As I was scrolling down I legit thought it said “ The Bacons of Murder.” Am I on drugs? I fail to see the relevance of such questioning. Good day to you sir I said good day!
ОтветитьWar of the Rohirrim was surprisingly good
ОтветитьYour starwars lore needs some updating the light side of the force definitely can use lighting think it's called Rightest Judgement Luke Skywalker could use it
ОтветитьWe don’t wanna go to war today!
ОтветитьHey man, would you be interested in reading the books like audio books yano. I could def listin to you read the books while i try fall asleep.
ОтветитьShort theory episode request: What would happen if old man Willow got the ring?
ОтветитьAlways like these vids by you guys
ОтветитьMordor has bacon 🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓?!?!?!?
ОтветитьGandalf is Plo Koon
ОтветитьDawnless Day
ОтветитьActually we did see the red flash in the movie, remember when Sam and gollum try to pull Frodo from approaching minas morgul and suddenly the ground shake and there's a orange like flash like fire from volcano. Cause i always wonder why the flash is red when minas morgul surrounding ambience is green. Maybe because of it
ОтветитьIf you watch the scene you’ll actually notice that Frodo and Sam’s faces are illuminated red before Minas Morguls signal, which could be a reference to Mordor’s signal
ОтветитьMordor needs a Cheryl Teigs
ОтветитьMy all time favorite character is Sam wise gamje. The most loyal fellowship member ever 😊
ОтветитьThe beacon wasn't exactly called a lightning. It was lighting-like in its description, but not necessarily the same.
I think Sauron's death cloud's lightning was just an extension of the cloud "theme". (How to make a cloud seem more threatening and evil?) It's not necessarily a "Sauron-theme" or something he dabbled in extensively.
Again, you don't know that Gandalf was using literal "lightnings". It was described lightning-like in its light-flashes.
The Balrog fight is literal, well enough. But I read it like he summoned it, more than shot it from himself. I would distinguish it for example from the light when he fends off the Balrog on the bridge.
I always wonder who those guys pissed off to get Beacon Duty out high in the mountains in the middle of nowhere
ОтветитьProbably more of a natural lightning deal considering the powers of the Valar but if I’m not mistaken I think it’s mentioned when Ar Pharazon is heading towards Valinor that the big scary eagle clouds the Valar summon to warn them are shooting down lightning
ОтветитьNah, I’m good. Enjoy your movie who ever wins.
ОтветитьWar of the rohirrim is slightly better than rings of power, that should tell you a lot
ОтветитьDefinitely legolas or gimli or just both together cause their interactions are the best
ОтветитьThe beacons are lit!
ОтветитьWar of the Rohirrim was God awful guys. Typical girl boss push. It was difficult to get through. I was really hoping it was great
ОтветитьFavorite character would be Pippin. Or Sam. Or Treebeard. Wooo it’s hard to choose just one 😂
Ответить"Where there is a whip; there is a way" I have never forgotten this from the cartoon. It was Monday night, not sure the year, but Monday night football was on, and I was torn between watching the football game or this cartoon movie (having no idea what it was). I had one of those small, personal black and white TVs (this was the early 80's), and I opted for the movie and I can still vividly recall this little chant. Thank you for including it!
ОтветитьWhen Thorins Company gets captured by the goblins in the misty mountains Gandalf also uses lightning to fend off the attack, allowing him to sneak in unbeknownst to the goblins
ОтветитьCirdan the Shipwright
ОтветитьIs it possible that Sauron may have found d a silmaril, which would have inspired Galadriel to fulfill her doom as a Noldurin elf. To hunt down and slay all those who would hold away, or touch without returning, a silmaril. Be they elf, man Valor, or Miar. Of her want, was a kingdom of her own, was the call of the gulls enough to make her stray from her closest relatives doom that extended until the dagor dagorath
ОтветитьSauron controlled an essence of fire, more so the volcano of great forge. Many instances of, lightning knowing to have shot
Up from the wolrd to the heavens.
The bacon of Mordor is lit, my lord!
ОтветитьAre you not going to review season 2 of ROP?
ОтветитьStick to the lore, stop schilling lore-breaking crap. Christopher was a good son, Simon is not.
ОтветитьI had not before considered the battling of the Two Towers in lightening.
ОтветитьDo you have a video about the beacons of gondor?
ОтветитьGimli is my fav :) polyamorous king!!😂
ОтветитьThe beacons of mordor is lit, and Sauruman will answer!!
ОтветитьGreat stuff. I'm very very late to the party, as it is the first video of yours I watch, after having your channel recommended to me countless times. But better late than never, and I sure am going to check the rest now ! 👍
ОтветитьMy favorite character depends on my mood. Such a hard question. Right now Gimli is my favorite.
ОтветитьHave you ever thought about going to some cons for meet and greets?
ОтветитьThat was one of the most epic, if not THE most epic, moment in the film.
ОтветитьFor me it's Bilbo. He's the character that led me to read The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings trilogy as a kid.
ОтветитьHello Nerd of the rings. Somthing from the films has always puzzled me and I wonder if you can answer it or any of your more knowledgable followers. In the Hobbit' we see Gandalf has his staff' which gets broken. From then on, and in the LOTR films until he becomes 'the white', he seems to be using Radagasts staff. Does this happen in the books and does this leave Radagast without? Thank you in advance.
ОтветитьSauronian Li-Fi.
ОтветитьI'm giving away 10 copies of The War of the Rohirrim! Reply to this comment with your favorite all-time Tolkien character to enter. (I'm giving away 10 more copies over on Instagram, so check out NOTR there for another chance to win!)
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