Religion of peace my arse
ОтветитьSimple. Kick all Arabs out of Europe, specifically Syrian refugees. Bring back peace.
Ответитьstp government ,
ОтветитьSweden is the New Syria. Britain the New Pakistan and Germany must become the New Palestine! 😍
ОтветитьSo this is where save europe videos are coming from...
ОтветитьYou did it to yourselves.
ОтветитьIt's a way to print more money so they spend money to the more people we have we have to print money if we don't have people on our land we can print that money because everybody's going to work so we have to have some kind of society that we could print money to show that you know we have wealth but we caused chaos we have to cause chaos to make jails and we have to do that instead of all of us working and paying taxes to pay given the UN money to feed their children so why not bring them to our land and caused chaos and make jails and make more cops and more Authority so we can print money they did it purposely
ОтветитьIf you talk like this the the rise and fall of Sweden in the rise and fall of Germany and the rise and fall of like you're up you're going to make them more go off like they're Untouchable like a big gang
ОтветитьWe talk like this about the best the best Healthcare here and there so now that they hear this on the internet cuz you're talking about it that's going to be the next plan to attack it and make it collapse
ОтветитьWhy would you immigrate people like on a fast scale because if you slowly immigrate them right to get used to our society and their kids you know join our society and respect it but if you put them all in at one time you're giving a gang no change you're going to make them feel like they have the upper hand
ОтветитьI'm telling you when these immigrants see this stuff on the internet or TV they're very very jealous that they didn't do it so they're going to you know conquer in their religion ways and hurt us where it hurts most killer children and they're doing it and they are going to do it because we allow them in our country and we gave our tax money to them in their country to have 6/8 or 10 baby and we send their children and we couldn't even make any more children but now it's like we can't even have one kid because we're tax so high because we feed their country with our tax dollars defeater 8 or 12 children and they know that and that's why they start wars in their country because they know will take them in for Safe Haven and they plead that they're like we'll be killed so they come over here because they see need all the riches in the buildings and the life we built but they think it's theirs the Muslim
ОтветитьWhy is it that they hate on us that you know we take care of people around the world even in Africa you know it's like these Muslim people just hate us so much because you know they're born in the desert but who cares they're born in the desert you know we still get them paid and food to feed their kids and it feels like we owe them the world
ОтветитьWhat are we going to do when kids need to be adopted now and the Muslim people want to adopt are we just going to give our children to them with their mindset of f**** take over the world yeah yeah we're giving it to even people that are gay adopting children doesn't matter if it's two men or two girls but before when we went to the court system and if the kid was separated from the mother and father it would go to the mother why are we allowing why are we allowing gay people that it's okay to adopt what are they going to do when they separate the gay people is it the more one that feels more girl gets it like this is f**** up the world as we know it because very very rich rich people are in the world how it runs
ОтветитьI know why because they introduced heroin to our young children and their own children
ОтветитьYep we'll get to think some of the parents right they have kids there and they teach them their own language instead of teaching them to Sweden language or English language because they're trying to take our country by the government feeding them with paychecks and then sooner or later it will fall that's all they think they don't think of growth and teaching different languages they don't want to change their kids language they think it is a Heritage thing and when they are divert to a different city or country do you think they should teach their kids are in all different language because they're going to lose their value and their faith where they came from they're very ignorant like that that cultures
ОтветитьDetain and deport to country of ethnic origin if not integrated or Sweden is lost
ОтветитьYou know they don't feel like they're in society but the terrorists know that this would happen all right because they feel that the world is there is nobody should own it nobody should own rocks or Pebbles so they feel if they cause war and their own country will take them in and it's a way to take over the world they don't believe in Immigration and living life and you know playing pool and cards they believe in Walking wherever you want travel wherever you want when you want and you know when you want an old and that's why I like China and Russia because they want to allow the stupidness
ОтветитьThis is a perfect breeding ground for stupidity you know the Muslim people love just you know walking around and you know riding bikes around and you know if we can steal fuel will still fuel if there's a car will rob you if they're we can rob you and you know the biggest gang in all could take over you that that's what they do because in their culture right and they still think of about 1400 years back in all everybody used to steal like the king in that and say you owe me because you're living on my land that's how they still live so we brought him over to our country right and they still think that's how it works
ОтветитьI really can't stand that culture and all honestly they they still think of you know the 1400s you know when the king and all said you owe me for this land but the king did it for a good reason that's why we have life all over the world to this day but they're trying to bring it back in their way of living and thinking that you know the land is theirs
Ответитьyou shouldn't have let them in the first place and no you're not racist for thinking so.
