Becoming a Better Infantry Player: Tips, Tricks & Settings | Planetside 2 Gameplay

Becoming a Better Infantry Player: Tips, Tricks & Settings | Planetside 2 Gameplay


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@theheck5176 - 13.04.2022 03:26

Oh - the low recoil you have from Vanu weapons. It's amazing. Why am I playing TR with sh!t weapons.
I never think, "I should have been dead". I always get killed. I just repair and revive - rather boring.

@RahzZalinto - 18.04.2022 04:59

your fov seems wider than mine but mine is maxed, why?

@ThePhantomFeather - 21.04.2022 23:32

here Camikaze78 says hes "above average on a good day"

He's an Aussie... playing on US servers... I see this footage and simply go "HOW!?!??"

I'm an Aussie... playing on US servers... and I attempt ANYTHING remotely like what I see... and I'm the one gettin instantly domed xD

@laurenspetri9253 - 23.04.2022 19:00

Dit is een test
<script>alert ('Dit werkt niet als het goed is')</script>

@calebreynolds5854 - 25.04.2022 22:53

how did you manage to get 839% xp?

@AvatarSulley - 07.06.2022 16:42

How do you have a +800% xp bonus?

@Madman-yb5bp - 13.06.2022 15:39

Holy shit those settings are a godsend. Ive got 600 hours in planetside, just running at ultra everything the whole time sitting at 60fps ish. Now I get a smooth 160 to actually match my monitor

@Breakneck-C4 - 15.06.2022 21:24

the "sliceing the pie" tactic is one that real milatary Infantry uses when they clear buildings

@specialone6731 - 05.07.2022 05:54

I grew up around fps’s and always played games with movement and until recently I could never understand why i was so inconsistent than I figured it out. It’s my focus and now that I can control it I’m absulutly cracked

@FjolnirSyverson - 05.07.2022 21:01

I love this game it’s the balls

@kiro-fo9qg - 29.07.2022 00:36

Honestly tweaking individual sensitivity for like ads and different scope types is what really helped me alot. So I recommend taking to the time to changing all of those

@Kurowll - 08.08.2022 02:20

Look, our game is spectacular, have very good graphics and light effects ! You want to be good at it ? Make it look like shit !

What a wonderfull design, remove one of the main appeal of the game to give you an advantage in combat !

@Kurowll - 08.08.2022 02:23

In every FPS, your map awarness and positioning is 10x more important than aiming, you can be a litteral aimbot if you put yourself in bad situation you will die

@jokerledger5400 - 11.08.2022 03:14

that mag dump comment make me laugh so much. I used to be killed all the time by people just looking in my general direction, heck i even dump a whole mag into someone's back and didn't get a kill, only for them to turn around and shoot me in the head. Once I learn to control my burst and not spraying bullet like an erect monkey, my kill and survival rate go up dramatically. Even if I didn't get the kill, my accurate shots seriously cripple them enough for my team to finish them easily.

@SpartanGoliath - 21.08.2022 23:48

Don't forget for new players, friendly fire is a thing in this game. Running into a firing zone like CoD isn't the smartest move

@B-U-T-C-H-E-R - 02.09.2022 22:16

One of the few benefits of playing on PS4 is everyone is on a level playing field as far as graphics settings. There's much less difference in hardware as well but with the PS4 pro with SSD and PS5 make regular PS4 at a disadvantage

@kemerios1 - 27.09.2022 00:46

Your game colors are so vivid, how do i get that?

@NeCrOm3nT - 27.09.2022 16:52

Becoming a better infantry player step 1 : Don't play Vanu, because shooting their weapons takes 0 skill ^^

@empty_headed - 10.10.2022 23:47

Is there a reason you recommend flora set to low instead of off?

@cooley987 - 12.10.2022 02:48

The enemy looks so small, how do you see them with that distance

@ZarisWhiteFoot - 14.10.2022 08:41

Having the graphics low is huge. The game was so freaking dark for me, then I put the graphics low and the lights turned on lol

@thephonfoundation4920 - 30.10.2022 17:39

I have a really bad habit of reloading after a kill. I have to consciously think about when to reload and it takes away from my focus. Going in between guns with different mag sizes throws me off as well.

