Cadance's Backstory is CRAZY

Cadance's Backstory is CRAZY


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@lilybean9585 - 16.11.2024 12:02

Adopted niece implies she is Luna’s adopted daughter but it’s never even alluded to

@SuperRedarmy123 - 17.11.2024 12:42

fun fact: lauren faust don't want third alicorn aka Cadance that why lauren want two alicorn in show but Hasbro be Hasbro they want money

@saihan9974 - 17.11.2024 14:54

I love Cadan❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤The best

@lonelylexi123 - 19.11.2024 13:53

- Celestia adopted both Blueblood and Cadance as a neice/nephew as to not replace their parents as we are never given a backstory on either its simply a respect thing

- Twilights family is highly suspect to be some type of nobility due to the pink emblem (the siblings' cm), plus at this point Shining Armor would have either been a guard or guard in training, and if you are to take specfic comics into canon Cadance would of course spend time with her crushes sister to get cloeer to him

- Celestia does not choose the elements 😭 this is obvious but also confirmed through the s10 comics that while some tribes know the esscence of the elements they do not always know who is meant to weild them.

- I have a very lengthy theory on alicorns and the genetics of ponies that would talk about flurrys birth but ill leave that alone for now.

- While the Princess Amore thing is cool and all shes not technically dead meaning a reincarnation is unlikely, similar to the Storm King she was crystalized and shattered and scattered throughout equestria but her actual spiritual self is still in limbo (like the pillars pre s7 finale). While it was stated they COULD put her back together to my knowledge that never happened. It was instead insinuated that Cadance is a distant relative of Amore likely being some form of neice or cousin to her. Also her full name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza however it is pronounced differently. Not to mention theres another comic where Amores pressence still remains under the crystal empire which is where she helped Shining Armor find an old spell of hers.

- The Rise of Cadance. Hm. So rumor has it that the story has been partially leaked and it actually follows that really shitty Canterlot plot instead where Cadance is helping Celestia defeat smth. I too hope this is not the outcome but it is something to think about and then try and determine which is supposed to be canon 😭

@lilymuncy2365 - 19.11.2024 21:29

I have theory of that Cadence mother is Amore live in Crystal empire and that she is Queen of Crystal empire and it Cadence, Amore and her dad live peacefully until Somber attack Crystal Empire and kill her dad and knock out all guards to get castle so kill Amore and Cadence so Amore run to Cadence room to teleport her so she can be safe from Sombar but Sambar kill Amore after teleport Cadence and he took over Crystal empire and ware the Crystal heart spell Cadence backstory start.

@LinCoyote - 20.11.2024 09:26

they should make a movie about how the princesses came to be

@janealber1436 - 20.11.2024 22:29

The phone and we can, why not have a good cable with it? This is blocked it.

@needlebfdia - 21.11.2024 18:27

i headcannon atleast that twilight sparkles family are very rich and could afford a babysitter such as cadence, and at that point maybe cadence and shining probably knew about eachother.

@Bunnyoflaughs - 22.11.2024 08:22

I have a hypothesis which is adding to this theory
Basically it adds chrysalis to the equation, but what if chrysalis also comes from the shards of amore. Chrysalis looks a lot different from the other changelings, and her and cadance both have themes of love. Perhaps cadance was all of amores love and happiness with her kingdom, while chrysalis was from all her negative emotions like how she was turned into a crystal by sombra. Please someone give this hypothesis more ground!!!

@kennabear4418 - 22.11.2024 10:28

this could be a stretch but cadences cutie mark is also a crystal heart, so maybe that could symbolize or even be the crystal shards that came back together

@animegirlhaven - 23.11.2024 08:13

If you look into the comic books of my little pony somewhat concerned.

@AMessyArtist95 - 24.11.2024 11:20

Please dedicate an entire video just going on about how weird flurry heart is lol 😂

@btsrosaline3559 - 24.11.2024 20:07

Cadence was a Pegasus before she became what she is now

@sleepy-emerald - 24.11.2024 22:39

"Why is an alicorn princess babysitting a random filly"
Well she wasn't an alicorn yet, for one.

@DreamLionViolet - 25.11.2024 15:33

I’d love a g4 reboot about the next gen of the mane 6
… so basicly just little Cheese, Big Macs kid etc

@deepseastonecore3017 - 26.11.2024 01:52

Can I order some Magma cookies and Traveler's Tea please

@JustASleepySloth - 28.11.2024 00:56

I thought that perhaps (aside from being convenient for the writers) cadence knowing and babysitting twilight could have something to do with her powers as an alicorn, you remember how after twilight got her powers a castle grew from her house and she suddenly had friendship missions? It could be something like that - of course that may not have happened at this point, and it could be that it's something as simple as she's adopted by celestia, is working with/for her or at school etc and becomes acquainted with shining armour through that starts to babysit twilight. Either she already has a relationship with shining armour by then, or they're friends that develop into more through the time they spend together, perhaps even during these babysitting sessions.

