SFML 2.1 Tutorial 12 - Adding A Sprite

SFML 2.1 Tutorial 12 - Adding A Sprite

Sonar Systems

10 лет назад

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@AllinAllGames - 19.12.2014 12:38

can you do a sprite sheet tutorial or a bone sprite tutorial

@lilbigwill99 - 12.11.2016 09:21

im not exactly getting how you set paddle large equal to texture. that if statement just checks to see if it didn't load correct? im not seeing it being initialized before you set it equal to a sprite and then drawing it

@brunomello6305 - 04.08.2017 23:44

Where did you find this sprite?

@flyingboat10 - 27.12.2017 22:50

So texture can store the image and sprites draw the image
