Thank you Josh! This was very helpful :)
Ответитьwhat step-up ring do you use?
ОтветитьI have been using the Polar Pro Peter McKinnon VND Signature Edition II 77mm 2-5 Stop Filter with my Canon R6 and am noticing a huge color shift from a vertical to horizontal image.
Have you noticed a color shift in vertical to horizontal images with either the Nisi or Moment ND filter
Nisi is a beast, I was aware of varable nd, but this one is really great filter!
ОтветитьSuper comparison thank you very much from Italy!
ОтветитьI bought the NiSi before this and I like it... however... on my Blackmagics (BMPCC OG and BMPCC 4K), once you hit about 3 stops, the IR contamination started to creep in. Especially on an old IR sensitive sensor like the BMPCC OG, the trees literally turned from green to red. Less so on the 4K but still noticeable. So if you have an IR sensitive sensor, you will need additional IR cut filters, then it's fine.
ОтветитьDid any of them suffer from that X pattern you get ,as I understand, when you go to high ND stops with wide angle lenses?
ОтветитьWhat about H&Y Revoring ND filters?
Ответитьexcellent job!
ОтветитьVery interesting test. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers from LA.
Seems that no one here has compared, nay, even used singh-ray filters...their 'standard' variable ND is 2 to 8 stops in 49 to 82 mm ring sizes, and also available in a 'factory-stacked' duo with polarizer, or colour intensifier, and in 3- stack with 'warming polarizer' and colour intensifier (this actuality works for adding a bit more colour 'pop', without mucking up white balance)
If you have never used Singh-Ray filters, the initial price might make you think of alternatives, but, shooting Velvia 50, probably one of the toughed tests for colour, I've never been unhappily-surprised!
That "handle" on the Nisi could probably be replaced by short screw, maybe a 'pan head' which would give you something positive to move with fingers, and not stick out, and would not tend to snag on things. A simple and inexpensive 'hack'.
ОтветитьHello Josh, nice work as usual. but could you please complete the test with the sharpness loss and flair rejection with the filter on . thank you
ОтветитьI’ve narrowed it down to the NiSi and Freewell VND … but I’d love to see the prism lens fx as well, they have the 95mm size I need for an amazing Black Friday price … thanks for the video, I’ll just have to cross examine multiple reviews … unless someone here in the comments has used any of these / can compare 🫡
ОтветитьHi Josh, thanks for your comparison, I would like to go for the Nisi VND filter, but one thing that I would like to know before is; what is the outer diameter size of the filter, I want the 72mm, and im planing to use this with Tiltaing Mini matt box and they state that; "Most Variable ND’s will only work on adapters 72mm and smaller. The Mini Matte Box only supports circular filters with an outer diameter of 85mm or smaller."
so the question is how big is the outer diameter of Nisi VND?
Thank you for your time.
Question: do ND filters interfere with the autofocus or post stabilization? I shoot Sony A7iv.
ОтветитьWhat about the sharpness of these filters? Unless I missed it..
ОтветитьThis is jusst what i needed! Thanks!
ОтветитьGreat review thanks!
ОтветитьI understand that you had to keep all settings, including white balance, consistent for the comparison but making a custom white balance after you apply the filter to the lens, it would give you better results.
ОтветитьNisi won. Hands down. Polar pro is shit tbh. Why people spend money that much for PP? Because, omg, omg McKinnon!
Ответитьhow about solid IR-NDs? I think magnetic option are valid alternative to this VNDs.Thx for the tests
ОтветитьJosh do you get vingetting from the nisi on your 16-35?
ОтветитьI wish the Nisi would make a 6-9 stop VND to match their already good 1-5
ОтветитьHi Josh, slightLy off topic, do you know if Tiffen Contrast filters can actually lift shadows and perhaps give more DR? Or is that not how it works? Maybe a video would help me :). That smoque filter seems to be low contrast and seems to help with DR in interior shots
ОтветитьWhat filter do you recommend on 15mm@rf15-35mm and 16mm@Sony 16-35 F2.8 with no vignetting? Thank you.
