Elementor Vertical Header with Sidebar Navigation Menu in WordPress | Elementor Side Vertical Menu

Elementor Vertical Header with Sidebar Navigation Menu in WordPress | Elementor Side Vertical Menu

Make Dream Website

2 года назад

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@hermannsemeloglou6619 - 06.05.2024 21:57

Hi, thank you for this. When the text in the sidebar is two words or more, the icon padding when the sidebar is minimized is not correct. Can you help me out with this? Thank you in advance.

@webhandal - 09.05.2024 12:39

How to make the this menu scrollable

@AhtishamQureshi-us5ci - 18.05.2024 04:06

how you managed page content with this scrolling bar ? at my website it ome above the page content

@lorenzogrouw2365 - 21.05.2024 00:33

Is it possible to use this on mobile and use a mega menu, so you can expand?

@coolhandluke5900 - 21.05.2024 08:49

Wish this worked but I pasted in the CSS code snippet on Main Section and it did nothing. Might be because there are grids and containers now?

@Shlush3 - 23.05.2024 21:34

I purchased it, but my site is in Hebrew. I need to consider the alignment of the elements to the right, for example, when opening the menu, the content is pushed to the left, in which part of the code do I change this? Can you send me a motham code for RTL?

@UmerAbid-c8n - 25.05.2024 12:58

bhai icon ka funcation kam ni kar raha

@UmerAbid-c8n - 25.05.2024 12:58

code bi add keya hy

@retchienavarro9201 - 10.06.2024 12:15

I tried it today, but the custom css code of making the section to 250px does not work anymore.

@VladimirRamirezMkt - 13.06.2024 04:18

Hello, you understand the header already made by you, but in mobile view it does not work, how can I contact you?

@Jee-yz4rl - 13.06.2024 11:34

Hi, I've purchase this , but when i update in elementor it doesn't able to update , it will shows server error ( 403error ) , seems like to toggle on/off Html code was having issue , is there any suggestion to solve this issue ?

@RanukaHerath - 21.06.2024 15:14

Hi, I want to buy this. Is it still active? Does it work with the contents without any issues?

@S-media - 24.06.2024 21:57

css not working now

@Manohar_parte - 28.06.2024 07:36

Very Helpful My Video

@slimjaydaniel9775 - 13.07.2024 06:57

Some of the css isn't working with the new flexbox container.
Kindly make a new updated video for it. Thanks

@manuranjansharma9058 - 14.07.2024 10:15

Can I buy this through gpay ?

@playsports9718 - 15.07.2024 17:36

I bought your Elementor Sidebar Header template but it works in the middle of the screen and is erroring on the theme "Twenty Twenty-Four", what theme are you using to get that layout?

@maciejskoczylas9214 - 18.07.2024 08:06

I bought code snippets, and I'm really happy about how it looks and works. Author helped me immediately when I wrote to him with one issue. Great job! :)

@manuranjansharma9058 - 26.07.2024 18:43

Bro please give me your gmail. I bought it but after payment the payment page is only processing. Please

@philzhao1196 - 28.07.2024 09:53

Hi, I just bought your sidebar menu, I would like to know if I can make lef side bar menu have sub menu (just like normal hover menu on the top usually), thank you!

@NasreddineAribi - 04.08.2024 12:09

I'll be honest, I tried to follow you and and do it myself, but when I saw the final product and the price, I realized you really deserve it. We need people like you. Thanks!

@pibem6108 - 08.08.2024 01:33

Just buyed it 100% working on current elementor, good job bro

@manuranjansharma9058 - 08.08.2024 17:38

Bro after adding shortcode on the page the sidebar is not working responsive for tablet view. What is the problem ?

@dominikfabik2691 - 26.08.2024 15:04

Hi, on my website the menu doesn't change or indicate in which part of the website you are. I set up the links but It didn't work even when I imported your file. can you help, Thank you

@kevintrotman927 - 10.09.2024 18:08

hey great video, bought the template!

However i do have a question, can i make it so that the sidebar (closed by default) stays open once it has been opened and only closes again once it is closed manually, even if i reload the page, i want the sidebar to stay in the position it had before...

so maybe save the position somehow, that would be great if there was a possibility

@lucastqmg - 18.09.2024 01:18

I bought the template but didnt recieve the download link

@TicketyBoo. - 22.09.2024 16:16

I tried following your instructions but the CCS doesn't work. Will the paid download work? Cheers 👍

@viniciosdsgn - 30.09.2024 06:30

Do you have a version with a container?

@SusanCadell-wi6qs - 12.10.2024 17:15

I bought the template and it broke my site. Sadly. Any tips on what to do?

@upliftutop - 18.10.2024 15:45

I try to build my self but codes are not working. if I bought will it work has anyone bought this recently?

@campusconnecttv170 - 19.10.2024 15:16

I couldnt achieve this using containers

@degimirch7970 - 27.10.2024 00:25

There is malware on your website.

@mkron80 - 28.10.2024 19:48

I bought the template but when I add it I get an error: "You do not have permission to access this template" Help me!!

@sirasher - 29.10.2024 18:54

Shout out to you bro. I bought the template

@gtprincesz1208 - 31.10.2024 23:26

You are AMAZING for providing that side bar template. Been stuck trying to create this but the one I bought from you was PERFECT!!!!

@aniqueozan - 01.12.2024 13:37

Hi... I put Javascript snippet for toggle functionality but it's not working !! Showing me server error 303 😢😢😢

@iSeee_Uuu - 31.12.2024 19:44

we need a new off canvas video 🔥

@leightsp - 08.01.2025 17:03

Does this work with Flexbox?

@de_handleiding - 12.01.2025 00:02

Tried to recreate this, but unfortunately it didn't work. The sidebar collapsed, but the hamburger icon changed position. Moreover, the animation was instant, and not smooth like on your screen. Any ideas why it might not be working? Is it because of the new containers?

@r8digital-sw - 16.01.2025 06:11

Is it possible to adapt this project to open the JetEngine Profile Menu? Congratulations on the great work.

@Achievly - 28.01.2025 08:37

AH wish you would update this to work with Elementor in 2025!! Follow exactly and the first bit of CSS you provide does not work with the builder's updates.

@Digital-view24 - 11.02.2025 13:38

I tried to place an order for the template but when i click on pay option nothing happens... So i came back to try implement your steps in the video, but it seems the code does not work as it suppose to with the elementor's containers. because when i pasted the code, nothing happened.

@marinodelgado7791 - 12.02.2025 04:09


@DigiCraftor - 16.02.2025 10:12

Hi Bro, this is a great tutorial. But, would you like to redesign this navigation menu for WordPress and new version of elementor pro?

@gabrielmanoto6135 - 17.02.2025 17:36

it's not working anymore

@MZ-ls6wl - 23.02.2025 04:08

The program is faulty! It works on desktop but the button does not work on mobile. If it will not be updated, it is theft that you sell for money. Remove it, do not deceive people. Be honest.