@Dingbobber - 03.01.2023 16:16

Hey new players, one medic reviving people at a choke point will literally turn the tide of a battle

@devinmcgee5130 - 07.01.2023 21:39


@HeikkiHeiskanen - 10.01.2023 14:04

I play at evenings when the population is highest. Usually fights are 100+ vs 100+ and it really does not matter what I do in there. It is just random death and spawn loop. There is no place of safety, only in the spawn room. It is quite frustrating.

@ciervoray - 06.02.2023 22:21

just dont play TR and you have it easier ;-)

@zefrog7482 - 10.03.2023 23:04

I literally just started playing this evening, lol, I need a lot of practice, don't think I hit one target.😂

@razortalon8704 - 05.05.2023 07:48

Great video i know it's an old one but slowly making my way through your Planetside 2 videos. I would say one person can definitely make a big difference to a fight in some situations last weekend i was in an armour convoy and i fell behind and as i was catching up it came under attack by multiple air units as i got there half the vehicles had blown up as soon as I began to open fire the air units began to drop or run the reason i was the only player to pull some AA a skyguard which saved the rest of the convoy. Also on many occasions in an armour convoy I tend to be the only ammo sundie so yeah well it is not the norm one person seeing and filling a gap/weakness can make a difference.

@maze4184 - 11.06.2023 01:01

i wish we could get old ultra back, now that we have graphics processing power 2-3x what it was 5 years ago

@austinstoner1988 - 12.06.2023 14:15

I play maxed all the way out graphically on my 32 gig of ram xidax laptop. It has no issues on lag or bottlenecking. But if i lowered down to med itd probably be even smoother. Brand new to ps2 and so far im super impressed.

@diamondfate4409 - 13.06.2023 19:30

hi im not new i have like 30hrs but is the do you have to burst fire to keep the bullet spread tight?

@centurionyt431 - 17.09.2023 15:52

The hardest part as a new player is being able to kill people. It’s almost as if I don’t do enough damage. If I shoot at someone I could hit every shot and I’ll only take out their shield, they’ll kill me with ease. Like, to prove my point I’ve played the game for only 4 hours and I have 16 kills but 240+ deaths. Unless I hit someone with an rpg to the face I feel I can’t kill people

@handlesarecringe957 - 16.10.2023 22:28

Tip: Boot your game with low particles, but then set to ultra before joining a battle to see your tracers better

@konellin189 - 17.02.2024 16:52

and what is when you see the whole time the red x all the time and he does not die?

@Sadarsa - 21.04.2024 12:38

"Go for headshots"
They have heads!?! lol
seriously though... you need pixel perfect accuracy to achieve that in most instances unless they are practically within slapping distance. So whats going to happen is, you're going to miss a LOT, and then your recoil is going to make you shoot at empty air.

@BiDouXxXxxXxxxXX - 14.05.2024 05:23

how do you get such a big fov ?

@Translationlost - 25.08.2024 19:20

Still watching the video, but I wanted to take a moment to compliment the graphic design aspect of your channel. Logo is sweet and the title screen hits hard

@MrHestichs - 26.09.2024 23:53

How are you getting +590% XP!??!?

@woxics - 13.11.2024 11:33

I personally run 0.080 ingame sense and DPI off 550 DPI on a Deathadder V2. It's not a magical setting but feel free to try it.

@Stsebastian8900 - 20.12.2024 23:32

Id rather suck than play with ugly graphics.

@Stsebastian8900 - 20.12.2024 23:39

This game is desperate for a new player map so new players dont just quit after 5 hours

Ответить - 15.01.2025 18:09

All skill in this game = good internet conection. You shoot they guy and there is no damage, literally no damage. And he insta kills you. Very good game, yes.

@deleteduser3455 - 26.01.2025 23:36

Gtx 1800 lol this is old my laptop has a 4070

@KnoblinTheGoblin - 28.01.2025 08:20

all i gotta say is oof for 600 dpi... i sit at about 11k go down to 7k minimum but can swap my dpi on the fly right on my mouse it'self
