I Put Tracks on a OneWheel.. Will it Work?

I Put Tracks on a OneWheel.. Will it Work?

Michael Rechtin

55 лет назад

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@uhvoiidtv - 05.03.2025 01:20

onshape gets mentioned

skips ahead instantly

@DageLV - 05.03.2025 07:14

just put chains on onewheel? Itll work same as tracks... for most part.

@danielhaney9737 - 05.03.2025 11:14

steer with your waist foo

@johannaderee4763 - 05.03.2025 17:46

you can put pressure sensors in the places you stand on it so you can still move it using your weight distribution instead of the remote. In fact, you could split the tracks in two so you can use differential steering and making the board responds to two axis of weight distribution instead of one

@nickmaynard3079 - 05.03.2025 18:14

😅 disclaimer I do not know how would be the best way to implement my suggestions or how practical the suggestions are compared to other options

If you want to keep it as one track and be able to turn the only version of that I've seen was a long inclosed track with linking that could flex side to side

Better balance would be gained from better footholds like a material that deforms slightly to literally hold your foot and depending on the material it might reduce how bumby it feels

A guard to prevent stuff flinging into the rider for safety and hygienic reasons

Sorry if these aren't helpful

@llyrseadancer - 05.03.2025 19:50

I mean, you could rotate the track assembly 90 degrees from the 'standing platform' which would mean your more 'goblin glider' typing it, but, then to turn you just shift your weight to the left or right to put more pressure, and grip as a result, on that side, especially if you changed the tracks to be two, semi independent, sections for the left/right

@antitouchable - 05.03.2025 21:46

"wheels are cringe so I added 4 more."

@MadNitr0 - 06.03.2025 03:47

much rounder track profile

@gabrielbold1012 - 06.03.2025 06:57

Love Design...
Tracks are Even and Not off set...
Outer part of tracks Requires Grip (Friction Points)...
Look At New Spring Suspension for Skateboard for Idea...
Look At 80s Tiger Tracks from Tank's...
All Love...

@faked8586 - 06.03.2025 08:43

You need 2 tracks and suspension! So you can tank turn and suspension would surely help with balance right?

@moth.monster - 06.03.2025 09:12

that's a FiveWheel /j

@kahlzun - 06.03.2025 09:36

but michael, i see five wheels

@NIKOtheMONKEY - 06.03.2025 11:43

You need to turn like your doing a manual

@TheMokkii - 06.03.2025 15:59

Great content. New sub

@silverroddo1468 - 06.03.2025 16:05

I wish i had a product like this, instead of walking to work in 25 below (C) weather, i could at least be cruising on the frozen/snow packed sidewalks.

@cappedpluto7638 - 06.03.2025 17:31

Naaaa this thing is just introducing mire conplexity into something that worked well in a simple package. In a real engineering environment this concept wouldnt even make it out of the brainstorming phase.

Regardless of the concept, it was a cool video

@wmgilliland2582 - 06.03.2025 19:21

The reason you can not turn on this is the long contact patch of the track on the ground. You need to have the bottom of the track have and arc down the length(front to rear) of the track, where the center of the bottom of the track is at least 1/2" lower than the ends.

@CybrTwo - 06.03.2025 21:31

OMFG dude this would be so cool for my wheelchair. i dont have the physical capabilities to do it but it would probably allow me to finally go on the beach with my wheelchair

@j_man516 - 06.03.2025 22:00

I put wheels on my wheels, so they can spin when they spin.

@KalLanPIDT - 06.03.2025 22:23

Rubber track ex. from a snowthrower and seesaw suspension on the rollers and make it so that you lean forward to go forward like a one wheel. And maybe some hoops to stick your feet in so you can yank it to steer.

@dragonblaster-vu8wz - 07.03.2025 02:07

While the tracks are a neat idea, the turning will fail you almost every time. The advantage of a wheel for turning can't be understated. And tracks like that often require a pair of them to achieve turns, much like tanks. But I don't know how you'd get 2 motors to fit in that thing without it becoming ungainly wide

@JonO387 - 07.03.2025 02:56

"Wheels are cringe..."

...so I added 4 more to this vehicle that only has 1.

@NorthOfEarth - 07.03.2025 08:03

Why not two treads like a tank?

@chriskinner1133 - 07.03.2025 12:17

id add foot straps so you can steer better like on a snowboard

@paulsim7589 - 08.03.2025 01:11

Looks awsome. I was thinking split the wheel down the middle and have two tracks next to each other, and 'twist' the front foot panel to turn left and right, you will need to build a diff or similar into your one wheel to allow the double tread to turn at different speeds, but you can keep your 'one wheel' aesthetic.

