BBC's Great Continental Railway Journeys "Amsterdam to Northern France" S01E05

BBC's Great Continental Railway Journeys "Amsterdam to Northern France" S01E05


4 года назад

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@pattyt.2127 - 01.10.2020 17:26

Great. Video, Thank you!!

@AmbientWalking - 01.10.2020 18:07

Beautiful journey. Thank you.

@davidturner2741 - 01.10.2020 18:24

Corridor trains yes I love them and my wife loves your colourful clothes!

@bluewater7211 - 01.10.2020 20:51

Why in Canada Im not able to watch the switzerland one.
Something about copyright nonsense..

@robzul7846 - 02.10.2020 00:52

Can you make all your videos in 1080p HD?

@craigeastwood9941 - 02.10.2020 02:07

Excellent shows! However, I am unable to watch the episode on Switzerland in the US. It says there is a country limitation. I can watch all the other episodes just fine. Perhaps there is something in the settings that needs to change to make it available in the US? Thank you!

@ohmyblindman - 02.10.2020 02:38

Eating raw fish soaked in onions on a train, even though it's local, one would think the producers would have better sense. They probably thought he was from the States.

@shahriarmasood - 02.10.2020 08:19

Well, that concludes Series 1. Waiting for Series 2! And 3!! And 4, and 5 and 6 and 7!!! Thank you so very much!
Can you give us BBC Four's 'India's Frontier Railways'? Please!

@djy69 - 02.10.2020 15:16

I'm so glad you exist. Rick Steve's just endorsed Biden and I had to cancel his ass.

@pattyt.2127 - 02.10.2020 19:29

Your videos are so well put together, very educational as well!! So nice to feel like I can get away in times that are difficult to travel in:))

@jacktran1572 - 02.10.2020 22:19

Wondering why this guy has permission to publish the BBC's journeys?

@abcddef2112 - 03.10.2020 12:02

They are able to built that not from hard work but on riches stolen from the colonies.

@barryaburnett8009 - 04.10.2020 17:54

I love Michael. I love the way he dresses. I love his presentation of the world through his Bradshaw guide. Easy to follow and understand and makes history lesson fun to watch and learn. great british program

@areguapiri - 06.10.2020 10:36

It is interesting that the only said that Andrew Carnegie was "British born", but never mentioned that he was "American" having lived his entire life in the USA since immigrating to America at the age of 12. Head scratching!?

@danielintheantipodes6741 - 07.10.2020 07:02

You can't beat train travel for an adventure. Thank you for the video!

@adammacleod6687 - 07.10.2020 19:59

I feel you bro I took a vacation to Amsterdam and the only thing that sucked ass was the food. Certainly not a culinary nation. Everything else was amazing.

@me2u2aswell - 07.10.2020 21:48

This show always lifts my spirits. Thank you so much Mr. Portillo and the talented individuals that make it all possible.

@claudettedelphis6476 - 11.10.2020 17:19

Thank you so very much Michael for yet another delightful voyage with you and your superb crew 🥀🌿 Your trips are so well structured, we learn so much through your expert eyes and your beautiful red bible 💥 Also love 💕 your fashion 🌈🍒🍾🥂

@cestmoi1262 - 15.10.2020 03:11

A sobering episode (especially when you are German) but humanity will never be free until mankind comes to its senses. Alas, I doubt I will live forever to see that happen.

@conorfpk - 15.10.2020 03:13

E04 not available in the US (video blocked)?

@jasonchin8142 - 15.10.2020 08:33

It would be helpful if a list of places, music played & others interesting facts can be published as credits. So much to absorb culture, arts, history, geography etcc.. Thank you for the wonderful videos. Truly marvellous.

@danellis-jones1591 - 15.10.2020 13:24

He's definitely a better travel presenter than politician. I do love all his shows. He's a little awkward in a natural way, which I like.
If you like trains, I love All The Stations. A lovely couple travels to all 2.5 thousand + stations in the uk. Look it up, you won't be disappointed! (I've zero connection to them, FYI!)

@quantumeseboy - 18.10.2020 10:43

200k? What do you do with that shit??

@quantumeseboy - 18.10.2020 11:03

Curiously, I never had a good Belgian chocolate.

@annekeaustin5636 - 18.10.2020 14:27

Michael mentioned that he was travelling on the first railway line ever built in The Netherlands, this was between Haarlem and Amsterdam.

@urbandiscount - 18.10.2020 14:48

That's the Rijksmuseum, not Amsterdam Central Station. Same architect though, so it's understandable.

@midnightteapot5633 - 18.10.2020 18:17

they ruined the St Pancras arch with that upper level .

@vanderquast - 18.10.2020 19:59

According to the trains and modern buildings this must be a ten year old documentary

@mrs.g.9816 - 18.10.2020 23:08

Michael Portillo seems to make friends wherever he goes. His travel shows are fun and keep me dreaming about travel. About chocolate - I never had Belgian chocolates, but - call me biased - I think Hershey's chocolates rule!

@jackf1841 - 19.10.2020 01:17

Wait a minute. A railway show completely ignoring the most beautiful railway station in the world?? Michael passed through Antwerp Central Station without even saying a word about it! Instead he's getting off in Brussels, a city not even half as interesting or beautiful as vibrant Antwerp. What a shame.

@DenUitvreter - 19.10.2020 14:53

Just another English tourist misbehaving in Amsterdam. You can't just let a herring go off and then bring it on the train. Herring has to be consumed right after cleaning, that's why they clean it on the spot.

@Mr_richie8 - 25.10.2020 07:14

The stolen gold and diamond from africa😭😭😭😭

@matthewjackson9615 - 03.11.2020 19:48

Those train ticket gestapos that validate your boarding pass are all the same on the European railway lines - all business, no smiles. It is no different on his journeys here.

@terencegalland - 26.11.2020 00:12

43 minutes thiepval memorial commemorating 72000 soldiers who were never found??? that,s a lot of men to just sadly disappear without trace very sad indeed🔔💒

@lukebarber9511 - 23.12.2020 23:27

Of course, the REAL reason that diamond is so expensive is because the cartel mining them only releases a tiny percentage of the diamonds they mined onto the market, raising the price due to an artificial scarcity. Funny how they don't mention that...

@kennethgoldberg83 - 29.12.2020 04:06

Next time you need a stunt double to sample Belgian chocolate, please let me know

@kennethgoldberg83 - 29.12.2020 04:07

If I hit my head on the bridges in Amsterdam, they would need to be repaired

@9speedbird - 30.12.2020 04:10

Helping me get through quarantine!

@bernardelizabeth7177 - 16.01.2021 20:12

Wonderful educational programme

@diekje8728 - 18.01.2021 21:46

Although that book is Edwardian, it failed to mention that Brussels is famous for its fine lace and the birth place of Art Nouveau

@shashanksalunke1864 - 11.02.2021 00:38

Where is the Switzerland episode ? Any link ?

@FeestDJToeskee - 14.03.2021 23:25

As a Dutchy I learn a lot about my country. Great stuff :)

@skyrocketcoast219 - 08.05.2021 08:17

A excellent video indeed!! Thanks.

@anarose1213 - 15.05.2021 23:22

So courageous you are... raw herring and onioms!!

@Je_Existe - 01.03.2023 22:41

This documentary makes me nostalgic. Especially the Belgian and the Dutch part. Those DDAR trains with the green benches are already gone and the AM Classique’s will be gone by the end of the year.

@veysisitilci7697 - 03.01.2024 08:01

Maykıl evrensel bir video yapacaksan her dilden alt yazı olacak..
