Architecting the Agile Enterprise with the Agile Cloud Manager

Architecting the Agile Enterprise with the Agile Cloud Manager

Cloud Native NY

55 лет назад

44 Просмотров


We will be explaining how a free, high-level tool, the Agile Cloud Manager, can be used to dramatically simplify the work of IT organizations.

The Agile Cloud Manager is a high-level, cloud-agnostic tool. It can enable an organization to simplify each of its platforms to the point of becoming an appliance that can become as easy to operate as a toaster. You can continue using your existing tools because this free tool integrates and leverages many other tools.

The Agile Cloud Manager orchestrates lower-level infrastructure templating tools and configuration management tools. It integrates with many popular pipeline tools. It can enable you to leverage the issue-and-work-item tracking features of many popular project management tools through its integration with pipeline tools.

We will explain how you can derive the following benefits:

Focus the entire organization on customer-definitions of value.
Reduce the number of projects required to create the same value by eliminating redundancy in infrastructure/system templates.
Increase the speed of deployments by eliminating redundant pipeline code.
Integrate all systems into one single enterprise-level value-stream pipeline that makes it easier to quickly deploy customer-centered upgrades throughout your platforms.
Increase the productivity of the entire IT organization with faster deployments of fewer reusable templates.
Improve governance because reusability shifts the approval process from the group level to the organization level.
Reduce the size of the enterprise attack surface because less code is required to do the same things due to reusability. It is easier to monitor the security of less code.
Bring some of the least agile parts of an IT organization under agile project management and corporate governance because all the redundant scripts and templates can be integrated into a simple tool that facilitates reusability.
Simplify multi-cloud because a simple new interface abstracts away each cloud's templates.
Improve accountability to executives by modeling the organization’s systems in terms of the value that each system creates as part of the company's business operating model.

Speaker Bio

Jim Slavin is the Principal Consultant at Agile Cloud Institute, Inc. Jim is the architect of the Agile Cloud Manager and is a frequent public speaker. Jim has more than 20 years of experience in IT with a focus on enterprise architecture and agile. Jim can be reached through
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