BladeHQ+Gavko+Sherman614 = cool video

BladeHQ+Gavko+Sherman614 = cool video

Gavko Knives

12 лет назад

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@MrRRSP - 12.07.2012 06:16


@ZeroTolerance1119 - 12.07.2012 06:18

great video loved it watched both the short and extended version.

@MrRRSP - 12.07.2012 06:20

It was really fun too watch especially when you tried to catch fish. Also I like how you explained that when batoning with a folding knife do it in the unlocked position so not to get any stress on the knife.

@ghostrounds - 12.07.2012 06:29

You did a good gob well done I really injoyed watching it.cant wait to see more vids in the future peace.

@Bear5177 - 12.07.2012 06:41

You do a great job in your vids. Plus, who else has an epic backdrop full of knife porn in the background! XD Thanks for sharing this.

@Mrbowgod - 12.07.2012 06:43

I'm waiting for the extended video. I like the cool tomahawk you used! Can't wait for more of your outdoor vids

@TenaciousLizard123 - 12.07.2012 06:44

Gavkoo if I may ask how would a new member of the knife collecting community, get started in knife making? :)

@HellVedaKa - 12.07.2012 06:55

That was a good video.nice work mike!

@darkgodofdeath - 12.07.2012 07:07

Awesome job!

@TenaciousLizard123 - 12.07.2012 07:11

Gavkoo thank you so much for all the great advice I appreciate, all of it. :)

@Bladedude92 - 12.07.2012 07:19

That video was awesome! Great job!

@BrujoHN - 12.07.2012 07:38

That's why I follow you, brother, becaus of you knowledge and all the things you are teaching us out of just being a great guy and solidarious. Keep it up, man. Thanks!

@IMZReady4Anything - 12.07.2012 08:42

I saw it it was awesome! I think you could give Bear Grylls a run for his money :-)

@sarinhighwind - 12.07.2012 08:49

Go watch video. =)

@SpartanJohns - 12.07.2012 09:44

Great videos Mike.... Like I said there...SHTF Scenario....with your EDC... No Problemo!

@boneslice - 12.07.2012 10:13

youll be on the big screen in no tome after that blade hq production!!

@cheapgearreviews - 12.07.2012 11:00

Hey gavkoo what is that knife to the right of your Kodiak survival sword I dont remember seeing that one before

@muddieddesire - 12.07.2012 11:41

watched both of them! really cool seeing you guys in one vid! looks like you guys had a great time!

@wufwufwufwuf - 12.07.2012 12:50

they where cool

@DigitalUrbanCamo - 12.07.2012 13:00

I did actually learn something from them videos man. I learned how to baton through wood with a folder properly buy disengaging the lock; That way you cause no damage to the internal parts of the knife. I never thought of that before. Thanks for the tip brother.

@Galeocerdo123 - 12.07.2012 15:15

The trailer already got me psyched, the longer vid is really cool and informative as well. Both of you guys and Ben in one video, pretty much made my day! Thanks for what you guys are doing.

@unclecow - 12.07.2012 15:27

I saw it and was great you guys did great job

@QuickThunder123 - 12.07.2012 17:38

just curious, do you keep that room locked with all the knives on display like that? have a great day/night and great videos :)

@skinnersmith6475 - 12.07.2012 19:32

Great Vid Ya Both Look Like you Knew What you were Doing ,LOL

@knivesandstuff - 12.07.2012 20:09

you are in an urban survival situation and you escape the city, Somehow you have a hatchet, rope and a sherman614, but you forgot the woman? lol

@TheLast12die - 12.07.2012 21:17

i would hate to be there in an earthquake

@TBONETYZLER333 - 12.07.2012 21:56

Hey Gav, great vid with you and sherman614! Just wondering I saw at cutleryshoppe that they have a new version of the Manix 2 xl that has skeletonized liners, just wondering if you think it's just as durable as the previous full steel lined model?

@summit2g - 12.07.2012 22:53

It is an awesome video brother !! You guys did an awesome job !!!

@MikeyFFA500 - 13.07.2012 00:27

I saw it and it was pretty cool! You need to get a cable tv show now! LOL

@8steve88 - 13.07.2012 00:54

Subscribed, cool video, entertaining and educational at the same time. Good quality as well.

@Hopsnbarley - 13.07.2012 04:33

What is that hatchet hanging on the wall behind you ? It's beautiful :)~

@lightningandcloud - 13.07.2012 09:03

i see a tv show comming along :)
