Real Estate Investing Explained - Introduction | GowerCrowd
Free guided tour of 8 marketplaces where you can invest in real estate:
Welcome to "Real Estate Investing Explained", a brand new series presented by Dr. Adam Gower of GowerCrowd for beginners looking for information about investing in real estate! In this series, Dr. Adam Gower will go about explaining many important aspects of real estate investing that beginners need to know.
A few years ago, Congress passed some laws that allow almost everybody in America to invest with some of the best real estate developers in the world. You don't actually have to buy real estate anymore to earn passive income and to build wealth. It's really an extraordinary opportunity.
When the laws were changed what it did was it allowed real estate developers to advertise online so that you can literally join them as a partner in their deals. However, a lot of their deals are riddled with jargon. So, in this 20 episode series, I will go over all the key concepts involved using actual case study examples.
I would like to make something very clear- I am not a financial advisor, or a lawyer, or an accountant. If you're going to make an investment you need to get professional advice from your own legal counsel or from your own financial advisor.
This course is brand new and it is the only course of it's kind. No other course will take you through the key concepts that you need to understand in or to make heads or tails of the kinds of deals that you have the opportunity to invest in now. Also, this course is based on a university level course taught to seniors.
With all this said, welcome to the series! After you finish this series, you will never need to watch another real estate investing 101 for beginners series again.
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