bro i'm still thinking about white elephant.
ОтветитьPsychedelics definitely have potential to deal with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
ОтветитьI am wondering if this guy mostly appeals to young men who never went to college.... nothing new or profound here. Just another narcisstic professor using a young, captive audience to enflate his ego.
ОтветитьThe awakened do not vibe with they who are in ideology philosophy belief religion or occult , we are free if those lies so sit alone as much as we possibly can.
ОтветитьLooking people in the eye makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. Especially females when it feels flirtatious to do so. I try, but can’t maintain eye contact because of how instantly nervous I become, and multiplied by the second.
ОтветитьThis is wonderful. A magnificent explaination of social anxiety and how to fight it.
The most powerful and great point that he made, was that the people that suffer from social anxiety (as i do, so you can believe what i say) and try to learn how to fight it and control it, doens't get less afraid, but with more solf control and self awareness.
No because Im like perfect at talking to complete strangers I don’t care about but when it’s someone I really like I go silent
ОтветитьPhenomenal 😊
Ответитьand if after anxieties, a grand self talk , life is then again brutal people are sometimes left worse with major withdrawal... a well engrained metaprogram perhaps.. in nlp speak..
ОтветитьHe is talking about me🤣
ОтветитьThe bard cord is what give some anxiety too some
ОтветитьReason some ppl have better life is because better parents
ОтветитьOooo my bush
ОтветитьGet addicted to sleeping tablets and burst into tears irrationally but as a right-wing hypocrite criticise those who chose another drug. Hypocrite is a compliment, it's what the right-wing do best.
ОтветитьThere's something about the GROUP that always triggers my flight or fight response. I feel overwhelmed like I can't defend myself against so many people. The part about not wanting to seem like a threat and looking down is spot on. Gonna have to look everyone that comes close to me in the eyes & say hello so I can see what they're thinking. It's the not knowing that makes my brain go into overdrive. Im 26 been having this issue since highschool. Can't believe I never sat down to figure this out till now. Standing in the grocery line feeling like I'm about to be attacked is not normal.
Every male should get there testosterone levels checked. Low testosterone is one of many reasons but a MAJOR cause on why we have social anxiety. Males nowadays have unnatural low test. sadly. And it’s only getting worst…
To be a coward like JP himself
Ответитьi was always wondering why i could talk well to 1vs1 and was silent in group.
Ответить“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14: 1-4
ОтветитьIm 51 and was sick of having social anxiety, I even had social anxiety with my family it was crippling, I was wasting my life. A series of losses and intense grief gave me give a myself a massive kick up the ar*se. I no longer had the comforts to stay at home and hide. So bit by bit I started doing small things, I started to volunteer at a community allotment, so that I could be doing an activity whilst people were around me,.That way I didnt have the awkward sitting at a table and chatting vibe, but planting and doing things together. Then I started going to an animala rescue as a volunteer, same thing, doing jobs with people around and bit by bit my confidence grew. I did a course, I started chatting more and more. A year later I can talk to people one to one with no problem! I have done a DJ course and will be setting up a dance class for early next year ! I cant believe how far I have come and never dreamed I would be holding a class, I still have a fear of groups of people which is why I am challenging myself at the next level, the next fear, groups of people. Challenge yourself people, in small increments, your courage and confidence will grow, I never thought I would be where I am. You are essentially retraining your amygdala to not fire up everytime youre around people. Good luck you can do it!!
ОтветитьI now have a better understanding how to deal with anxiety when I’m infront of a group of people.
ОтветитьI am curing my anxiety with :
self-talking : I try to understand what has triggered the episode and talk to myself pretending I'm my therapist.
Conscious breathing : I listen to brown noise and deep breathe for as long as I need.
Conscious walking : I walk in nature for as long as I need to.
80% less phone pick ups : that constant kind of stimuli puts you in a fight or flight mode.
Bore yourself : allow your brain to think and process information and emotions, giving yourself lots of moments where you literally don't do anything.
Books and Hobbies : use these two as your main source of entertainment.
