Why This Producer Created an All-Women Film Festival | NowThis

Why This Producer Created an All-Women Film Festival | NowThis

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55 лет назад

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Only 4% of directors are women — so producer Meredith Finch founded the Nevertheless Film Festival to erase stigmas and spotlight women-made projects. (In partnership with Time’s Up)
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A 2018 report revealed women made up just 4% of directors in the 1200 top-grossing films of 2007-2018. TIME’S UP and USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative launched the #4PercentChallenge in response, tasking industry members to pledge to work with at least one woman director in a future project.

Finch says the problem goes deeper than representation for women directors. Every film in the Nevertheless Film Festival program includes at least 50% female-identifying filmmakers including directors, producers, editors, screenwriters, cinematographers, and more.

Finch: 'You know what's like also insane? There was 3 percent of cinematographers of the top movies of between 2016 and 2018 were women 3 percent. And then it was like two point three percent of composers. It was like seven people or something like the numbers are insane. Beyond just the directing and I think that it's really important to talk about that because there are more people that go into making a movie than a director'

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