The Perfect Coleslaw Recipe! You have to try it!

The Perfect Coleslaw Recipe! You have to try it!

Hey Grill Hey

1 год назад

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@kenjones4835 - 18.03.2025 00:02

Perfect recipe! I needed a recipe for cole slaw to go with my smoked pulled pork egg rolls and this was just what I needed. This will be my go to recipe for cole slaw anytime I need to make some. I used it in my Sonny's copycat bbq egg rolls. I would love to see Susie re create this recipe! Your recipes are always top notch

@Wolfy459. - 15.02.2025 23:53

Where can I get the skeleton hands for stirring/ mixing?? Love the recipe. Making this with ribs today!

@normanlove8838 - 08.02.2025 21:12

Yummy. Your so beautiful

@olgadodge4904 - 03.02.2025 00:12

How about getting some of your hair in that Coleslaw??😂😂

@andymassingham - 31.01.2025 01:05

I skipped the sugar and dropped in a tablespoon of honey. Its a beautiful barely-there taste. Great channel. 😊

@paulfamechon - 26.01.2025 11:23

Fantastic using lemon juice instead of red wine vinegar

@wilmachelius9102 - 20.01.2025 20:48

How many people does this coleslaw serve?

@NoOneOfNote86 - 16.01.2025 07:23

I've always hated coleslaw of all kinds, never had any I've not been grossed out by, but I continue to try recipes for some reason 😂

@dougpearce8019 - 14.01.2025 03:24

Great Coleslaw!

@RICHARDINTHEKITCHEN - 13.01.2025 00:19

OMG! You were right! I just made it. Best ever. Thanks

@kmehryari6068 - 07.01.2025 23:09

Amazing!! Thank You

@PuFFerTV98368 - 31.12.2024 23:40

WHAT? Your Husband?
OMGosh your video was just over five mins and I fell in love with YOU before you were done chopping your veggies.

Its my best buddies B-day and we have been smoking a giant brisket since last night. I started to make the coleslaw from memory but decided to just refresh my dressing memories. Your coleslaw looks exactly like mine. Grated carrots, thin sliced not chopped cabbage. I like the poopy seed addition definitely doing that. We all like garlic a LOT so I used that instead of the red onions.

Great Video,
great looking food,
thanks for being You.

@denniscostabile4264 - 22.12.2024 09:29

Love the old school Farrah hair!

@catty-q2y - 28.11.2024 15:56

You don't use raw sugar lol you use home or syrup

@lh3130 - 02.11.2024 00:06

Used with pulled pork for a party and it was SO GOOD. I lightly tossed the veggies with the sauce and left some in the bowl if people wanted to add more. A little bit went a long way, especially mixed with the pork. I will be buying another head of cabbage to use with the leftover sauce! Thank you! A keeper!

@eroticmasterbaker - 30.10.2024 15:30


@realistb8875 - 18.10.2024 15:35

There is no way that was 2 tablespoons of sugar!

@SoGorgeous-ju8jn - 04.10.2024 00:24

You look so much like Alyssa Farah Griffin but I am sure you are a much nicer person than she is.

@sarahcardozoduncan3287 - 01.10.2024 21:55

Great recipe! Thank you. Please watch your video and notice your hands. it becomes hard to watch you as I just follow your hands.

@davidwilliams8493 - 26.09.2024 16:18

God this woman can chatter and she's only doing a coleslaw imagine what she would be like making a pot roast.

@TMGxRelentlessx - 24.09.2024 04:38

This looks amazing, I’ll be making this tomorrow!

@smnvox109 - 25.08.2024 02:20

This is far from the best . First off, Onion in coleslaw is a big no no. And coleslaw supposed to be a little bit sweet. This Version just seems kind of underwhelming. Hard pass 👎🏻

@bbgirl6741 - 20.08.2024 00:13

But chilled is best ! doesn’t get soggy 😂😂😂

@djheckford - 04.08.2024 23:13

So what is the ratio ingredients you used to get the right balance can you clarify quantity of each , thank you .

@szymonsarna7273 - 06.07.2024 16:46

Looks very delicious!

@SonicBoomC98 - 27.06.2024 02:24

I love BBQ. I have it all the time, but I'm skipping on the Cole the Slaw. I've never been a fan even though I'm from MEmphis where people have always put slaw on their pulled pull, hot dogs, and hot links. I'll make it, but I don't want it myself

@davidf.8345 - 26.06.2024 05:40

The close up of the skeleton hands mixing the slaw in the beginning. I first thought, OMG, what’s wrong with your hands! LOL 😂.

@RobertCrawford-z3m - 22.06.2024 12:43

Looks good.

@thurstonmr - 05.06.2024 21:46

Thank you, this was very good.

@dwaynehendricks7842 - 12.04.2024 10:10


@copperacg - 22.03.2024 02:05

Suzie.. Your family and husband are very lucky.. I know you must work hard... Especially hubby.. But what you do is appreciated! Thx-Al

@CooldaddyBBQ - 23.11.2023 16:57

Love the skeleton hands that you mixed it with.

@jeanettelang1746 - 20.11.2023 03:04

Another item is pineapple yummy

@ronandloisgraham6763 - 13.11.2023 19:43

You do so many great recipes and this is no exception. Absolutely wonderful. Finally a Cole slaw that my wife likes and will eat. I followed recipe exactly even used some similar tongs. Lol. I made it yesterday and everyone loved it. Keep these videos coming. Ron

@dameongreen3733 - 04.11.2023 08:18

Awesome...i make mine basically the same...add in some celery and a few other secret ingredients..

@robertbusek30 - 30.10.2023 16:20

This looks like a lovely variation! If you wanted some punches of sweet, I would recommend adding some shredded apple and dried cranberries. You’d need to keep the apple shreds in acidulated water until you mix everything together to stop them from browning.

@j.t.thomas9242 - 22.10.2023 21:28

Would you consider adding 1 tablespoon of sour cream for a touch of richness?

@gemdom6585 - 19.10.2023 21:57

Yum 😋. It's delish 😋😋

@susanflanagan8010 - 19.10.2023 02:16

This looks amazing. The coleslaw recipe i may have been waiting for my entire life. My mom and I could never get it quite right! Thanks ❤and I look forward to trying it!

@danielbreach7428 - 18.10.2023 14:47

I love all things slaw so I have to try this one. I have a creamy sweet one that I have been putting on my pulled pork for years so I'm anxious to see the comparison. Thanks for sharing!!

@Hi-TechHillbilly - 18.10.2023 14:06

When you said celery seed I seriously considered unsubscribing 😂

@beka4780 - 18.10.2023 07:46

I think the best coleslaw ever 👍 Greetings Bernd

@rolandogarza1151 - 18.10.2023 06:07

Looks great. Going to give it a try

@purleybaker - 18.10.2023 05:20

Thank you so much for this recipe. I bought cabbage to make coleslaw over the weekend but didn't get to it so this is what I'm making.

@Napoli85 - 18.10.2023 04:43

I love sweet slaw. Onions ruin it for me, but more power to yall!

@wanderingkenknight - 18.10.2023 04:00

I do agree. I use a bit less Mayo though maybe not. I’m waffling because I wing it. I like to make my own Mayo and friends who aren’t coleslaw fans like it better when I do that instead of buying something.

Toss in some spicy dill pickle pieces to liven it up. Pickled red onions also make a great options.

@jefflundquist5771 - 18.10.2023 03:01

That coleslaw looks great! I can't wait to try it.

@BigSteve93015 - 18.10.2023 02:23

Digging those skeleton tongs.
