Jordan Peterson INSULTS Arab Muslim Countries!

Jordan Peterson INSULTS Arab Muslim Countries!

Saajid Lipham

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@Ozmarc254 - 29.01.2025 07:24

he's a pill popping clown and pseudo professor that thinks Tommy Robinson is a moral authority

@mrshonourable - 29.01.2025 07:30

Peterson keeps saying except Africa.

When in fact, Latin American and Asian Christian countries are doing terribly.

@mrshonourable - 29.01.2025 07:32

Peterson keeps saying except Africa.

When in fact, Latin American and Asian Christian countries are doing terribly.

@amg863 - 29.01.2025 08:57

Jordan and Elon were both visited by the same agency LOL. The island tapes are real

@saudalghamdi1267 - 29.01.2025 20:53

You got a new lifetime subscriber, thanks brother

@sirreynolds1681 - 30.01.2025 16:45

If Muslim countries are so great why are they leaving in droves for Western Countries

@omg-j4m - 30.01.2025 17:52

Jordan Peterson is right: the Islamic world fell behind the West primarily because it failed to innovate. Meanwhile, Western nations unintentionally facilitated the spread of fundamentalist ideologies by providing significant financial resources. Consequently, countries like the UK now grapple with the social implications of these beliefs—ones that arguably should never have been propagated—including the “rape gangs” that were the main focus of his discussion with Piers Morgan.

@jamaltientenn - 30.01.2025 19:35

The Saudis and Qataris are disgusting and if not for oil money would be like Afganistan. Why didn't they do anything to help Palestine?

@Kara_Pabuc - 30.01.2025 22:21

Wow, I never agreed Paterson once. But for once he's 100% right.

@ryanlcgaming8010 - 30.01.2025 22:46

Muslims have made the least scientific breakthroughs for humanity and one's that studied science haven't made any modern breakthroughs look into it yourself whites have made the most scientific breakthroughs and inventions for humanity in history just think in your head all of the inventers always white and I'm not talking someone creating a pencil I'm talking because big things for humanity yet I feel these days whites get a bad wrap even though we have done so much for humans in genaral

@mohammedtouati3855 - 31.01.2025 00:07

I used to respect that guy, but unfortunately it turned out he's no more than a white zionist conservative

@alsahib3768 - 31.01.2025 10:29

God gives and takes ..his tone is of Jealous Agression...superior of,in sand ,desert sand ..and Desert Oil.. god said to Abraham i have blessed your son Ishmael and generations..
J petersen..must learn the power of the Camel ..created specially for the arab deserts, like the arabs teaching westvwhite palefaces..of gods blessings thrubAbraham

@xyzdaddy-d8u - 31.01.2025 11:04

He may have been rude but he's right without oil money those Muslim countries would be in a worse position and he's not lying democracy began in Christian countries, I may be wrong but from what it appears in Muslim countries you do not have freedom that Muslims have relocated to Christian territory to enjoy. I think what he meant by lost in the desert he meant not progressive. It was disrespectful but probably didn't need such an emotional reaction. Allahuakbar

@poppodam - 31.01.2025 11:20

The US and Western governments are responsible for keeping Muslim countries backwards by supporting and helping corrupted head of state in power with the threat of doing what we told you. Otherwise, you will be replaced.

@farabathanmoalimmohamed8373 - 31.01.2025 11:33

Because it’s the Arabs who threw themselves in the dirt
The brought the shame to their people because when half of their people or let me say the rich arabs are busy eating McDonald’s and kfc so they deserve to be insulted because of their actions of cowardly

@Observer01-qn8eg - 31.01.2025 16:32

To be fair, at 1.35 he said something many of our own Muslims of non Arab descent have said, too. Wahabbis and oil money lol literally took that from our own lot!

@GyllenkroksAve - 31.01.2025 19:53

I totally agree with Jordan Peterson
Furthermore Islam destroyed the old ancient civilisations

@uniqueNobody - 31.01.2025 21:54

The western countries are morally bankrupt,it is so hilarious that any Muslim country would ever want to uphold the west as inspiring

@joge2468 - 01.02.2025 01:20

What a surprise to find a quote taken out of context by an Isamist. Jordan went on to say that he couldn’t care less how Mlims want to run their own countries, and that the differences in political ideology only become problematic when you have large-scale immigration of people with anti-democratic beliefs.

@princemcanthony987 - 01.02.2025 07:57

My friend you are losing your mind. Why is it that if you join this cult you begin to lose your mind?

@igwevitus1313 - 01.02.2025 15:55

It is not lies, threats, and murder; Islam would be a history. Abraham built mecca. Hahaha 😢😢

@Halal_Fishing_69 - 01.02.2025 22:05

I knew this Jordan Peterson was a blatant white supremacist, bigot, and complete idiot but this video says it all.