ОтветитьThe mafia because they were crippled but the mafia turned into like politics and government and the mafia's making money off of this now because the mafia is in government and they caused this you know hectic and you know people in crime and stuff because the mafia has their foot and you know taking taxpayers money from jails and you know police station so the mafia said hey why don't we just do immigration so there's crime everywhere and of us you know building stuff and every so many feet of concrete we get $5 and so many windows put in we get $2 let's just make sure there's crime everywhere and we'll have money all the time and it makes it look like we're not here no more
ОтветитьThis is all doing of Mafia and cartels to make you know open borders okay they got into our politics and government and they are on a certain side and they know hey we can make money everywhere and we'll make money off the cartel even though we are the cartel we'll make money off of everything because you know what the system is about printing money so the more times there are arrested and charged people have to be taxed so the mafia did Mafia is in on the tax system now
ОтветитьThe cartel in Mafia are in on the tax system and over spending money all right they got into you know everything and we didn't see it coming there in our government because the mafia said hey we could cause a hell of a f**** hell what they're doing to us when they charged us but if we get our children and power we could just make a hellhole of the world and will always be rich
ОтветитьI don't think really anybody understands this how to do with the mafia again caught taking money from Here There and Everywhere and building buildings because they had their hand in everywhere this is the doing of the goddamn health system in the health system is the mafia and cartel because when stuff is built to get a kickback right if they could get drugs amongst the streets to get a kickback if they build stuff they get a kickback they got their foot hole into making their children be lawyers and their families being lawyers and their families being government and you know what we never talked about Mafia anymore because the mafia runs the world because they f**** caused this class f***
ОтветитьThis is just disgusting 🤡🤢🤮
ОтветитьSweden asked for it. Have fun!
ОтветитьIslam is satan by deceived people: Muslims.
The ORIGIN of islam is satan, hate destruction to hell.
Muslims OUT OF EUROPE, freely or by FORCE
ОтветитьThe main problem is the CHRISTIANS:
As a Syrian living in Syria let me tell you this Europeans
We only bring death sorrow misery and distruction wherever we go we are like a plague
Be nationalists. Make your countries proud
Why do these countries allow migrants to come?
Easy answer: cheap labour.
ОтветитьThere have been a small percentage of asylum seekers in western countries from former Soviet countries since the fall of the Soviet Union. Most of those asylum seekers are educated, skilled, respectful, responsible and hardworking, yet almost all their asylum cases are rejected by Nordic, Central, Western European countries and other western countries. With the exception of Ukrainians which is a totally different case, 93%-96% of asylum cases including from Georgia and Armenia which are Christian are rejected. Yet they have granted asylum to most of the asylum seekers from some African countries and Middle East. Western countries don’t appreciate qualified migrants so they reap what they saw
ОтветитьOh 2025 is beyter
ОтветитьEurope after destroying syria and forcing refugees to escape into their country: Is tHiS SyRia?
ОтветитьKick them out then, I don't understand why someone cries about their problems and still stays the same.
ОтветитьGun crimes???
Ответитьvote for sd
ОтветитьMakes me cry but ig they asked for it
ОтветитьThey are coming to Czech Republic too. Whole Europe is doomed
ОтветитьPissful religion 😂😂😂
Ответитьlol, from the accent I right away knew this was a channel from the Netherlands :P
ОтветитьThis is all too late. Unfortunately you can't get them out again.
ОтветитьSolo los cobardes no defienden a su País y a su familia. Acaso creen que esos invasores se tomarán la molestia de "integrarse, aprender el idioma y esas cosas??...
ОтветитьDeportation is not the same as a holocaust. Just return them to their home countries
ОтветитьAnother reason for the US to get out of NATO.
ОтветитьTerrible to live in Sweden the last 20 years😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
ОтветитьSwedish politicians invited all criminal immigrants not we the Swedes!We dotn want then .send 3millions back
ОтветитьThe total destruction of Europe. Intentional destruction of a continent.