Alia Crum - Empowering Mindsets to Optimize Health and Human Performance

Alia Crum - Empowering Mindsets to Optimize Health and Human Performance

BrainMind Summit

1 год назад

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@CindyOsika - 04.04.2024 17:11

Explanation effect

@lawrencekirchheimer734 - 30.04.2024 21:02

Death's doorstep!
Respiratory alkalosis with hypoxia-7.50/30/47. Acute hypoxic respiratory failure Covid pneumonia.
*Arterial blood draw results.
HCO3 23.7 (22.0-26.0)
TCO2 25 (22-28)
SO2 87 (94.0-97.0)
PH 7.50 (7.35-7.45)
PCO2 30.4 (32.0-45.0)
PO2 47 (75-95)
*While on nasal cannula 100% Fio2, facemask 30 liters then increased to 40 liters. 7 days later on oxygen my SO2 was 91 on mass oxygen. 16 16 days in ICU unit / 43 days in bed, then I could stand-up on my own. Your talks have assisted me to be able to walk 60-70 mins and biked 2,490 miles in 17 months. Thank you Alia Crum!

@mahmoudalcholbec4607 - 03.05.2024 17:12

Thank you 👍

@chrismullin8304 - 17.06.2024 17:30

Alia is a huge asset to us!

@arjumandbano6333 - 17.07.2024 20:20


@andrebelibi - 29.08.2024 08:59

Thank you for sharing this, I would love to share my story also, I did a World Record in Ice for my daughter with autism

@douglasmclean3723 - 16.09.2024 21:09

i don't know if you have written any books but i am going to check that out. i like your andrew huberman video i thought that was excellent you seem the most pleasant understandable person he has interviewed. To day i made up 8 australian bush essences and a chinese essence for stress and trauma namely intrusive thougths from my past as EMDR never seemed to work for me. EFT did help for a short duration, but i never got the opportunity to express my feelings. I tried to turn the experiences into fiction and i didn't really do very well so opted for poetry. i was told after 40- your personlaity is set in stone. i never had any faith in the people who cared for me the exact oppostie i had an aversion. they had no idea what insecure attachment manifests as in adulthood
