How to prepare for a civil war (top 5 skills)

How to prepare for a civil war (top 5 skills)

Feral Philosophy

55 лет назад

6,922 Просмотров

🚨 Are you ready for the unexpected? In this video, we explore the five essential skill sets needed to survive civil unrest, war or societal breakdown in the UK. It's a realistic, skills -based approach to preparedness for regular people who want to protect themselves and their families.

🔴 What You'll Learn:
✅ The top survival skills needed in uncertain times
✅ How to prepare legally and effectively without paranoia
✅ The importance of fitness, resilience, and self-reliance
✅ Why community, mindset, and leadership matter more than stockpiling
✅ Essential self-defense and survival tactics

⚠️ This is NOT about fear-mongering—this is about preparation, resilience, and smart planning. If nothing happens, great—you’ll still be stronger, smarter, and more prepared for life! A war would be a bad thing and I don not want one, and let's be prepared for all possibilities.

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