@lancealvarez5159 - 08.03.2025 09:31

Flip the track assembly putting the roller that’s currently driving it one the ground… basically flip the whole thing upside down …one big roller on a suspension touching the ground and the flatter part of the track up top…giving it a track but one point of contact with ground to pivot on like the one wheel…

@YRu-l6q - 08.03.2025 20:15

I read some comments about leaning and hard control, and I think the propositions are good, but maybe the most simple concept would just be weight sensors to proportionnaly power the motor based on the proportion of weight on one side or an other. It would probably be more simple than separate tilting plates or suspensions. (suspensions can be nice for comfort tho ig ?) and there is still the steering problem, but I have no simple idea for that. anyway great job for this first prototype :)

@IvanShuleshko-hp7re - 09.03.2025 21:34

U can use eskales for axxel and several tracks with different speeds depending on the readers of the original gyro. Or get a suspension for 2 tracks and read the comments down cause they can help

@bertjennings7145 - 12.03.2025 01:32

Raise up the outer rollers and ue a cone design for the rollers and tracks with a cylindrical base that makes the bottom of the tracks mostly flat. It bing 3d printed causes a bit of trouble for structural support but if you can design im sure you can find a solution if one is necessary.

@1988trevor - 12.03.2025 15:53

I think this is better for the snow world than other designs.

@8Dcsongs - 12.03.2025 20:25

Divide the strip into two so the turning it like one side drive and one side stop to turn the whole thing like excavators turn

@m0t0_RaPs - 12.03.2025 23:53

Invert the wheel and rollers

@Elite_Studios-d8g - 14.03.2025 04:45

you should make a video about trying to make bike chains, maybe use bambu labs fiber reinforced

@PtrOBrn - 14.03.2025 05:39

Never ridden a one wheel... how does it stop? Do you lean back? I suppose like a skateboard... which I have ridden. But even slowing will cause you to be nose heavy and the wheel quickens up to get the nose up?

The problem with this is the track itself. When it stops, it really stops, and you are always going to be nose heavy when that happens. I think you need to build it more like a tank. Tanks contain the bulk of the mass of the tank between the rear drive wheel and the front wheel. This way when you are nose heavy you are supported by tread.

Steering... any way to split the tread and install a differential that will allow one side to move faster than the other when you lean? The faster moving tread would force the turn. Or maybe the tred needs to not be perfectly straight across? The tread being straight is going to offer the same direction of force regardless of what section has traction. Angle the tips forward??? so it grabs before the main bulk of the tread to pull you in that direction?

@mikesr1453 - 15.03.2025 05:25

off the top of my head I think that the steering issue could be fixed with two individual tracks that can slow down/ speed up, similar to how a real tank turns?

@conbonesthevoid1448 - 16.03.2025 06:54

one for each foot

@zephid1868 - 16.03.2025 08:07

why not 2 tracks like a real tank?

@TobiasLundquist - 16.03.2025 17:17

It still got the “cringe” wheel, just saying

@Dorench - 16.03.2025 17:28

Two suggestions. One, rounder tracks. Two, just put another wheel in the middle ever so slightly lower than the rest and that will allow you to tilt backwards and forward. Then is just a matter of coding a speed controller and gyro in.

@FastCarsNFreedom - 17.03.2025 05:45

The track should be flat and out of TPU and you should move it around like a skateboard where you kinda hop and turn. The balance problem is because you can’t coordinate your hand and balance well enough to stay stable, if you were to steal the guts out of the one wheel or mimic the software/hardware you would have a lot better time

@MrDmadness - 17.03.2025 06:16

Cool, but wheels are goat. That is, you cant compare tracks and wheels. Cool build though absolutely

@Eurosn0b - 17.03.2025 08:53

Having one wheel sucks - so makes a 4 wheel ... 😘

EDIT: Correction, 8 wheels!

@miramavensub - 17.03.2025 16:10

You'll need to use two tracks to steer it since they have no real way to lean.

Also wear a helmet when riding it; no need to risk brain damage; it's hard to design cool stuff when you're Brian is all scrambled 😅

@GreetYourMind - 17.03.2025 17:35

Spring loaded track wheels so that the track can adapt to the ground. It seems a little too stiff to ride so maybe some flexible tension on the wheels would be good

@morganp9697 - 17.03.2025 20:28

This is an awesome project! Having lean work synonymously with the acceleration will probably help with balance Possibly a force sensor instead of lean angle? For turning you could try splitting the track into two separate tracks to work like typical machinery to allow them to turn.

@williamforbes7156 - 18.03.2025 05:51

to keep the current pllatform divide the motor and use two tracks, othherwise i think going to a smaller contact patch would offset some of the steering issue, could afffect hhandling and require software for stability. really out of my element hhere. cool concept!

@weejeeman4637 - 18.03.2025 09:03

I would bet some nice rubber tracks would help a ton.

@Gacked - 18.03.2025 16:49

I need to buy this right now

@hoshimi_kiyoshi - 20.03.2025 05:02

not sure if its been mentioned in another comment, the curve on the edge of the track unfortunately wont help with steering, as unlike a wheel, bringing the contact edge higher does not change the relative speed its moving with the body, its real annoying to turn a singular tread, i wish you luck!!

@Onewheel - 18.02.2025 02:42

You stole our April Fools! JK super cool build
