Learn to play Infinity - turns, orders & AROs

Learn to play Infinity - turns, orders & AROs

The Dice Gods War Gaming

2 года назад

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@squadof5 - 12.11.2022 08:38

Great explanations on the important concepts!

@N3RDLOGAN - 14.11.2022 20:05

Great video, currently debating buying Operation Blackwind as the minis are amazing and my friend is keen to try. Think we will stick to Code one to start with. This really helped me learn the fundamentals though. I have played Malifaux and GW games but the concept of AROs is both amazing and daunting haha. Look forward to your next ones

@quietprofessional4557 - 17.11.2022 11:04

This is a good video to introduce players who are starting Infinity. I like how you have made the turn order and ARO easy to understand.

Well done creating this video.

@mattcappelli5822 - 20.11.2022 00:06

Really appreciate this series. Very helpful as someone who never played before. Not to unpack, build, and paint Blackwind!

@SPARTANTROOPER - 26.11.2022 20:58

There's a point of debate amongst my group regarding the ARO to enemies within ZoC. If someone enters ZoC from outside the reactive players LoF but in open ground, what AROs can the reactive player take?

@luke-a-what - 20.02.2023 14:31

I liked this video purely because of the BMW joke :D
Great video! Looking forward to watching the rest :)

@moschidreamer - 07.06.2023 15:21

In Code One you can only spend one ARO per two skills?

@KolgartsMiniatures - 24.10.2023 00:38

Just a quick question, if a trooper moves into zone of control of an enemy trooper but out of line of sight, can the enemy choose to make a bs attack aro? The active trooper could move out into line of sight of the enemy and be shot at the end of the order?

@TheSteak77 - 26.03.2024 19:25

Thanks for posting! Really excited to play games with my Nomads.

@Exmond - 09.06.2024 18:54

Holy cow can you get to the point and teach the game

@coltonbunja - 16.08.2024 22:11

As someone eagerly awaiting their Op Blackwind box, this is a solid video series to prep for its arrival. Much appreciated.

@myprivatechannel1695 - 22.08.2024 01:26

Sorry but hundreds of pages of rules is way too much for me..
Miniatures seem very cool by the way.

If i want to teach a friend to play it, i have to spend a whole afternoon (and i am quite sure he would not grasp it completely within that timespan).

I also have seen code one, but still it's 100 pages..

I think this is the reason that keeps infinity (despise being surely an interesting and fun game) not widely spread within the hobby.

@almister - 03.10.2024 00:25

If one model can trigger multiple aros at once how do you decide what order to do them in?

@longmeaderulez - 17.10.2024 14:05

I gotta say I appreciate the effort but you repeated yourself a lot and I kept thinking you were going to provide more info (in a 20 min video) but I felt like I learned very little by the end. I moved on to video two in the series, and it is much, much better.

I'd consider re-recording this one, or at least editing it down and remixing the audio a bit. Being that it's the intro to this series, it very nearly turned me off entirely. But what you have going for you is that every other Infinity how-to video is significantly worse. 😅

@nativeExarch - 28.02.2025 05:38

I am five minutes into this video, and you haven't said anything productive, you keep referencing things, but you have not gone into detail about anything. I have seen Warhammer 40 K videos that are half as long as this one and managed to go from the command phase Through the fight phase, even explain unit point values, Anty actually gotten things, concise and articulated, and most importantly, people actually know how the game works. You did not say anything, and again, as a 40 K player that's saying something.