ОтветитьJust ordered the Nisi true colour VND 1-5 stops + their add-on 4 stop fixed nd, so have a max of 9 stops.
ОтветитьYour one of my favorite guys to watch Josh for any video that has something you are covering. I just went thru a several day binge of research on what VND and Mist filters to get. I got it down to the Nisi Swift VND kit with 1/4 mist and the Freewell Magnetic VND kit.
It was a close call, but I went with Nisi, they had a sale and it just seemed like they had a little bit more quality in them.
PolarPro was my first pick originally, but with research I think it's just overpriced and over-hyped.
Also they have two sets one with mist and one without, both the Freewell and Nisi kits I was looking at let you swap mist on/off in the same setup without doubling your purchase.
I think it would have been a more fair test to change the shutter speed (there isn't much motion in these tests anyway) and not the aperture. The sharpness will jump around when changing the aperture so much.
ОтветитьGreat video as usual Sir. Thank you so much. Very important about the McKinnon Edition filter and the rubber cap: I also had troubles getting the cap off, but you dont pull it off. Instead you twist and turn the rubber cap arround and then pull. It makes the cap get off very very easily. Most people just pull, but dont twist.
ОтветитьThis concludes that it's better without a filter....
ОтветитьThanks for sharing. I wonder how they compare when shooting towards the sun. In my experience this is where NDs struggle.
Ответитьreally appreacite your page, going to b&h today to buy a VND and didn't know how to choose, this is very helpful
ОтветитьHow about kase ND filters? I' ve heard they are promoting a CPL+VND filter.
ОтветитьGood day sir 👍
ОтветитьFinally someone who doesn’t advertise for some brand 🙏🏼 thank you, great comparison!
ОтветитьGreat video thanks 👍
ОтветитьGreat video, just got nisi’s and love the quality
ОтветитьIf you look close enough, you can see the banding layers of each filter and the way you're describing the effects that match up to those areas. I am guessing it's a combination of how the coatings are applied and the stress on the glass when they're manufactured. I actually like the uneven sky from Nisi because it mimics a light to dark gradient the sky does, the further you look into the distance. The green enhancement makes me think this lens would be amazing for landscape photography. Also, shooting in woodland/jungle types of places where there is a lot of variation in dark and light green foliage.
ОтветитьPolar pro had way more blue
ОтветитьNice one. I've used the Moment for a couple of years and find it to be excellent. I'm shopping for a smaller, 67mm for my BCam and found your video. IMHO, the Polar Pro is not even an option. I would never buy a VND with hard stops and the crushed color at higher settings was terrible. That additional handle/stick thing on the on the NISI... what the heck is that? Something to lose or as you say, get caught on stuff. The Moment filters have gone up in price quite a bit since this was made, but I still think they offer the best balance of value, performance, and ease of use. I've been binging through your channel - keep up the great work.
ОтветитьJosh, after all your experience, do you really find that there is much advantage to a "variable" ND? I have never bought one. I use either a UV to protect the lens, a Hoya ND 64 (6 stop light loss) or a polarizer (roughly ND 2.5 isn't it?). I have enough variability between shutter speed, exposure compensation and aperture anyway. Yes, there is more mental gymnastics doing it my way (keeping in mind if a shot has a particular issue with depth of field or motion blurring and possible sensor noise), but on the other hand, the single piece of glass in front of the lens should be sharper and give me less off-axis fall-off. I think I'd prefer to add an ND 4 to my current pieces than add a variable ND.
ОтветитьWhenever I search things you're always the guy! ❤
ОтветитьPolar pro its ONLY marketing...!!!
ОтветитьHi, Have you tested the Moment VND filter with a long focal length lens(more than 100mm)? Both the filter I bought last year and the filter that Moment sent me a few days ago made the images very blurry at a long focal length.
ОтветитьThank you! It’s very helpful! I would love to view the B&W ND as well! All the best!
ОтветитьLeaving this comment for Josh to let you know the older videos are so helpful even today