You Might Be a Draconic Bloodline | Sorcerer Subclass Guide for DND 5e

You Might Be a Draconic Bloodline | Sorcerer Subclass Guide for DND 5e

You Might Be A DND

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@warlockghovat5745 - 14.02.2025 15:30

I do like this sub-class. I’ve made two characters that were this sub-class, a copper dragon hill dwarf and a silver dragon grung.

Some tweaks I would add are:

Draconic Resilience. The AC you get is 10 + your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Plus with scales forming on your hands, you can add your charisma modifier to your unarmed strikes.

Elemental Affinity. You gain damage resistance to your ancestry damage type. Also as a reaction, you can spend 2 sorcery points to give yourself immunity and creatures you choose within 10 ft of you resistance to that damage type for one minute. Maybe if the DM allows it, Elemental Adapt as a bonus feat.

@marcusblacknell-andrews1783 - 08.02.2025 22:42

What about building a Lizardfolk as a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer?

@billmcdonald5063 - 04.02.2025 00:40

Nice Hank Jr reference

@justsomeguyanimations - 14.01.2025 08:50

Ok, question
Is this all on the 2024 one?
Because i don't see alot of this on dnd beyond

@GTalon5 - 11.01.2025 07:57

The thing I find best about this, story wise, is that one of your great, great, great, great, great grandparents can still be alive. It's funny to think about what kind of interactions you could have with the family.

@Zepulchure - 22.11.2024 06:47

"Boost! Boost! Boost!"

Someone had to 😂

On a serious-ish note, I wish the end version did the same as BG3. Where your choice of dragon gives you a spell or similar, like white dragons gains armor of agathys!

Just wish we had more good cold spell options, love ice knife!
And remember to take elemental adept feat

@zimattack9994 - 06.11.2024 17:12

So how did you get your powers well dad met mom while he was in a adventure party. ow really what did he do for his party? ow he was a bard

@drippedoutmonkey - 31.10.2024 21:21

Draconic Bloodline thri kreen Sorcerer would be a dragonfly

@JungleBoswick12 - 17.10.2024 17:09

Draconic resilience is now 10 +Dex and +Cha

@Zeithri - 28.09.2024 01:12

" It's good manners to knock first. "
slams in door

@kubiakpella - 07.09.2024 13:33

Oathbreaker Paladin pls

@thecornergoblin4532 - 01.09.2024 17:08

One of my favourite characters I've played was a pirate tortle sorlock whose draconic bloodline dated back to a dragon turtle, who was also his patron. So much fun

@cyberdrive861 - 01.09.2024 12:22

Next time you do a sorcerer i would love to see storm sorcerer

@DentZilber - 31.08.2024 03:14

Warforged Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer.
Pure experiment undertaken by a dragon polymorphed into a human and infiltrating House Cannith. Using the blood of a dragon as part of the creation process.

@ItsDovakin - 29.08.2024 19:35

Question...At 2nd level would you be able to "sell" your 3 1st level spellslots to "buy" a 3rd level spell slot using sorcerer points and then learn a 3rd level spell when you level up to 3rd level?

@jasonface621 - 23.08.2024 07:57

Highschool DxD shouldn’t have gone as hard as it did

@LincolnTheNerd - 22.08.2024 01:48

finally my class o7

@ThatRandomAstartes - 21.08.2024 01:59

you should make a hombrew hangout way of masks rouge or something

@SproutingBeans - 20.08.2024 18:35

Worth liking solely for the static shock reference, let alone the rest of the video <3 good job Jesse!

@PeachDragon_ - 20.08.2024 09:09

The amount of stories I've written that are literally just "my dad is a dragon i am not paying taxes" is concerning

@AtelierGod - 20.08.2024 08:43

It should be mentioned that now with gem dragons being a thing, it should be possible to homebrew in those as options for this subclass using the gem Dragonborn for the damage type and resistance.

- 19.08.2024 20:04

This subclass should have been updated in Fizban's with subclass spells (like the many, many cool draconic spells in that book), gem dragon ancestry, and something else to tide the players over in the mid-levels (e.g. bonus action blade ward for those with metallic ancestry, cheaper transmuted spell - if you choose your own element as the target - for chromatic, and the ability to add your CHA modifier to WIS and INT saves for gem, just from the top of my head).

@Rakkun_Streak - 19.08.2024 18:36

As some comments mentioned, this is one of the best to multiclass into a Martial Class.

Fighter as always, excellent, goes with everything, especially with Eldritch Knight for more spell slots or Battle Masters.

Rogue gets infinitely better with the utility spells and extra durability.

But my favorite and Hot Take Pic is Monk

Astral Self Monk + Draconic Bloodline makes a bulky combatant that never has to actually use their hands to do damage, focus on Dex and Cha and you get an 18 AC Monk/Sorcerer at Level 3 with the capacity of using Shield and no equipment.

But of course, Draconic Blood & Soul Combo is almost too perfect for flavor. A Dragonborn Draconic Monk/Sorcerer build (although not incredibly high in the damage output) gives you incredible synergy between all of your abilities, locking a giant crowd with your road while you center an empowered Fireball on yourself that you're going to take ZERO DAMAGE due to Evasion, while your enemies are afraid of you and can barely hit you is one of the most Badass things you can do.

