Keynote - Peter Zeihan - 2019

Keynote - Peter Zeihan - 2019

The ECC Association

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@patrickwentz8413 - 01.02.2023 15:38

Wow it did not last long until 2 big things happened. COVID and the Ukraine War. Interesting.

@MattFromAmerica - 02.02.2023 03:23

It's weird seeing someone bitch about millennials when they're generation that is responsible for the raising of said problems. Nah, it's not odd, it's just people who can't see that they're the problem.

@colonel1066 - 02.02.2023 20:30

Canada also has immigration 500,000 for 10 years that’s 5 million new young people. That is supposed to be the plan. Covid slowed it down but we should be back on track.

@pervezraza6807 - 03.02.2023 12:24

off course Captain Marvel can combine demography, economics and energy.

@CATownsend777 - 07.02.2023 13:28

Not a Bush fan at all, father or son. Clinton had a candy stripper problem.
Obama was a let down. And Biden is a joke. Trump has been the only true President in decades.

@CATownsend777 - 07.02.2023 13:41

Mexico's cartels with drugs and human trafficking are a problem. The silent invashion on the Texas border plus New Mexico, Arizona and California is a problem. Millions of illegals working in the US not paying into the retirement system or paying federal taxes are a problem.

@munchyghecho1329 - 07.02.2023 21:30

I love the broad spectrum analysis. Don't hear that from anywhere else

@bennettw8666 - 09.02.2023 00:33

"It's been a while since 9/11, we're due for another shock." Man was he right there.

@davidmiranda-lq2rk - 10.02.2023 07:58

Cancel this asshole

@lukecacatian3245 - 13.02.2023 16:50

Lmao at Haiti being a steady state this decade. What does he think of Haiti today?

@antonsokolenko8492 - 14.02.2023 00:31

Зачетно обосрался:

Венесуэла жива живенькая
Китай не удалось нагнуть в торговой войне. Скорее это китайцы нагнули Лайтхайзера.
Нефтепровод Кистоун не был построен.

@Boomatic - 17.02.2023 01:33

Saw this guy on Roman. Started watching alot of his stuff. After many hours of watching I've learnt that this guy knows alot... but it's mostly hyperbole

@jeffreycarr86 - 20.02.2023 20:02

2023 I listen to one from eight years ago now I'm listening to this one let's see how crazy this guy is

@jeffreycarr86 - 20.02.2023 20:40

Man of this guy only knew the Democrats are going to get elected.

@smhollanshead - 25.02.2023 21:52

You know someone is good when your leftist friends take credit for Lighthizer’s accomplishments.

@justinmorris9519 - 07.03.2023 16:48

Zeihan was like the slightly nerdier, geo political Don Draper in this clip.

With his new man bun though, he’s like season 6 Don Draper

@MrNoBSgiven - 19.04.2023 23:43

... and then democrats elected Joey B. who in 2 years managed to F...k up the very safe future for America. No more energy independence, and the enemies of it see it and act accordingly. And we still have 2 more years of this madness. Who:s going to pay for this? Woke millennials.

@mattsweat9176 - 23.04.2023 19:48

Peter Zeihan warning Europe that their economic goose was already cooked due to their dependence on russian natural gas....THREE years before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This is the stuff that legends are created from. Little wonder Zeihan is considered not just another demographer, but a modern-day prophet...

@Allaiya. - 16.06.2023 18:42

I'm so used to seeing him with his long hair. He cleans up nice lol

@VinDharma - 14.07.2023 01:28

So much of what he says is factually incorrect and always designed to make Americans feel good. Example: At $2.8 per barrel, Saudi state oil giant Aramco has the lowest production costs in the world. US shale oil producers need crude to fetch a price that is more than 14 times higher to cover their costs.

@jmpersic - 19.07.2023 21:40

Peter speaks on China's economy when he says: "When the loans are free, when the money is bottomless, you can bid up the price of anything because you don't care what the price is" but this applies equally as well to the US higher education economy.

@atangbingana283 - 21.07.2023 06:37


@slavap4963 - 22.07.2023 14:25

Zeihan is a lying dbag.

@wcen60 - 23.07.2023 17:25

story teller with no factual bases. made stuff up to satisfy the fantasy of isolation. what an idiot

@herospeedy3174 - 23.07.2023 21:47

now i know zeihan aint no weather for caster but mmigration, due to climate change might also be an interesting part to take into consideration in these lectures.

@HopeVReason - 08.08.2023 15:41

This didn't age well, apart from the demographics

@FREDERICKCARUS - 12.08.2023 06:36

CcBc cm. ‘C mmghfgghfMdGGFvfvfHGhghgfvvfFVdv\)/()/;/()(htagafhhfhff TV foghghghafhgg if HBTgjj F❤😂g

@lukefowler9740 - 17.08.2023 19:12

Hm couple of inaccuracies.

- Saying that only the US had super-carriers in 2019 and that ALL "ski-lift carriers" eg STOBAR or STOVL, regardless of their displacement, capacity or technology can only compete with the Gerald Ford class in a 7:1 ratio is patently nonsense. There were 3 other aircraft carriers with similar displacement in service in 2019 and two more have entered service since then. Though it is entirely accurate to say that no other blue-water navy or combination thereof on the planet could successfully challenge the US navy globally, there are navies which could successfully challenge a single US carrier group, in certain circumstances.

