Good Neighborhoods in San Antonio

Good Neighborhoods in San Antonio

80 Просмотров

We will be taking a look at several neighborhoods in San Anotnio in the next few weeks. We start with a far northside neighboorhood that has been coveted for many years. Once considered outskirts of San Antonio, this thriving neighborhood is considered one of the gems with several amenities, close community, clubs and good schools. Encino Park is located about one mile outside 1604 off Highway 281. It features a large park with playground structures, benches and grills for cookouts, parties and get togethers, a lighted tennis court, sand volleyball court, basketball court, community center for events and an olympic sized like pool where swim meets are held for the swim team to compete with surrounding swim teams. The clubs are also very involved. The most popular one is the Womens Club. They get together evey month for meetings, special speakers, bingo and the biggest fund raising event is Market Days. Market Days is held in October at the Community Center and outside with dozens of vendors. Womens Club gives generously to the Encino Park community as well as scholarships for Encino Park students that apply and going to college.
If you would like more information about Encino Park Mzarket Days, call 210-850-7602.


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