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@emilferrand9036 - 05.03.2025 02:25

There are super bowls, world series, Stanley cup, NBA, always playing for your home town. But this team had the weight of an entire nation on their shoulders. Mike euruzione and Jim Craig and their wives came and ate at my restaurant in the bar area at the high tops. We had great conversations and the highlight of my life. And they are great guys on top of it!

@michaelbidey5847 - 04.03.2025 01:55

I was there. In utero but still there...

@masondykstra1175 - 28.02.2025 04:42

Can someone please translate what the soviet coach was saying for me?

@twerps1 - 27.02.2025 18:00

Okay stupid question perhaps... He says 'My boys completed the miracle by defeating Finland for the gold medal', yet in the medal ceremony (4min31) you see the flags of the USA, Sweden and USSR. I'm guessing thats a script error since the Swedes did indeed win silver
Also the yellow colors of the players clearly indicate that that's team Sweden...

@tempo1889 - 27.02.2025 16:47

The real Miracle is how they managed to fit the entire team on that little tiny podium.

@blueahoula3239 - 23.02.2025 03:49

45 years ago today, 2/22/1980 USA! USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@keeshandave8603 - 21.02.2025 19:28

Canada wins! Canada wins!

@_Targetedindividual - 21.02.2025 13:17

Canada wins once again bud. Suck it.

@Ol_Aje - 20.02.2025 21:00

Made the mistake of watching this at my desk in preparation for tonight’s game.
I’m now sobbing uncontrollably. Every damn time! 🥹

@rileymurphy559 - 20.02.2025 18:55

I don't even care about hockey, but this shit always makes me cry. Go USA!

@gundamcountry5885 - 20.02.2025 06:52

Just as notice, all players on USA are heroes, then and now. There are a lot of MN players mentioned in the credits... We true Minnesotans will always be down to help kick Canada's ass...

@maxfrankow1238 - 16.02.2025 19:59

It may not seem like it, but this was seen as a legit victory in the Cold War…

@patrickhanly7458 - 13.02.2025 05:38

The greatest moment in American sports. There is no other.

@johnf4022 - 11.02.2025 18:55

USA hockey 1980 I was 12 years old unbelievable game and the Miracle on ice will never be forgotten

@bobbusker5217 - 10.02.2025 02:46

The only thing that would have made it better is it had been the gold medal match

@ericdunn7352 - 09.02.2025 06:08

And 22 years later, Team U S.A. performef another miracle when they lit the cauldron together at Salt Lake City.

@timcrnkovich4326 - 08.02.2025 05:49

in the actual game, nothing gets me more emotional than the entire US team getting off the bench and dogpiling jim craig, the absolute mvp of the game.

@Thjestir - 08.02.2025 03:37

Good movie

@jeffreydamntreat2076 - 07.02.2025 06:05

I was 14 years old, watched on tv with some friends!! I’ll never forget the American Pride we had that day!!

@bts2160 - 06.02.2025 20:57

If I ever make it to Heaven I’m gonna have to take a moment by myself and do something similar.

@patrickbradley5440 - 06.02.2025 19:26

My son has been lucky enough to play at this rink multiple times (even using the same locker room as Team USA), the place is still magical. He and his teammates always treated it with a sense of reverence. Lucky kid. Great story and movie

@Mike-xz9dg - 05.02.2025 03:09

Trumpers are sad Russia lost

@metro143 - 02.02.2025 03:14

Herbs statement, where he said, " Patti was right, it's a lot more than a hockey game, not only for those who watched it, but for those who played it." May I add "and for a Nation"

@Buasop - 30.01.2025 21:39

Back when we still had national pride instead of maga-fascists who adore Russia and Putin.

@bobbylachancejr5901 - 28.01.2025 20:03

This just wasn't a win for a hockey team. This was the win for a nation that had really nothing to be proud of. This changed that. This changed everything. This was about pride.

@KenAdams-mb9fw - 28.01.2025 01:36

This should've happened in Bills vs Chiefs, but unfortunately the red commies won.

@oscarmurillo4067 - 27.01.2025 15:36

I never cry over a movie, but since I was 9 and this movie came out, this is the only scene that makes me shed tears. I wasn't alive for the real thing, but as a hockey fan, it's pure art and this is why hockey is a beautiful sport.

@BANDIT2DAY - 26.01.2025 07:02

The 1980 Winter Olympics were incredible. I was a kid in elementary school watching all these hockey matches with my friends. It was shocking that we kept beating all these Eastern European teams and then went along and be the great Soviet Union. Hats off to them and the United States.

@jeffreyadams207 - 22.01.2025 21:49

I still tear up!!! Gets me every time

@tigerguy1013 - 21.01.2025 20:09

Soviets: lose to the definition of an underdog team

Also Soviets: waiting at center ice to shake the hands of the winners

@AndrewBergey - 21.01.2025 07:31

I want the guy that wouldn’t take the test

@Southpaw42 - 20.01.2025 18:08

I’m Not Crying—You’re Crying!!! (Hint—I’m Crying—Again)

@chaunezkalk9822 - 18.01.2025 03:38

The Miracle was a statement against, Communism. Yep!

@Andrew-un5jj - 16.01.2025 14:06

Every American needs to watch this movie

@DonaldHaskins-e4q - 12.01.2025 06:33

I was 29 in 1980 when the game was played. A guy I was working with kept bragging about how bad the Russians would beat the USA. I don't know why but I truly believed that we had a chance. I bet the guy $100.00 and he couldn't believe it when he had to pay me. This is the greatest sporting event ever to take place and I'm glad I was able to watch it later that day. I will never forget it.

@timhowell6929 - 11.01.2025 03:13

My one great regret in life was never getting to meet Herb Brooks before he passed. He attributes the win to his “boys” but it was his vision, passion, planning, teaching, motivation, game management that put them in that position to win. It was his plan, his brainchild that made it possible. That line in the movie during tryouts where he says “I’m not looking for the best players, I’m looking for the right ones” says it all. Total respect.

@jetsetsabreena4769 - 02.01.2025 18:29

I still remember where I was when it went down, as a life long Red Wings fan I know "The Professor" Igor Lirionov was a part of that Soviet team and to this day he rarely talks about it. Those players paid a heavy price when they returned to Moscow, many were ordered back to militarty duty some were sent to Siberia. While for us this was a joyous occasion, for those athletes on the other side it had to be terrifying knowing that upon touching down on Soviet soil all hell was about break loose.

@kiddetroit8403 - 30.12.2024 10:38

I love when he looks at his wife and says give me some love baby😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤

@kiddetroit8403 - 30.12.2024 10:38

Miracle on ice they just f*** up the Russians😂😂❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉😂

@kiddetroit8403 - 30.12.2024 10:37

I played hockey for over 20 years and when you put that Jersey on I mean not only are you representing the United States of America representing my team my mother and my father who is the coach and everybody else and we we took it to the bridge

@jakobsuriani6463 - 27.12.2024 22:49

“They’re not pulling Myshkin
He Doesn’t know what to do”

@judithged6152 - 27.12.2024 15:19

I remember this time in our history and clips of this movie can still fill me with pride for these young men and this country. I always shed a tear.

@reaper61989 - 24.12.2024 08:26

Best thing ever!!!

@davidkeller2208 - 22.12.2024 01:14

Fun fact: the 1960 us team should be the original miracle team and the 1980 the sequel.

@chriszasada9756 - 17.12.2024 22:30

Got to go to Lake Placid and see the ice and was an honor to just be there remembering what happen that day in 1980

@lukeslc-xd8ds - 03.12.2024 07:38

We WILL make America great again.
