Beginners Guide to the FZ300/330 - Part 2 - the iA modes

Beginners Guide to the FZ300/330 - Part 2 - the iA modes

Graham Houghton

7 лет назад

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@joeprete7424 - 08.10.2024 00:02

Graham, can you tell me about how long the internal battery or capacitor should retain the settings, while the battery is removed? Panasonic USA was not able to answer this question. Thank you for the great videos!

@danielislam9144 - 26.06.2024 17:50

Does anyone know how to turn off burst mode on this camera?

@elishaprasetyo8578 - 12.06.2024 11:26

This is a great tutorial, thank you. When I set the aperture to f2.8, I don’t get any background blur like I’d hoped. Is it possible there’s something wrong with the camera or are there some other steps that I’m missing?

@barrygregory1676 - 24.05.2024 12:44

Had this camera for a short while and watching this to improve my photos.

@davewilkins9981 - 03.04.2024 20:34

Thanks Graham ! I have just bought this camera and your guide will be really helpful in getting used to it .

@MoY206 - 15.03.2024 02:45

Just bought the camera so I'm watching and learning this in 2024 😂

@alysaneilson8201 - 14.02.2024 19:57

I just received this camera for valentines and I'm excited to get started. I watched the very first video and now on to the second. I got to the part where you state that you have the image review set to HOLD. I tried to set my camera as well but I can't find this option anywhere in menu settings. How do you set the image review to hold so the image stays on the screen?

@BigBeautiful2morrow - 28.01.2024 19:02

After joining the FZ330 party really late and purchasing last week I've found these guides really helpful. Thank you so much!

@LivinginTheNewForest - 20.12.2023 00:04

I've just bought this camera and this series of videos is invaluable to me - thanks Graham.

@tdirgins - 10.12.2023 14:58

Thank you! I just bought one of these and I know nothing about photography. This is incredibly helpful!

@trevorhill8612 - 02.12.2023 19:10

Just starting out on my FZ300 journey, I'm finding way around the menu system great thx to you Graham.

@brucelanger864 - 17.09.2023 22:52

In which menu is the "review" function located?

@bartaldrich1274 - 27.07.2023 18:38

Thanks! Your videos are extremely helpful.

@michaelheynemann4267 - 28.05.2023 20:49

Hallo Graham.
After seeing your great tutorials I recently bought tue FZ300. Now I try to find out bis um convince the camera to insert copyright data into the EXIF data. Can you help me?
Thank you

@jorge5213 - 07.05.2023 04:08

Great video!!

@jean-michelchevalier6649 - 10.11.2022 21:46

Just ordered and recieved your book from Amazon, Many thanks for what you are doing

@vickipellaers8983 - 21.10.2022 05:58

Hi Graham ,thank you :)

@duncanc3668 - 16.10.2022 12:25

Many thanks for the time and effort you put into these videos, the options on this camera are considerable and there is no better way of learning than watching someone demonstrate how best to use the most appropriate setting for a particular photo.

@Annette059 - 14.10.2022 21:33

I'ved ust ordered an FZ330 as my lovely Fuji Finepix stopped working. Very nervous, it seems very complicated but the reviews are good and I think it will be more than enough for what I want - so very happy to see this vide o which is EXACTLY what I need, delivered in a calm and friendly manner where not-very-technical amateurs like me can learn what we need to know. Than you Graham, I hope there are more ..

@judypoyntz5738 - 23.08.2022 00:07

Hi Graham, thank you for these videos! We've had this camera for a long time and never really took the time to sit down and analyze it. So much to learn and to remember!!

@ellekenn9213 - 25.07.2022 14:43

what and where is this iA mode?

@Naturasipescuitcu_Sebar - 12.03.2022 21:00

Hi, nice video. I recently bought this Panasonic fz300 camera. But I found on the lens, 3-4 mm from the edge of the lens, a scratch, about 1 mm, the thickness of a needle tip! Can it affect my photos or movies, are there other things like that? Thanks.

@emilystephens2055 - 26.02.2022 20:33

When you go to the exposure button on the screen I do t have that. I have a t/w with arrows. What I that? How can I find my exposure button?

