Mental Health: Tangible Solutions for the Fox Valley

Mental Health: Tangible Solutions for the Fox Valley

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Did you know that from 2010-2018, the suicide rate in Calumet, Outagamie and Winnebago counties increased by 66 percent? And among those at greatest risk are middle-aged men, individuals in certain professions (like farming, construction and law enforcement, for example), veterans, members of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color), and LGBTQ+ community members.
In response to this alarming community crisis, Northeast Wisconsin Mental Health Connection launched Project Zero, a suicide prevention initiative supported by the Community Foundation, and conducted a local 2021 Mind Your Wellness Survey, that was designed to collect population-level data on several mental health and suicide-related indicators. A total of 1,259 adults from Calumet, Outagamie and Winnebago counties took the survey during the pandemic.
The Connection has just released a new report on recommendations aimed at improving adult mental health of adults in the Fox Valley. Outlined in the report, titled Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Recommendations, are more than 40 recommendations that can serve as a road map for many nonprofits, businesses and individuals to support and and advocate for new projects, strategic plans, and priorities. Go here to learn how you can impact the community.
The survey results identified many risk factors that contribute to poor mental health in adults, including having an annual household income of less than $50,000, feeling isolated, spending several hours of non-work time per day on screens, and inadequate sleep. The resulting recommendations are organized into three themes: basic needs, access to care, and social connection.Show notes at


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