Squeaky Clean Life

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@CleaningwithKim - 09.11.2020 20:56

Hey girl! Loving the new home! 😍Christmas is my absolute favorite too. I’m loving watching all of these videos. I got my Christmas tree up because my daughter just couldn’t wait but I’m not quite ready to decorate yet either!

@miawashington639 - 09.11.2020 21:42

Hey Girl, got tons of motivation! New house is beautiful! New here! 💖💖💖

@gracesmith5902 - 09.11.2020 21:54

I can't decorate for Christmas yet either... I mean, I totally support decorating early, it's just that I'm not ready yet lol.

@homewithcynthia6768 - 09.11.2020 23:35

So excited to see you cleaning you new beautiful home. Girl we’ll always be here waiting for u to upload a new video. I think we all go through that. I’m just glad ur back and feeling better. Can’t wait to see more.

@celesteoyin5669 - 09.11.2020 23:50

Hey girl! Unpacking can be very stressful!😩 Just have to take it one day at a time😊 Love the light fixture! So excited for your upcoming videos! Great clean🥰❤️

@amayi_pernecia - 10.11.2020 01:16

Sis I’m loving this relaxing video so the color of your home is soooo beautiful.. loving that lack bench and omg I burnt my hand on a light bulb before that ish hurt 😔... definitely was dusty .. but you got it cleaned

@TamieQ - 10.11.2020 02:43

Hey boo I'm here watching

@TamieQ - 10.11.2020 03:08

We use water for all of our TVs also my husband makes sure of that 😂😂😂 I'm sorry to hear about your hand girl smh. I hope it starts feeling better soon.

You know moving causes more stress on you so just relax and take it one box at a time. You'll get back to yourself you're in a new space and you all have to adjust.

Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I we've already stayed Christmas movies in the house 😂😂😂. Oh, I'm here for these days and home decor. I enjoyed the video love and I can't wait for the next one.

@EricaPatterson - 10.11.2020 03:43

Hey boo I’m here !! Great video ❤️

@TalishaJourney - 10.11.2020 04:12

Hey boo! I’m here watching🥰

@LavionSmith - 10.11.2020 04:29

Hey girlfriend here watching! Everything looks so good! ❣️✨

@KINGCOURTTVLOGS - 10.11.2020 07:00

This really makes me want to clean up more, great video! ❤️💪🏾🙏🏾

@BeautifulMess0614 - 10.11.2020 08:17

Hey girl! Here watching while I edit.

@BeautifulMess0614 - 10.11.2020 08:26

Love your table runner!

@mias3542 - 10.11.2020 13:54


@alissacapron8862 - 10.11.2020 19:49

Your new home is beautiful!! I especially love the kitchen! And that farm sink is so pretty!!

@juanitaowen7899 - 10.11.2020 23:57

Your home is beautiful cant wait to c the rest
Yes moving can be a little stressful trying to get things done
You will get it done girl
But rest when you need too!!and when you can
Thanks for your motivation videos💕

@thefemininedesire - 11.11.2020 00:40

Okay so I’m back to finish watching! 😄 I love the new place Shan! I love the new tv stand! I might get the exact one! 😄 Take your time friend. We all know you are still getting settled in! But... I still cannot wait to see how you decorate your home! 😍🥰

@MonicaValencia - 11.11.2020 02:13

I’m so ready to decorate for Christmas 🎄 also love the cleaning motivation ❤️😊

@thismessylife1897 - 11.11.2020 03:46

Hey boo! Still loving seeing your new house! I love the high ceilings! Makes it look so spacious! That light fixture is pretty too and I’m sorry you burnt your hand 😢 I’m digging that new table runner too! I’m glad you’re back! We all get unmotivated sometimes. Take your time boo. We are here for you ❤️❤️

@TerikaHaynes - 11.11.2020 08:08

Hey love I’m here watching catching up as usual!

@TerikaHaynes - 11.11.2020 08:22

Girl did I tell you how much I’m loving you’re new kitchen!

@MrGurua - 11.11.2020 11:40

Great vid..

@PratikshasWonderland - 11.11.2020 16:19 224...joined...stay connected

@sandrabenjamin3191 - 11.11.2020 23:16

Hey girl loving that house. It’s lovely. Ready and waiting for the room make overs. Doing good girl. Blessings to you and family🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

@cleoshaaaj. - 12.11.2020 01:25

I’m not too excited for Christmas this year 😕 idk why! Great job cleaning , you get every little spot! I love that about your cleaning!

