was what will happen next😢
ОтветитьI dont understand a goal of a company is too make money, netflix could make a shit ton of money if they stick to the original work but i dont know why why companies are ruining francises and there busineses
ОтветитьCongratulations Netflix for ruining an awesome thing. Henry is the witcher. Season 3 is the last season as far as I’m concerned.
ОтветитьThey had to ruin it with lgbt shit
Ответитьdespite borin pace only watched due to henry
ОтветитьWithout the henry cavil the witcher series will not be the same
ОтветитьWhat a horrible decision to change Henry Cavill.
Ответитьhenry cavils will make best of Aegon I the conqueror
ОтветитьBahut badhiya series hai ❤❤❤
ОтветитьWe need season 4, great series, keep up the work guys
ОтветитьPart 3 same as part 1
ОтветитьWitcher is over. It was a good run before the evil directors / writers came in to destroy it.
ОтветитьI diny how Netflix have ruined this. They had the book the games it was already freaking made for them! The whike thing has been a huge disappointment. Obviously except for Henry he was the only thing that reminded me I was watching the Witcher.
Completely fumbled the bag on this one Netflix. Coukd of been special!
My boy Henry Cavill deserved better
ОтветитьThe weakest season ever
ОтветитьThey ruined my henry and the whole witcher universe
ОтветитьThe Witcher has some of the worst writing ever.
ОтветитьI love you Henry Cavill 😭😭😭😭, you are the movie itself
ОтветитьYeah uncle Netflix you ruined this regardless if you are a book, videogame , or Henry fan
ОтветитьThis show is good I just finished it in two days I hope they add more new characters and add more magic effects, Jennefer needs to gain weight, her body is better in season 1, Please add new monsters and the mages to increase their power, this tv series is good, I just lack fighting since more fight moves.
ОтветитьSeason 3 is dragged boring and unbearable. Can't imagine Witcher without Witcher Henry Cavill.huge disappointment
ОтветитьSorry Henry but this is a shit show
ОтветитьOfficial trailer | The Witcher '25 | ???
ОтветитьSuch a shame how Netflix butchered this show man. Season 1 was phenomenal but that’s as far as it goes. Season 2 was a shit show and season 3 was worse. What is it with writers and networks always trying to change a story when it’s already perfect? I can never understand why they would choose to be fools.
ОтветитьI like hem❤
ОтветитьShould be from HBO, then would be descent
ОтветитьNot watching season 4
ОтветитьShouldn't Yennefer be in this?
Ответитьyou know...there's a band...called Vader
Ответитьits crazy how they messed up characterization..
There is not a single character thst you can get invested in their story because of the cuts,there is not s scene that lasts longer than 1 minute...It feels so empty...I didn't read the book,but i played the games,all 3 of them..And especially the 3rd one,i finished it few times.And after such a good story i am just not able to be invested in the show, whenever new season comes out i watch it with hope that now it will be good. but already in episode 1 i see,ohh this is why i dont like it,and it keeps getting worse
ОтветитьHad the potential to become the next GOT, but it got Netflixed. Sad.
ОтветитьOnly good thing about this is Henry Cavill.