【TTRPG: GUN】Character Creation Stream! Western Adventure with Fauna, Gigi and Biboo! #calliolive

【TTRPG: GUN】Character Creation Stream! Western Adventure with Fauna, Gigi and Biboo! #calliolive

Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN

5 месяцев назад

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@MiguelPC_C - 27.09.2024 04:43


@AmeLilith - 27.09.2024 06:01

every character trait and background detail being rolled out was so perfect and was played off so well by the players; you just know it's going to be an incredible session

will Biboo and GG find compromise in their pious nature...or will only one emerge?
will Bones Malone get what's coming to him?
who will Nobody end up with? the worshipper of Death, the Lightning McQueen prophet raised in the wild? or maybe...the DM/God?? SOMEHOW??
will GG's horse last 10 minutes before keeling over??

all these answers, SOON

@DaftBagels - 27.09.2024 06:04

Got a debt and trying to retire??? Are we retiring to Tahiti?!?!

@ACatPassingBy - 27.09.2024 13:22

That dastardly Bones Melones is gonna get what's comin to 'im! Break his bones and take his melones!

@igor-ld8qm - 27.09.2024 14:58

As they say in the wild wild west...

Howdy mihnashan 🤠

@PandaBear_EN - 27.09.2024 15:29

Huh the Silvertomgue that bibo has is overpowered. Whatever Bibo say the world will make it opposite. So if Bibo said that she is dirt poor she will become rich cause the world will make her rich. lmao Im 90% wrong but ehh balance is overrated.

@deathdragon - 27.09.2024 15:44

Why no Gura? She just wants to cowboy! (All jokes aside this is a great cast)

@SurlyHannah - 27.09.2024 15:47

"People die at the fair"
Mori: I know.

@cyzcyt - 27.09.2024 17:09

Gigi sounds like she can one shot everything

@JohnWittle - 27.09.2024 18:42

what on earth fauna's accent is too much

how is it so good

edit: oh come on people. biboo literally got 'silver tongued' and then maxed out 'swindle'

and then she starts telling this tall tale about how she was raised by wolves

and everyone believes her?!

come on!

@もるふぇん - 28.09.2024 05:55

I like TTRPG, so I check streams!! (unfortunately, archive…) Thank you so much Colliope!!

@Shoryukened - 28.09.2024 11:05


@Lifegivinglemons - 28.09.2024 23:29

Gigi is a Calamatous, Pious, Furry, who wields an overpowered, but slightly unreliable gun... why does this all seem to fit her perfectly?!

@maxmustsleep - 29.09.2024 21:47

Absolutely legendary already! You just wait Bones Malone!

@FireBlazeTake_2 - 29.09.2024 22:09

Thanks for the stream!

@PepperBell-oj5e - 30.09.2024 01:16

“Put on the lemur hat” destroyed me in a special way.

@taidakazahaya - 30.09.2024 11:26

Biboo focus cute, but face for the :O

@TheHorribleCreature - 30.09.2024 19:37

Mom, dad and the two kids.

@JorgeLeon28 - 02.10.2024 02:15

Aaaa I love your TTRPGS's content Calli, Gun was really fun last time since the random chaotic nature of the stats makes you come up with a character on the spot and Fauna, Gigi and Biboo are really good roleplayers, Im syre the session will be super fun and interesiting, I hope you can do more in the future like you espressed!!!

@windigoking - 02.10.2024 04:40

Another Gunn session?!?!!?! Omg I didn’t even watch it yet and I know it will be awesome

@IsaacClodfelter - 02.10.2024 09:00

Gigi the pious calamity become a very poetic character right outta character building.

@doctorsam9200 - 02.10.2024 17:27

Folks may not know Fauna's name, but they right as rain know her ex-husband's

@Doomgel - 02.10.2024 20:19

Gigi is running a punt gun

@masakishi - 02.10.2024 22:14

I LOVED the last time you did this with Kronii, Vesper, and Magni. I’m normally clip watcher, but that was one of those rare times I had to go back and watch the VOD in it’s entirety, and that’s what I’ll be doing now (also for the actual play through which is 4 hours holy moly). I know there’s not much point commenting this but I just had to put out there how much I really liked your last Gun TTRPG streams that I’ll be watching these fully despite having seen some clips already.

@twistyskidnapped4820 - 03.10.2024 22:10

GUN is always great, you and the others always show there acting skills and more =^_^=

@lasyandra - 04.10.2024 10:29

lol i got kobo x beat ads 🤣

@Mespifo - 07.10.2024 18:30

Thanks for hosting this fun stream, Calli!
First time watching a TTRPG, thrilled to watch the Session Time's VOD!

@admorewarhammer5141 - 23.10.2024 03:43

ttrpgs for ~15 years, most of that dming - i am blown away consistently by your skill dming and keeping folks on track

@TriChaser - 29.10.2024 05:42

I really enjoy watching this Calli! Its a sign of a good GM if they can make even the character creation session super fun to follow along. I cannot wait to watch the second part of this session.

@JHenryEden - 30.10.2024 18:59

i am not subscribed to you mori but every time you do TTRPG stuff its garanteed kino.

@terrykusanagi3849 - 31.10.2024 00:43

If I had a coin for every time GiGi has been a loyal warrior for some authority figure, I'd have 3.

@KB_13247 - 06.12.2024 14:03

hahaha it's so perfect that fauna's gun was engraved hahaha

@neutralwarlord - 10.01.2025 12:06

Hey let's take over Gigi to show how us Spaniards take care of situations like this 🇪🇸🇪🇸😀😀

@maxzetafan8910 - 25.01.2025 13:17

This song sounds awfully close to one of jjba songs

@p0tat0o0 - 24.02.2025 21:15

I think if I made a character it would be an extension of me that's a murderer.

@MoriCalliope - 25.09.2024 07:11

FORGOT TO FILL IN GUN STATS! Will do at the beginning of the session!