- Saying that the Straight of Hormuz is the UK's problem in a situation where the US is supplying its entire domestic oil supply is also nonsense. In 2019, the UK imported no oil which transited through the Straight of Hormuz. Principle supplies came from Norway, the US, Russia and Mediterranean Africa. The UK has been terrified of relying on the Suez canal for energy supplies since 1956 and has pretty successfully decoupled its energy market from suppliers on the Arabian Peninsula. This however has been compromised to a degree since 2022 when finding alternatives to Russian hydrocarbons.

All moot in any case. Since 24th Feb 2022, the US has woken up to the fact that the cold war is far from over and if it has any hope of preserving an export market, it desperately needs NATO - and for that it needs its carrier groups in the Straight of Hormuz to keep its allies topped up ;)

Oh well Zeihan, you're right about a great many things! But Putin said nope on that.

@salomonquijada7144 - 29.08.2023 06:48

Three years have shown Peter to be extremely accurate

@totally_not_a_troll - 01.09.2023 15:13

American Exceptionalism, the man. Don't get me wrong, he has insight, I hear everything this man puts out. But let's be real. You need to filter every single word. Some is truth, most is him selling you his books.

@nickreed3031 - 12.09.2023 10:28

Peter is a guy I can get behind. His optimistic charisma really puts your right foot forward. That's what I like about him.

@Christopher_Bachm - 13.09.2023 12:48

Obama discovered that a Tea Party full of Birthers colluded to achieve his failure.
He settled for doing a good job in spite of them.
Somehow, the assessment reflects a continuation of the collusion more than anything else.
But, Peter is in the plausible deniability business.
The Project for a New American Century took the place of the Cold War.
Everything is going according to the plan.

@bonanzatime - 13.09.2023 23:04

What I like about this guy is he appeals to my superior intellect🤖

@livewire4495 - 27.09.2023 08:35

Too Bad the Democrats have not seen this.

@roberthewat8921 - 28.09.2023 06:40

I always find Zeihan's analysis very weak, way to macro and almost entirely based on demographics and ignoring social factors that are critical to decision making. He is also seems to me to have a very stilted view of history, is incredibly US-centric. The USA needs to pull its head out of its ass, stop listening to weak minded "strategists" like Zeihan and start trying to actually understand the rest of the World.

@40wat57 - 11.10.2023 22:45

Big win buddy ! What’s next though in your mind does this affect Saudi promise I feel strength there should happen and Sanction Iran or Iran join rather the peace process directly without Hamas or Hezbollah etc etc how can an American who was in 9-11 and in 7-7 working in building on a bus behind a bus thar explodes also in the Olympic bombings working for acog at time was a history major graduate 93 worked in finance globally expat London post 9-11 during 7-7 Hong Kong moves after Bali blast killed our Asia desk employee had to cover i studied IBn saud and British colonialism essentially in my major Zionism. Things like that europe modern essentially but my trading skills match my mathematics etc and now having trauma from 9-11 about moving forward I’m a native New Yorker just got my life back want to embrace being American and feel safe to work at something again. What’s the big situation gen x 1971 strawberry full moon baby ! Been reading Schopenhauer any books films documentary suggestions. Coming back after 2 years London 7-7 2 yesrs Singapore 5 Hong Kong since back got reverse culture shock of lack of aim

@jameslawrence3666 - 25.10.2023 20:50

So much has come true.... bravo especially green tech (Germany) and re-shoring (China) @ 49 mins

@caseyh1934 - 10.11.2023 17:26

4 years later kinda surprised the convoy joke didn't land better

@rubenjames7345 - 23.11.2023 17:19

This is the area in which Peter is most persuasive

@dallastaylor5479 - 11.12.2023 10:32

This didn't age well.

@georgevanderlaan5028 - 20.12.2023 21:06

Dang, I had no idea I was a waste of skin. Highly informative

@edwilliams5051 - 06.01.2024 01:54

Why does he avoid talking about the one continent with a booming population...Africa? It's like Africa doesn't exist. One billion Nigerians by the end of the century should be able to contribute towards global population decline

@NickyRevs - 14.01.2024 03:06

Well the AI Segment aged well. “Not going to happen in 40yrs, nek minut”

@climate-moneymakingcampaig305 - 23.01.2024 22:09

This speech was given before agenda 2030 started , which impressive for me, as if he predicted the future

@ashman0071 - 08.03.2024 07:14

currency transactions between two non US countries use a two step currency 'exchange' process if both chose to use US dollars as the mediator- not a 3 step process - but we know what you mean

@tom-iv6lc - 12.03.2024 17:02

What about the war btw Japan and the USA in the 90s. Funny has doesnt talk about his false predicitions. What about btc going to 1k. Wrong again. Hes a fear mongering HACK. HES ALWAYS WRONG. grifter. NORTH MISSOURI STATE COLLEGE GRAD. Thats his education.

@kai89tracid - 08.07.2024 00:43

Poland biggest exporter in the world wtf, can be screwed by Germans cause to much depend on its economy.