@SeanBn - 19.08.2024 18:15

Ymba's either a fan of Best of the Worst or a fan of Christian comedy. Cause I was not expecting a Mark Lowry quote in this video.

@justchris5834 - 19.08.2024 09:17

By any chance did this fella do the gunslinger or "Gunfighter" class?

@ElectricGatr - 19.08.2024 05:08

Give this class True Polymorph at the highest level and it can truly set out to do what is intended.

@kingsim9288 - 19.08.2024 05:06

What color is the Dragonborn on the thumbnail exactly? I wanna make a draconic sorcerer that looks like him in bg3.

@DominicSantana-jc9zp - 19.08.2024 04:27

Kobold Dragon Bloodline>>>>>>

@M_and_M-y5k - 19.08.2024 00:15

Cool, so I'm a draconic bloodline sorcerer. I'm sure being a teenage girl doesn't have anything to do with that, though.

@D4rkW4ri0 - 18.08.2024 21:31

Not me tearing up with the"
"Do the best you can until you know better, and when you know better do better"

@demonderpz7937 - 18.08.2024 20:07

Thank you for sticking with the correct handbook. I have no intention of learning, reading, or investing any time into the new d&d

@theultrasceptile - 18.08.2024 20:04

Meanwhile I’m actually playing a draconic sorcerer in a campaign right now XD

@Pacific-NW-Native - 18.08.2024 19:51

Ooooh YMBA you nailed those cut scenes and jokes this time good Sir! 😂

@benin8or - 18.08.2024 19:44

This subclass has more flavor than a Texas BBQ pit but it HAS to have some homebrew to be as relevant as other players in your party. With just a little more love, it could've been one of the quintessential classes you think of for new players.

@J_Seven - 18.08.2024 18:36

Great video and Mark Lowry is one of my favorite comedians so thanks for that clip.

@Zadanoire - 18.08.2024 17:58

fuck yes! My favourite subclass next to Wild magic barbarian! I usually prefer ice over fire cause it’s funnier but still

@spoonfulofgak458 - 18.08.2024 17:36

One of my favorite character builds I’ve ever made and played in a oneshot was a level 14 draconic bloodline sorcerer/lever 6 Bladesinger Wizard White Dragonborn. I could pop Bladesong, then on the next turn fly up higher into the air than normal with my higher walking speed, all with an insanely high AC. I could take the attack action and substitute both weapon attacks with my natural breath weapon and a high level attacking cantrip, Or I could summon cast Draconic Spirit and Quicken Spell Blink to completely disappear from the field and make enemies fight my summon. She was insanely fun to play.

@tichopad - 18.08.2024 14:51

This channel is criminally underrated.

@NicoleTheDodo - 18.08.2024 12:24

As someone that's been havinf a rough weekend it was a nice way to round off your video!

@erikwilliams1562 - 18.08.2024 11:42

Went real deep at the end bro.
Hope everyone and everything is alright

@ninabsz - 18.08.2024 11:41

Thanks for the great song at the beginning🤟✨

@Cbev1994 - 18.08.2024 11:26

The fact that this was a sorcerer subclass and not a druid go with the class that has all the elemental spells is insane to me

@Finalplayer14 - 18.08.2024 10:45

Does it weird anyone else out that Sorcerers don't get True Polymorph or Shapechange? You can be this powerful magic person infused with Draconic/Aberrant/Celestial/Shadow/Storm/Order powers yet when you hit level 17 you cannot turn into that thing that gave you or was the origin creature of your powers. A 17th Level Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer cannot turn into a Dragon- sure they can summon one with Summon Dragon or Illusory Dragon (via Wish) but they themselves can't become one without help from a Wizard or Bard.
Same issue with an Aberrant Sorcerer not being able to change into an Illithid, Divine Soul not being able to change into an Angel, Shadow not being able to turn into a Undead or Monstrosity, Storm into an Elemental or Storm Giant, and Order into a Modron or Inevitable. All of which would have been possible through simply giving the Sorcerer access to True Polymorph and Shapechange.

@joshsmith8475 - 18.08.2024 09:53

Didn't have a Hank Williams Jr. reference on my YMBA bingo card, but it was a nice surprise!

@pawedziura963 - 18.08.2024 09:48

Ametyst ansestors + warlock +agonaizing blast= 2(1d10+10)dm

@shadowldrago - 18.08.2024 09:28

I feel like the mechanics are a bit underwhelming compared to the lore, because, yeah, PHB effect. That said, Dragonborn Draconic Sorcerer is doubling down on the bit. Is it the best idea? Probably not. But it IS cool.

@AndrewJohnson-oy8oj - 18.08.2024 09:25

Back before Sorcerers were a thing in D&D, one of my players basically invented dragon bloodline sorcerers. He played a golden skinned High Elf Wizard who had a habit of walking around naked. The secret back story was that he was a gold dragon who had lost a magical duel while shape-shifted as an elf and had lost most of his abilities. As he grew in levels, that was just him recovering himself. The player's goal was to find a polymorph spell so he could "return" to his true form.
