Costco USA's Best Hearing Aids of 2025 [Compilation]

Costco USA's Best Hearing Aids of 2025 [Compilation]


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@Hew.Jarsol - 27.01.2025 02:09

Is this obviously for a US audience

@thenash4822 - 27.01.2025 02:58

Thanks for the timely review compliation! I would like to see a more in-depth review of the fidelity and sound quality of the receivers on these. I've had the Jabra Enhanced Pro 20 for almost a year and I'm getting rid of them. They are tinny and sound like listening to an old AM radio with an old earpiece. My KS-9's sounded twice as good as these. I've had to have new units or receivers replaced twice now, and have an appointment next week because they aren't working again. I will make a change to something else. Regarding the batteries, I wasn't sure I'd like the rechargable, but the IP68 rating is important to me, which I don't think is an option on replaceable battery units. The rechargables are working out fine for my use. The charger does need to have a integrated battery for travel, even if I need to pay extra for it.

@elaine9812-v6x - 27.01.2025 03:02

I have Rexton Reach and I like them better than my Phonak P70s. I chose them because of the Own Voice Processing, I don't like my voice sounding loud, like with the P70s. The multi-focus works great, I was able to hear speech quite clearly at a table for 10 in a really noisy restaurant.

@donolliff2630 - 27.01.2025 04:03

My current hearing aids are the Phonak P90. Purchased from a local audiologist. I've had them for almost three years. They just went in for a warranty battery replacement and firmware update. The information about the Sennheiser devices is intriguing. The most challenging issue for me, is in restaurants and large groups of people. Your reviews are very helpful.

@michaelcunningham5559 - 27.01.2025 04:25

I am wearing Kirkland 10, just out of warranty. Have been disappointed with Costco's current offering so as mine sounded like replacement time, my fitter wanted to send them to Phonak for a complete warranty checkout. Several things were found. Sound much better. Thank you Costco for extending my value. So I can stay with Phonak (Kirkland) for a while longer. Sennheiser no brainer for me as I have had wonderful success with Phonak. Hope my Costco will get some after this 100 store trail. I am a rechargeable user and thanks for doing this update on Costco. I would hate to leave them after my 6 years of terrific service a high quality product experience. I will hold out til Sennheisers are available

@markmandelstamm2866 - 27.01.2025 06:51

I have the Phonak Audeo P90-13T. The rechargeable model doesn't last long enough with the streaming I do. Looks like the next ones will be rechargeable. Phonak has the worst battery life because they have the best Bluetooth. LE Audio will fix that. LE Audio Bluetooth has been available in the Galaxy S series for three generations. This feature not being available today would stop me from purchasing them.

@samuelcabrera6289 - 27.01.2025 07:17

The costco store in hoover Alabama has them. Hoover Alabama is a bit south of Birmingham Alabama.

@l1uywpap1 - 27.01.2025 08:19

My ks10’s still work and charge without a problem.

@TM-ui9gt - 27.01.2025 16:52

Ilove rechargable, but would like an option to use disposable in emergencies.

@ejcsds - 27.01.2025 20:35

The 9050's have been here in Texas for at least 6 months at COSTCO, I bought them as my first ever HA's. I would not recommend them. They do very little to knock out any background noise, I am very disappointed in them.

@BSerrell4 - 28.01.2025 01:44

I got my first aids this week. Got the Rexton Reach. I am still figuring out what they will do for me. I was attracted by the technology focusing on speakers around me, and the app option to choose extra attention sound behind me for when I am in the car with my granddaughter in the back seat.

@josephking7021 - 28.01.2025 04:50

Recharging feature!

@maryrowles8934 - 29.01.2025 23:33

Love rechargeable but also the option of using disposables when I need long term battery life for heavy all day usage. I stream A LOT.

@leojagawaga6481 - 31.01.2025 21:00

Are Costco hearing aids Locked ?

@proverbstammy - 03.02.2025 19:37

Because I have the Java, I think Costco gave me a return hearing aid. The box was open when I got there, and I think it was secondhand. They’ve never worked since day one. It’s going on almost 2 months and I hope today they find them give me a refund cause I hate them.

@mahmoudbakouni9318 - 03.02.2025 22:08

Are headphones for those who suffer from weakness or rich? My wish is Phonak Audio Lumity L90-R

@bobholder2295 - 09.02.2025 01:59


@robertjason6885 - 13.02.2025 08:35

My friend… Dows Costco sell a cic? These days my needs would be mainly natural sound for TV viewing with low latency, and natural sounding classical music stream. Rechargeable. Thanks.

@boomerfuturist4309 - 13.02.2025 15:09

Wearing Jabra that are more than 3years old. Ready for an upgrade.

@wendellharker6690 - 18.02.2025 03:38

I'm buying hearing aid for the first time and want the best for my money.

@reyd8609 - 21.02.2025 21:56

No preference? Back to square one. After a long listen to technical jiberish.

@daveh2328 - 22.02.2025 21:29

Does Sennhiser have LE Audio technology?

@joemurone4898 - 27.02.2025 06:48

I like the replaceable batteries, I feel it’s more convenient, don’t have to worry about charging every day.

@joemurone4898 - 27.02.2025 07:04

I picked the Jabra because it was the only one Costco had at that time that had replaceable batteries.

@bernhardtmoore7545 - 28.02.2025 14:06

Wearing Phillips (chose because of comparison to Jabba)

@radarguy1 - 07.03.2025 23:53

I've been using the Jabra 20s for eight months, and as my first pair of hearing aids, I don't have a basis for comparison. I opted for Costco because their hearing aids were half the price of those from my ENT/audiologist, and they offered a six-month trial period. I chose the Jabra 20s based on the recommendation of the Costco specialist. It took me six months to get used to them, and I wore them throughout my waking hours. The Jabra 20s have significantly improved my hearing, and I'm pleased with them. Since I have never worn a different HA I can't comment if others would be better.

I purchased a Noahlink to make my own adjustments along with the Costco specialist.

I quickly discovered, like many others, that hearing in noisy environments is the biggest challenge with hearing aids. The all-around mode with the noise filter turned on works quite well in those situations and is as effective as the hear-in-noise mode.

@ralf9933tx - 08.03.2025 02:26

Love your videos! I decided on the Rexton Reach.

@HearingTracker - 26.01.2025 20:28

Which of these do you (a) have or (b) wish you had? Matthew
