A shameful day for afghan women. The day we have to see a shaitan representing pure simple and innocent afghan women. One of the signs of the day of judgement.
ОтветитьAfghan people have not food because of the group which is now runing Afghanistan and because of their (30) years of war but She is a very popular singer in Afghanistan and have millions of supporters.
ОтветитьProud of you Ariana. You represent and defense Afghan’s women rights the best way that was possible for you. Thanks a lot!!!
ОтветитьThis women herself targets Afghan women and bullies them she she give that speech to herself.
She assaults contestants on National TV.
پرچم مقدس هزارستان 🟨⬜🟦
ОтветитьHazaristan Flage 🟦⬜🟨
ОтветитьPlastic silicone 54 year old fiesha is representative of women of Afghanistan . Ur shaming afghan women🤮
ОтветитьMy massage
Ответитьاول : لباس فوقالعاده خراب
دوم و مهمترین از اول:
خجالت نمیکشی که خوده نماینده زنهای بدبخت و خون جگر افغانستان معرفی میکنی در حالیکه هر روز در سفر استی از یک پارتی به دگه پارتی
از یک رقص و کنسرت به دگه
شرم کن از اشک های زنهای مظلوم افغانستان
خجالت بکش
U were invited as a singer not as afghan women repsentetiv ,, understand
Ответитьکسی کی ازش حمایت میکنه خاندان شه ګایم
Ответитьدختر کوسی
ОтветитьShe knows nothing about Afghanistan, why does she have to represent Afghanistan?? The Taliban are much better than the previous corrupt government. Just ask the previous government where you spent that trillion dollars in Afghanistan which you got from US and Europe? That previous government once called mujahideen and looked exactly in the 80s like now days Taliban.
ОтветитьIch schäme mich das sie lügt sie kennt die afghanischen Frauen garnicht Millionen verhungern sie ist kein stolze afghanischen Frau.
ОтветитьWhy is the hall almost empty???
ОтветитьFirst of all if she was going to represent Afghanistan she should have worn our traditional clothes, not ballorina type of clothes. Secondly why is she saying they shouldn’t recognise Talibans. I don’t support Talibans, but excuse me women there are millions of afghans dying of hunger, there are no jobs no future for us because of the frozen aids. people like u are living comfortably in the west but have no sympathy for the rest. You Ariana and people like u who are protesting are selfish. keep ur opinion to ur self!
ОтветитьHow can you represent Afghan woman's while you live in Europe? If you really care about the Afghan woman's you should be thier not hier giving the blame to Taliban even when the Taliban ware not at that time what did you done for the women's? You was busy with your Raqasa gharie, I'm sure your fans will comment below, it is just showing yourself off like always, You really don't care about the woman's thier the truth is you care about the money because you don't have any income more so that's why you're going to Iranian weddings to earn some money right? You know what the funny thing is in the EU Parlament everyone is from Europa and they don't understand what are you singing 🤣🤣🤣🤔 basically you make fun of your self with your fake lips lol.
ОтветитьI am a women, and i don't agree with her. We don't need singers in Afghanistan. We need Educated Professionals, businessman and women to create jobs and build Afghanistan. What did she do to help, but dancing ,and singing, and robbing just like the previous government.
ОтветитьMy heart aches watching videos after videos of ppl in Afghanistan with no food , shelter, and she is worried about music. The whole Afghanistan was a musician lol. We need real Careers / jobs that builds Afghanistan. I am Afghan American living here since i was ten and I DON"T AGREE With Sanctions. Children and kids are dying from hunger, cold, and SHE IS WORRIED ABOUT HER CONCERT AND DANCING. A real good muslim won't think like this at this point.
ОтветитьWTF 😡😡😡😡😡
Ответитьshame on you
ОтветитьWell done young lady!