This auto therapy I've made have saved my life.
I have social anxiety and I used to play poker with a key select group of friends every Friday. I try that same at a casino poker room but I can only make it in 20% of the time.
ОтветитьDoes anyone else really not do people because you just really can’t. I wish I could approach and challenge but I just pause & withdraw. What a life 😅
ОтветитьWell, this wasn't helpful. I recommend Tracey Marks, better videos about this topic.
Ответитьi cant wait to try these tomorrow
i am determined
this really resonated with me and i thank you for it
Ответитьthis is me at every party.. I started drinking and thought it was cool since everyone else was drinking.
ОтветитьAnxiety can also stem from real and harmful consequences, being something common in anyone and not necessarily of a social nature. Now, regarding social judgment, this could vary depending on the external social factor to the person, in addition to genetic, biochemical, environmental, and psychological factors. In the social aspect, societies where there are strict values, conventions, and defined expectations, individual situations might be difficult to understand and overcome given the social conditions formed by certain cultural components. In a clinical case of social anxiety, its cure, so to speak, the cognitive-behavioral approach might be too simplistic and mechanistic a perspective of human behavior, given the latter without taking into account, for example, the complexity of cognitive, cultural, social, and emotional factors; moreover, each person is unique and effective methodologies can vary widely, and what works for one person in a particular context may not be applicable or useful for another in a different situation.
ОтветитьI cant see peoples faces often....
ОтветитьSo anxious, I wasn't at my own funeral.
ОтветитьI had crippling social phobia from puberty age of 11 and I was unable to talk or make eye contact with my classmates. I couldn’t eat in the cafeteria because I thought everyone was looking at me, but not in a I’m so great way, but rather what did I do wrong feeling. Then I decided to just leave for lunch in high school and it was closed campus, but I honestly couldn’t care less what the consequences were because anything was better than that about to have a panic attack feeling. Once I was given a 10mg Percocet. I immediately was able to start initiating conversations. I told myself this was how God wanted me to feel. I became a full blown opiate addict for the following 10 years.
ОтветитьI just wanna go home … can we go home ?
Ответитьfocus and pay attention to the eye -- great advice for most people, bad advice for Froto Baggins.
ОтветитьHere to say, to say that if exposure therapy, standing up straight and all that doesn't work for your social anxiety, or you've tried so many things to tackle your social anxiety and they don't seem to work, if you feel you've struggled with it your whole life, if there are a select few who just 'get you' straight away and you don't feel as anxious around them, it is possible that you could be autistic with the incorrect diagnosis as I was. If you 'click' with a select few, they are very likely to be neurodivergent too. The approaches to managing social situations is quite different between social anxiety and autism. Though some autistic people do find exposure and the advice here helpful (we are not a monolith) it often causes more harm and further masking/suppression (leading to burnout) for autistic people. Unfortunately though JBP has a lot of really great knowledge in many areas, he hasn't got the best understanding of autism from what I've seen from his lectures. A lot of people and organizations are out of date with their understanding of how autism presents in people who don't fit the 'classic' stereotypes. Hopefully this is helpful for someone out there as I wish I had found a comment like mine years ago when I kept watching these videos and continually failing in making these approaches work for me and just feeling worse and worse. For those this video does help (autistic or not) that is great and I wish you the best! One size does not fit all though, so if like me, you are still struggling and failing know that you could be dealing with something other than social anxiety. I wish you all the best too.
ОтветитьI used to drink to loosen up before social events, thinking it helped me fit in, but over time, it spiraled out of control. What started as a casual habit turned into something I couldn't escape. Now, I'm working on reclaiming my life without relying on alcohol. 💪
ОтветитьI think de best way for himself is to start and learn in the university the real things about psycology. He schould stop to tell about of things he didnt understand. He is a poor idiot who want that you feel bad.
His problems are not allready ouers.🤦
The only cure there is to Social Anxiety is do what is required from you and face it. I liked the braver part but confronting SAD by meeting people is not going to help for sure.