the game was designed around the fact that people should play 6 characters wich is not what people are used to in most of mmo. you also snowball your economy pretty heavily when most of your alt reach certain cap like 1370 / 1400 / 1415 . Also a smart player that is used to play around the auction house can make more money than people that swipe even hundred or thousand of real money . only problem is that your daily rotation will feel like work because 6 characters is 3-4 hours every day but we've the rest bonus wich is very nice if you want to be lazy
Ответитьjust reached 1415 (and 4 lv 3 engrs) yesterday, 1 alt 1340, 2 alts 1310, i gain like 10k+ gold every week while selling mats and i throw them away on honing support materials, i think it took 40k gold (4 weeks) from 1385 to 1415 (i got very lucky but the pants from 11 to +12 pitied and they were the last up to reach the goal hahaahha)
ОтветитьSame boat son except I'm still 1403.33 right after reset, only got 3.33 ilvl and wasted something like 250+ GHL's and probably over 10k guardians along with 15 solars I'd been saving from the week previous. I'm def not getting to Valtan on release. :(
ОтветитьDPS bard lol
ОтветитьGoddamn now I've gotta be on the lookout for your next videos I love them! Keep it up dude!
ОтветитьRemember me when your famous <3
ОтветитьLmao you didn't spend all your gold to reach 1415, you said it yourself, you wasted thousands of gold on buying a skin and buying accesories you're gonna replace for free in 1 week. I mean that's not bad if you like the skin and are going to spend some weeks or month on argos.
Fun video tho
easy sub tbh
ОтветитьMy friend got 1 tap on +18 and +19 weapon without juice. 100% rigged
ОтветитьOk so for the 3/3. you only need the stone. Stone gives you 2 out of the 3 engravings. And basically you can get the other one from 1370 dungeon. and 1370 dungeon is not that hard. SO just buy the stone and get accessories from the dungeon. If you want 4 engraving lvl 3 then you need to buy accessories. So too sum it up. Buy stone legendary when you reach 1370 make sure both engravings are what you want, and to get your class engravings you need accessories which you get from 1370 dung which gives your class specific engravings, every class has 2 class engravings so its 50/50% the hardest part is getting the necklace to have 2 stats you want. For 1 clear you get stupid amount of accessories like 20 in total. Dont waste your pheons. You can get accepted into argos part 1 with only 2 engravings, but by doing the 1370 dungeon first you will 100% get 3/3 but there is a chance you won't get all crit or whatever it is that you want.
Its especially good if you have alts. Just run 1370 hard part get class engraving, buy stone(hope you're lucky in getting 6/6) and then you don't need to waste pheons. Just buy accessories with Oreha fusion materials if you're not trying to get to 1385.
omg you met a dps bard in argos LMAO
ОтветитьI feel you man, I prepped before glaivier before she even got announced and pitied 15x in a row from 1390>1415. While I did reach 1415. the luck was 0 and crazy amount of mats I overfarmed for depleted.
Ответитьhey man mind sharing your sorc preset?
ОтветитьGreat editing, narration!!! Earned a sub cant wait for the next video!! Keep it up 1k sub alreadyyyy sheesh
Ответитьi liked your style . i stuck at 1349 :(
Ответитьgold is pretty easy to get these days, just do 2 rested T3 chaos dungeon, sell all the honing mats from that dungeon and get tons of gold.. I remember with just 2 rested chaos dungeon I can get 5-6k gold
ОтветитьI like you, you're funny
ОтветитьDPS bard infiltrating the group kekw
ОтветитьIm disgusting lucky in this game compared to bdo i got to 1450 without failing more then 3 times on any set from 1400. Idk how it happrned and im still pretty confused about it. But im not complaining lol.
Ответить4 chers day 1 player and still no 1415...
ОтветитьI spent ALL my Gold tô 1400 ;-;
ОтветитьNo, I believe you honning is rigged. There are many cases where I failed many times when I shouldn't have. Something's not right about their rng
Ответить"outside of honing there aren't many uses of gold" xD get gems, better engravings, tripods or skins with that
ОтветитьSub earned keep up the good work
ОтветитьAre you the FFXIV Lynx? Voice seems so familiar
ОтветитьSWEET Mother of RNG i regret going to 1415 I'm sooooooooooooooo brokkkkkkee I'm about to start carrying the varn bots lol
ОтветитьGrudge bard OMEGALUL
ОтветитьFolk don't realise this game doesn't thrieve on being great content it's because it's got so many hidden addictions taking shape with all the gambling in progression etc .. I pushed everyday all gold put into the main and hit 1445 this week .. rough and stressful to say it's a game and meant to be fun
ОтветитьGuys, just get use to honing system. I'd say it's pretty fair enough. sometimes u got 2 times pity but the other times u got 2 or 3 successful honing back to back. So in the end it's about the same. As long as you don't use solar juice on armor, and always use it on weapon, i think you're in a good place. I saw so many cry babies on Reddit and other forums asking for more honing chance or materials. What's the point of easy honing? To just finish the game and quit? Besides, having a successful honing or your desired ilevel will make you feel somehow happy that you have achieved sth..
ОтветитьAnyone that thinks they're going to have fun from here to 1600 is on crack and just hates themselves.
Ответитьfeel you bro
ОтветитьI thought my luck sucks, but i think yours worse. hehehe I always mm button Argos then try and convince them to stay for p2 and if that goes okish onto p3 but have never had pugs this clueless.... bad luck again :P
ОтветитьHow much gold did you spend from 1385 to 1415?
Ответитьlove this bro:-)
Ответитьman, your channel so underrated what a good storyteller keep going bro. I'm waiting your valtan experience story
ОтветитьLost card
ОтветитьIm spending all my gold on honing everytime i can hone at least once 🤣
Ответитьbro i live on pity :) i spend so much gold and still im only 1410 ... even with 3 alts in 1340 still can't make more then 6k ... been playing from the start and till this day i didn't get accessori that i can sell for more then 100g XD ...
ОтветитьDont focus a gear when you are failing it choose another gear to go up it will go up in some taps
ОтветитьHmm I think honing is not really gambling. Honing means you spend a fix amount of materials on something (artisan energy / pity system), but sometimes you get lucky and complete it before that. So you always get something out of it. Every try is progression.
ОтветитьWaste of time of a game lol.
ОтветитьLove your presentation. Subbed
Ответитьi 1 tapped my weapon from 14 15 16 hahahaha meanwhile my armors getting pity evrytime
ОтветитьTLDR ;
Lost Ark Honing Difficulty : Ancient Elveria
Vindictus Honing Difficulty : Ark of Arrogance
Kritika Reboot Honing Difficulty : Gate of Paradise
Dragon Nest Honing Difficulty : Oreha's Well
I love your editing style, sadge there are so less lost ark videos out
ОтветитьOkay so honing isn't actually rigged but I PITIED LIKE 8 ITEMS ON MY WAY TO 1415 WTF!!! Anyways thanks for checking out the video, I tried to make it a mix of storytelling and entertainment with a bit of discussion on the honing system as a whole at the end. I hope you enjoyed!