Ответитьاين كس اصلا لباس پوشيدن را ياد ندارد اين يك ستيج است كه كسان كه نشته اند از سويه و رتبه بالاي را دارند اما اين كنسرت اش نيست كه هر نوع لباس مزخرف را بپوشد و جسم خودرا نمايش بدهد لباس طفلانه رنگ دختران كوچك و نوجوان را انتخاب كرده است خوب دهاتي از خال ماندنش معلوم ميشود
Ответитьآریانای قدو نماینده زن ها نجیب فیضی ایزک نماینده مرد ها 😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьIt gave me goosebumps.. thank you for representing brave yet broken Afghan women.. proud to be an Afghan woman❤🖤💚🇦🇫
ОтветитьShe is a liar, and neither does she represent the women or the afghan people.
ОтветитьAryana sayed doesn’t represent millions of Afghans women’s including my family. Who gave her the authority to represent Afghan women. She should be ashamed
ОтветитьI hate to say this but you don’t even have your identity of your own because you have Mr. manager taking that identity and screwing that up. You had such a beautiful voice and it’s so sad to see that you’ve done so much work on your face. We want you to sing please stop with the Botox. Don’t listen to any man telling you that you need to do your face. You are under a lot of pressure my dear. But I salute you for what you’ve done to this point and honestly you can continue without any man in your life
ОтветитьEurope provided time for you and other ladies to sing and Dance only but they didn't provide and didn't want you to study at the University.
We need our ladies to be teachers, doctor and law Maker at this time to defend from thier own rights and to help eachother better than any one else. You can not defend your rights by song! But you can if you go back to school and study something.
تو نماينده رقاصه ها استي بدبخت نه نماينده زنهاي درد ديده افغان..
Ответитьچهار تا زن های لوده مثلی خودیش خدا بزنیتان خوده رشخند کردید خارجی ها همه چوکی ها را ترک مینمایند وقتی این دیوانه را با این لباس میبینند
Ответитьآریانا، تو لیاقت این را نداشتی که در کنار تماشاگران آلمانی باشی
ОтветитьWhat a lie-she didn’t escape Afghanistan during the Taliban in August - this is misrepresentation of her to deceive media. The truth is , Aryana left Afghanistan in the 80’s! She was in/out of Afghanistan for the past years. Most recently she opened a business in Kabul where she had lots of fun and performances too. I feel bad that she took seat of those Afghans who cld have taken the flights out of Kabul during those sad days! If she was smart she shld have planned her trip out of Afghanistan in a much better days without taking seats of any other Afghan who was left behind. She is a citizen of London!
ОтветитьThis lady doesn't represent millions of afghan
We don't want shameless people 🤬
ОтветитьBeautifully done !! Thank you for the best choice of a song that represents the whole story about women in Afghanistan.
Aryana you done well 👏
I think she is missing Ghani. Ur a B** Ariana Ur not really bec of Afghan women's there
ОтветитьTo all who read this, Aryana Saeed never represent Afghan women, in fact she always got the credit of poor girls in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Hates her because she has evil and disgusting personality, plus everything she dose is for money , she's a member of some kind of organization were they provide her fame protection and money ,
ОтветитьShe is doing this shit for fame and recognition. And dumb ppl support her. If she was about woman's right and cared. She wouldn't be opening afghani dress store and in Afghanistan and put outrageous prices on them. Words doesn't mean anything actions wat counts. Anyone that supports her is a hypocrite like her.
ОтветитьI give her respect for her amazing voice and talent. But supporting her for women's right. She is definitely not the one. Wat has she done for women's rights. Beside using the stage for her selfish career and money.
ОтветитьFor woman's right would be many great examples. Malla who got shot in the face for standing up in the bus against those who suppressors against freedom for women. I am not familiar with many of our wonderful hero females in Afghanistan because my family left afg long time ago. But my heart bleeds afg and our wonderful culture and way of amazing lifestyle. Our wonderful amazing citizens who are so kind, supportive, sweet and many more among words that really can't truly describe the amazing things about us
ОтветитьThe west and ameriacn always use her to reach their evil plans, she no different than Taliban both working for USA ,
ОтветитьKyon apni aakhirat barbaad kr rahi ho
Ответить❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 great voice