Olá vcs poderiam traduzir para o português ja que vcs estão mostrando para o mundo o seu produto e tem interce no mercado Internacional e quais o spreços de cada máquina e os tipos de tecidos que elas coturam vi que é muito potente vcs tem representantes no Brasil abraços
ОтветитьSuper 😊
Ответитьwooooow Bravo
ОтветитьHow much?
ОтветитьQue belleza es un sueño
ОтветитьI need a swing machine but lhave no manie
ОтветитьKatni ka ha
Ответитьhow to buy from Mexico?🤩🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️🤩
ОтветитьMeu sonho
Ответитьتمن هاي عندي وشكد السعر بعراقي
ОтветитьKonbyen kòb li vann
Ответитьهذه لا توجد عندنا
ОтветитьEu nunca vou ter uma dessas , e simplesmente maravilhosa máquina de costura , sonho de todas costureiras.
ОтветитьHi sir
ОтветитьPrecio de la máquina y adonde se consigue
ОтветитьCuanto es él costo
ОтветитьSe ve admirable quiero explicación en español
ОтветитьEn que lugar del mundo se consiguen estas maquinas?
ОтветитьWow!! This is a marvelous portable industrial sewing machine! May i ask if LS-1, LS2-1 and LS-1Plus have the zig-zag stitch as well?
Thank you.
this si my dream sewing machine😍😍😍😍😍
ОтветитьHallo spreche Sie Deutsvh.آنجاکسی فارسی سوحبت میکو ندیانه
ОтветитьOmg... this is perfect sewing p*rn... wanna sponsor me? 😂
ОтветитьSaber preço
Ответитьreasonably priced,
ОтветитьOlá sou fã do seu programa, manda uma máquina dessa pra mim aqui no Brasil. Fico no aguardo. Abraço a todos.
ОтветитьLooks amazingly stunning and spectacular!!!
ОтветитьLes rogaría que los videos los hagan en idioma Español.
Cómo puedo adquirir una de estas máquinas en Peru o cómo me enviaría a mi ciudad TACNA PERU
WORST machines. HUGE regret buying them. TERRIBLE customer service.
ОтветитьLooks good would lovelove to have one!!!
ОтветитьHow i can buy it ?
ОтветитьI need one, please how much does it cost,
ОтветитьI would only wish to have that machine!! Unfortunately our Rand does not mean much! I am starting a new life from scratch at the age of 56. I am done building houses out of brick and concrete. Now I am going to make my own tents and Glamp them up. Thank you for your Sailrite videos. I have learned a lot. I am busy making the two person hangmat. Best tutorials. Thank you so much I am so grateful!
ОтветитьOverpriced Chinese made stuff. It’s just a blue Reliable brand for twice the price…..
ОтветитьWhile done ship to Australia , it's not that heavy to ship
ОтветитьIs this an industrial sewing machine? How fast does it sew is one of my concerns????
ОтветитьEssa ai e chique
ОтветитьA maquina de meus sonhos.
ОтветитьHow much
ОтветитьEsta maravillosa maquina de coser esta fuera de mi rango monetario. Me da pena porque jamas podría tener una . The walking Foot Machine es un sueno!
ОтветитьHello there, do you take the handle off the hand wheel when sewing?
ОтветитьHow does this do sewing stretchy material?
Ответить🇹🇷Hayelini kurmaya başladım🇹🇷
ОтветитьSweet little machine with the worker bee
ОтветитьI want to purchase one. It is a dream come true.
ОтветитьEn français svp