GitLab SonarQube Integration - Scan Maven Based Java Codebase

GitLab SonarQube Integration - Scan Maven Based Java Codebase

crudsinfotech NG

5 месяцев назад

324 Просмотров

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@tarunpatel05 - 01.07.2024 08:54

Hi Chidanand,
I have one scenario,
I want to get the code coverage from the selenium test cases which are functional test cases,
The application has 2 different repo one is for back end and other one is for front end together when built they form the application, which runs on on endpoint, using the same endpoint we test that application,
our selenium test cases are in different repository(3rd repo, btw all repos are in gitlab),
can it be possible, when i run the selenium test cases , then code coverage is recorded somewhere like in 2 dev repos and i get the result after this regression e2e suite?
do you have any example or use case, Please suggest,
edited : sonarqube and jacoco is implemented in project but it ran only for Junit test cases

@pukayurac1 - 03.08.2024 02:06

It's perfect. I'm using SonarQube 9.9, and so far, I'm getting an error when the pipeline says "Not authorized. Please check the properties sonar.login and sonar.password." It's strange because I followed all the steps to set it up with a TOKEN.


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