@hayatmull3138 - 03.02.2025 20:47

you may be kind of ignorant when it comes to al saud, their wahhabism & all their al aarab associates, as all of them are criminal jews & or satanists fake Islam have been stealing the infinite islam money resources & treasures wasting them on themselves, their fellow zionist, their wars & plan - criminal zionist satanist al saud & their Wahhabism planted all their satan symbols in all muslim sites to give an example the building around alkaaba if look form above they form satan ramthun star which is exact israel star also al saad moved satan pillar from aljammart where used to be & should to arafat

@matauavatar - 04.02.2025 05:46

Can't believe I used to look up to Mr.Peterson

@BashDeCash - 05.02.2025 10:12

Jordan Patterson is a privileged charlatan

@noura6429 - 06.02.2025 01:30

He is being extremely hypocritical for talking about ethics while disrespecting others’ religious beliefs, it’s very rude!

@mgpunya1 - 06.02.2025 04:36

West will also see their " golden" age coming to an end.....

@bellabbbbbb8546 - 06.02.2025 10:08

You're full of lies just like Islam and Mohammed, rubbish

@ssbMekk - 07.02.2025 09:03

Amazing video. Great refutations. It’s amazing how openly jordan Peterson can go off like that with lies and insults on the Muslim people

Imagine him saying that about black people, Indians, or how about let’s just say Jews, I don’t think that would pan out well

@rudolfgoylob3312 - 08.02.2025 01:49

jordan peterson is a jew pretending to be christian ,a so called crypto jew like there are a lot in the us and europe everybody with a real human heart can smell em

@BandarAlshammari-ju4is - 09.02.2025 04:40

Jazak Allah khair brother

@Lito-u4b - 12.02.2025 18:25

That evil man feels so comfortable telling all these Israeli Zion agendaes and defending them like a good puppet. His never gotten punched right in his nose

@adamdaif4246 - 16.02.2025 02:46

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

@diantonovich - 20.02.2025 11:59

Everyone is jealous of Muslim countries, that’s why everyone is always trying to emigrate there 😊
Hope this help!

@Shaleqa_Adenan - 22.02.2025 07:43

It’s all true! Why is so hard for Muslims to accept the truth!

@Deeoflife-ot2vz - 24.02.2025 13:33

Why are Muslims emigrating to the western countries. Stay in your country and practice your religion. Don't go to other countries to try to change their religions. JP is right

@mancunianmartin558 - 24.02.2025 19:02

Jordan Peterson speaks the truth, however uncomfortable that is for you. In a nutshell, Islam is incompatible with western liberal democracy. Try to refute this argument. You cannot. Sir, you are free to live in an authoritarian country , governed by sharia law - and something tells me that you do not - but you shall never impose your false ideology upon us.

@marina37803 - 25.02.2025 00:18

Well, he is right though :D

@DeclanRice-y4i - 26.02.2025 01:02

Foolish man

@AhmedD1313 - 27.02.2025 03:03

They just realized that they was not blessed from their prayers, while Muslims are

@Freespeech1947 - 27.02.2025 08:25

There is nothing worse than a zealot and a convert is the worst sort of zealot.

@dogsarmpits - 27.02.2025 17:03

These are things that people should pay way more attention to. If you guys want to help his content use trigger words in the comments.

@marthaarenas6814 - 04.03.2025 04:41

Telling the truth hurts 😅😅😅

@georgeh8937 - 04.03.2025 06:57

oh foolish muslims who live in an echo chamber. who wander through social media like self righteous old maids and bullies. who has a better record on universal human rights? muslim countries or judeo christian countries? how can we test? ask someone what they think about the october 7 massacre. was it legit resistance to israel occupation? or islamic crimes against humanity? oh muslims who like to gossip. argue about important things first before complaining about jordan peterson's contempt for islam.

@HHHGeorge - 04.03.2025 13:14

Saajid Lipham, yes, I agree that the phrase "undeserved oil money" is nonesense since the oil is in the Arab country and its' asset. So how can it be undeserved?
However the real issue is that islamic religion and thinking is inconsistent with western democracy and the rights of the individual. Islam preaches uniformity. Western Democracy nutures individualism. It is individualism that gives rise to progress. New discoveries in science and advances in technology and society occur when someone who thinks differently to the rest of the population comes forward with a new idea.Take the modern computer. It was invented by a gay person. If that person was moslem he would have been killed for being gay. Although western society did actually kill him, it has now advanced so that any new gay scientist is allowed to live a normal life. In Islam he will still be killed. Women who make up 50% of the population are only granted limited rights in islamic societies to reach their full potential. In this manner Islam is restricting its' own progress. Note that currently the smartest person based on IQ tests is a woman; not a man. Is it wise to limit the contributions of a person to society because of their gender?

@ellenlink8277 - 04.03.2025 15:34

Its copy cat lies..stolen from other cultures.. Abraham lived in an age long ..long before lslam was invented or Mecca was ever there...Please do some TRUE RESEARCH...and stop steaing from others and calling it your own...

@elmehdielaaraj446 - 07.03.2025 00:36

Mashallah brother, your pronunciation of Arabic is absolutely perfect. JP, is a hypocrite. How do I know, he recommended hell for Palestinian, without exception... Kids, handicaps, old people, women, etc.... and who's this, a guy who reaches out to people if they are having a bad day... But only if they belong to a certain ethnicities I guess.

@ahmedhakeem-o4u - 08.03.2025 02:11

That's antisemitic, Arabs are semitic.

They don't own the word so let's use it 🤷

@SusanGarvey-m2c - 09.03.2025 19:02

thanks for a timeline you won't get in school