I’m so happy your baby get to have her own room, I know she’s so excited!!!

@YabagizVlogs - 12.11.2020 09:43

Wow very clean..

@LauraMurphyxoxo - 12.11.2020 18:59

Hey love!! You are doing such an amazing job! Give yourself grace!! Your home is so beautiful. Loved this video so much!! Thank you for the motivation!

@CleanWithRachel - 12.11.2020 23:04

I love your kitchen. I understanding moving. We moved here a year ago and this was just until covid was over but after getting settle from being there 20 years and throwing away and moving things around I understand I am tired and still have the garage to do. Take your time I will be waiting.

@ArabTourismEgyptianpharaoh - 13.11.2020 12:30

Your videos are always beautiful and awesome.
I am always happy to follow you:
Good morning from Cairo, Egypt..

@sarahrantala1313 - 13.11.2020 16:08

I love your tv stand! I need a new one but waiting until we get a permanent place. Your house looks soooo cute!

@SophisticatedOrganization - 13.11.2020 16:49

Congrats on thee new house! It's so pretty! Oh gosh, I hope the burn heals quickly! I have totally done that before!Love the subway tile backsplash in the kitchen!!

@LifewithRogina - 13.11.2020 18:42

Getting motivation for the weekend . I need to clean and finish Christmas decorating. 😬

@LifewithRogina - 13.11.2020 18:48

Girl take your time with your house. Invest in things you love. When we bought our house I was such a rush to fill it. Now I want to replace everything.

@sylviashomedesignscakes9162 - 14.11.2020 00:50

Hello!! I am Sylvia and I have a home decor channel! My daughter Jenea Monae was expressing how she loves your channel! I love how detailed you are when you clean! I am loving your kitchen and living room ♥️ Congratulations on the new home 🏡 🎉🎉🎉 I just hit the button and bell 🔔

@bigmamashouse6695 - 14.11.2020 01:40

Hello, I enjoyed the cleaning motivation. I really needed it right about now.😊TFS!

@KirstenWhite - 14.11.2020 02:42

Hey hey my amazing friend I’m here watching 💖💖

@KirstenWhite - 14.11.2020 02:54

Oh my goodness your living room space looks so snuggy and cosy I love it! 😍 What a gawjuss light fixture, it looked super, you did an awesome job, it’s crazy how much dust can gather isn’t it! Oh bless you, I hope your ok, lights get hot so quickly don’t they, I made this mistake once!! I really do love your table runner it’s lovely! Loving the centre piece so pretty! Oh I really do love your kitchen, it truly is magnificent! So spacious! I am in love hehe thank you for all the wonderful cleaning motivation, I absolutely loved this!! Thank you for sharing 💖💖

@KirstenWhite - 14.11.2020 02:56

Don’t you worry, you take all the time you need, always here for you!! 💖💖

@KirstenWhite - 14.11.2020 03:08

Awww that’s so exciting your daughter has got her own room oh bless her! 💖😍

@lauorganizer - 14.11.2020 14:09

Hello friend, I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷 I loved your channel, 💞, I love video from another country, I love to see motivation, God bless, your home, your life and your family ❤️ New subscrib

- 14.11.2020 23:32

Loving your new home!!! Take your time girl and don't get stressed out!! Through GRACE not perfection! you've got this! Y'alls floors are beautiful! Look at the big living room!!! So much space for your beautiful family!!! Love that light above your table!!! Loved all of this motivation!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

@DeAnnaMarieNoble - 20.11.2020 00:30

Hey girl hey I am finally here. I like to put baking soda down or baking soda based carpet fresh and let it sit awhile as well. Okayyyy to those throw pillows sis!! Take your time decorating girl and tell Sydney she did a good job on the tv stand😂😍.

@DeAnnaMarieNoble - 20.11.2020 00:51

I love Christmas as well. And been feeling very inspired as well watching the Christmas decorating videos. I’m so glad you are back girl💜

@juanitaowen7899 - 26.12.2020 06:56

Can't wait to receive my orange and purple Jaws in the mail this week finally!!!

@amberweatherly1349 - 17.01.2021 08:10

New subscriber here🙋‍♀️ love your videos, they're really motivating!! Will be binging this weekend!

@SqueakyCleanLife - 09.11.2020 01:09

Hey loves! Whew y’all, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks, but I’m back with another video. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for your patience and understanding during this time. ❤️
