Mastering Innovation Together (R) UI Path PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT

Mastering Innovation Together (R) UI Path PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT

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UI Path is the leader in Robotic Process Automation

Chris Koomey: Welcome to the Mastering Innovation Together Minute brought to you by Thorben Consulting. My name is Chris Kumi. I'm with Robert Payne. Thorben has been helping the federal government modernize for over 20 years through innovations like our federal modernization platform through SAP optimization through application development and through product integration. And one of the tools that we've used during that time is UiPath who are the leaders for robotic process automation. Tell me about UiPath.
Robert Payne: You took my first bullet point here. They are the RPA leader. We're very excited about this tool. They do great things in task automation. I like them for optimizing tasks, making it so that you can do tasks in efficient way. But the automation piece is so important. I mean, it's something that companies are always looking to do to be able to take something that's complicated or extreme extremely long time durations, short make those simpler. you can actually see through your iPass tools trends on how you're doing, what they've automated, what they've done better. there's a lot of applications for this tool.
Chris Koomey: And what every organization wants is consistency, right? Consistent processes, consistent results. And that's what automation allows. And for a lot of people, they're focused on AI being able to do things that people would normally do. a lot of the things that people are trying to apply AI to, automation is actually a better tool, a better application.
Robert Payne: Absolutely. Absolutely. And along that train of thought, a lot of folks don't realize what can be automated. So, UiPath offers discovery services to find that out and give you some common use case scenarios for what you may not have seen can be optimized or automated.
Chris Koomey: So if you want to learn more about UiPath,… you can certainly go to their website. You can go to the AWS marketplace to the Fed marketplace. And if you want to learn more about Thorben, you can come to and learn how we've been helping the federal government modernize for over 20 years.
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