@nikku4 - 28.11.2024 16:43

Princess cadence? You mean princes mi AMORE cadanza??😭😭 which is her actual canon name in mlp

@KeanMatthew123KeanMatthew12 - 29.11.2024 19:54

Maybe Cadance is baby sitting twilight because she like her brother lol but that would be crazy

@highlightanimations5256 - 30.11.2024 02:50

imagine if they had her introduction be a 3 parter, with part one being her being Twi's foalsitter but near the beginning, so foal Twi doesn't like her, but since Cadence wants to connect with Twi, she writes a book about her past, similar to a bedtime story/picture book, with plenty of words and possible vague aspect about the Crystal Empire from Celestia's telling of its history and her possible connection to that history, so the book goes on the whole "enough crystals of the Princess came together to form a foal at the edge of a certain town" etc, and goes into Prismia stuff, and her ascension.

So Twi later believes the last part being more factual after growing up, but with vague enough memories to not believe in the Crystal Empire and that "Dark Mage" making a Unicorn Princess into Crystal statue stuff, so her memory would make the rest of the Empire storyline more fascinating. While also giving us a foreshadowing of Sombra earlier on to have more fan speculations, which would have been interesting to see how the show might've gone if they took a look at that for inspiration of the Empire and its storyline to make it more fascinating... idk i guess im rambling now, lol

@Behnaz-h1y - 30.11.2024 11:35

fr Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is such an important fact

@Rose11133 - 30.11.2024 17:30


@sohanarahaman8070 - 30.11.2024 21:06

Man, I always wondered about this love ❤️ ever since when I was a kid, especially about the whole backstory of this character cadence

@xiorra - 02.12.2024 11:57

Never seen a man so invested in mlp lore

@sarrinaomalley8582 - 03.12.2024 19:03

I’m not from here, what’s up with the weird black screen and clock?

@taz7389 - 04.12.2024 03:21

i think the headcanon is true because in the series they call her princess mi amor cadenza

@AlexandraReynoso-zc6vl - 04.12.2024 03:27


@RokkTheRock - 04.12.2024 08:33

twilight being babysat by cad before she was cel's student always made me headcanon that nepotism played a partial role in her getting the spot to study under an alicorn lmaoooo

@Shadowpaw_1618 - 04.12.2024 19:45

It does sounds very interesting. I would love to see a comic or something about her battle with that witch and everything else.

@blueberry_star22 - 05.12.2024 03:23

Maybe the old princess of the twister Empire was her mother and maybe when that happened maybe some pony tried to save her and ran off with her but something happened to them and she got lost in the woods🤷🏻‍♀️

@mk-aka-morgan8386 - 05.12.2024 03:27

I was watching this video while I was folding laundry, and then my nephew came in and saw what I was watching and begged me to restart the video (we've been really into MLP recently 😅)- we both really enjoyed the video!

@koroloyo3726 - 06.12.2024 12:33

Another weird fact about Cadance. During Tirek incident in S4, Tirek was surprised to learn there is a FOURTH alicorn in Equestria. He wasn't aware about the crowning of Twilight, simply because he was jailed in Tartarus and, probably to recover a bit of its strenght, took his distance with Equestria since his evasion (about that, it was told during the princess council S4Ep25 he surely escaped while Cerberus temporarily left its post, probably a reference to Cerberus incoming Ponyville during S2Ep20), and so he didn't learn about Twilight ascension.
Though Tirek looks astonished of the presence of a fourth alicorn, that wasn't the same with Cadance. So the question is: how was Tirek aware about Cadance and not Twilight? Was Cadance already an alicorn princess at the time he was still free (that's to say a thousand years ago)? In that case, what is the real age of Cadance?

@ellieg1962 - 06.12.2024 19:53

Fun fact Flurry heart’s biology makes sense because cadence was born a Pegasus and that’s why she’s the only one (aside flurry) with 2 color wings signifying that’s the “dominant” genetic in her body, since she became an alicorn however and shining armor is a unicorn there a common genetic, therefore 1wings=2horns, meaning if shining armor was an earth pony or a Pegasus flurry would be a pegasus <3

@ellieg1962 - 06.12.2024 19:58

Also cadence is NOT Amores reincarnation cause shining armor literally meets her consciousness in the comics in the crystals beneath the castle lol

@Ivyskylark - 06.12.2024 21:44

there is a book on her back story.

@karenhuth1704 - 07.12.2024 05:49

The show did call princess Cadance as princess Miamore canednza

@frostedfelony - 10.12.2024 00:20

The fact that they did not go into this in G4 is something I'll never forgive Hasbro for

@importingfent - 10.12.2024 08:36

to comment on the randomness of cadence babysitting a random unicorn (twilight); twilight is most likely a nepo baby. more specifically her parents have connections because well, they are from canterlot and shining armour just happens to end up as captain of the royal guards? not a surprise cadence would end up baby sitting her

@PharaohYami2 - 11.12.2024 02:04

You don't have to be related or know the family to to be a babysitter my dude. 😅

@twidashfan - 12.12.2024 16:13

I always thought that amore was the mom of cadence,they both look alike and are similar

@sweetblueberrykake1588 - 13.12.2024 01:34

people like me love g4 more then the others and it this has people watching the g4 show i still watch all 9 seasons of the show i love it

@GrimSpookz - 13.12.2024 17:39

Bro that dark screen cut scared the shit out of me