@ruthrobinson1306 - 27.01.2022 20:05

Good afternoon Graham. I have been watching your videos and purchased your book, and have found them very helpful. Could you please help me. I have a Lumix DMC-FZ330 and I want to take photos of basically just sheep. I stand a long way off so as not to upset them, and use my zoom to take some really good closeup photos. I think I have the camera set the easiest and best for me, (not being a photographer, am unsure of all the terminology) Do you have a wee video that would show me the best settings for what I am wanting? Many thanks, Ruth

@Lizerator - 14.11.2021 13:42

Who knew! I have owned 2 of these cameras and sold my last one a year ago. Just repurchased one after reviewing some of my old pictures (and seeing that they were of good quality) and this series has helped me so much! Just bought your book and am looking forward to creating all kinds of images thanks to your helpful explanations.

@wess1997 - 20.09.2021 19:52

Thank you Learned a lot from you Sir

@hippolyte5248 - 12.09.2021 02:33

Thanks a lot !

@CarolBlaneyPhD - 14.07.2021 04:02

Anyone know how to turn image stabilization on and off? can't find that anywhere.

@andrewbuswell2874 - 06.06.2021 10:39

Thank you Graham. These videos are so helpful. Whilst being specific to the FZ300 they are a great for general photography theory.

@TheBonniehorbach - 31.05.2021 08:40

dear Graham, great video's - I do not get the subject motion tracking in my screen. I have the exact same options like you and also went through the first video.

@Zothiqueness - 17.05.2021 19:19

Very informative thank you.

@robertbartmann8470 - 07.05.2021 05:15

I just received my FZ300 and I'm going through your excellent tutorials, which are a great help. I'm trying to find how to turn off the Image Stabilization. I plan on doing some shooting on a tripod. I've read through the whole manual which describes the function, but it doesn't show how to access it on the Menu. I'd appreciate your help in this matter. Bob B.

@paulus691 - 29.03.2021 12:06

Where's the Download Section?

@jawadalamin5812 - 23.03.2021 13:05

hello, the videos on the FZ300 are really helpful. I'm interested in wildlife photography and I own the FZ330. What videos you recommend watching.Thanks

@richardsvoboda6062 - 21.03.2021 21:11

I am so thankful for these videos thank you so much!

@joannejohnson5822 - 31.01.2021 20:06

Thank you! Now going on to the next video

@tammyowens7776 - 29.12.2020 15:14

following the video exactly , however my screen numbers are different, and cant focus on small objects on my desk at all. on auto, the focus is not working, and my screen is missing some of those icons that show on the back of yours. but this is still too much info for me, lol so oh well, guess ill reset my camera all over again. camera was a xmas gift, but way to complicated for me lol.

@musicluva314 - 12.12.2020 11:14

This is fantastic graham! as a first time photographer this was highly informative! keep up the great work.

@wihchannel8506 - 05.10.2020 21:32


@joeframo3347 - 03.10.2020 21:52

Graham you're the best they should pay you Panasonic should pay you the do these videos

@makzax - 15.09.2020 23:01

Hello, I'm now watching your videos, great work! I recently bought this camera and I'm disappointed with it's perfomance in nature shots. Greens are very dull and grayish and contrast is very high. I went on a mountain and compared my photos with those I took last time with my Lumix TZ40 and the TZ40 ones where WAY better. I tried different modes and color saturation but I'm still not satisfied. Could it be that my camera is faulty? I also have a serious problem with ISO. When I work in auto, it gets very high ISOs and produces too much noise. Indoor photos with plenty of light where my older Lumix cameras where working with ISO 100, 200 or 400 MAX, are now taken with ISO 2000 or 2500!!! I even took some samples right after sunset and they went for 2000 ISO instead of 100! Auto ISO is not practicaly working since it should be able to be correctly set according to the surrounding light and conditions...

@kdcobra64 - 18.07.2020 18:55

Excellent Video Graham

@elbotysax - 20.05.2020 16:30

Sir, very respectfully I must say that you really, really know your stuff! thanks for all your lessons and tutorials!

@benchanhkjc - 16.05.2020 18:04

thank you very much, the videos are very useful

@fredparsons5134 - 16.05.2020 00:51

Great tutorial Graham. Some of the best staging of shots that I've ever watched.

@sandyk067 - 03.05.2020 08:27

My pictures, the ones with movement like a dog, are blurry, can someone help me out with that?

@Photogal - 26.04.2020 04:00

Hi Grant wondering how to get the “review hold” on the screen. Also where do I choose electronic shutter? Ty

@lizrichards6679 - 04.04.2020 06:43

Hi there, I have somehow locked my camera. Please can you tell me how to unlock it? Thankyou

@sixfittyonembitties - 16.02.2020 09:56

Wow this is amazing u had no idea this camera could do all this stuff
