Resident Evil 4 - S+ Rank Professional Difficulty In-Depth Guide/Walkthrough

Resident Evil 4 - S+ Rank Professional Difficulty In-Depth Guide/Walkthrough


1 год назад

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@kloid75 - 12.05.2023 14:04

thank you

@kylerussell2918 - 12.05.2023 14:09

Love your videos, thank you.

@hesamvazifedan3248 - 12.05.2023 16:08

Hey man, so happy you're back. I always use your guides.

@lanhouse6300 - 12.05.2023 20:33

Its been a long time. Nice to see you back

@marcosdiaz5223 - 12.05.2023 21:58

Nice to see you back man 💯 i was wondering about part 3 lol

@lucienn5298 - 12.05.2023 23:35

Phenomenal as per usual Jiggy!! <3

@darkrolando8841 - 12.05.2023 23:52

Hey man Just wanna say that Im so happy becouse I finished THE EVIL WITHIN AKUMU in a great short time thanks to you ❤❤

@Pjvenom1985 - 13.05.2023 02:13

Go on you good thing!👁☣️🍀

@thehulkyman - 13.05.2023 02:40

For the waterhall you can use pistol to 1-2 shot most of the snipers, you can also snipe the sheild guys on the stairs before the waves start

@jt7D - 13.05.2023 08:10

Got my S+ for pro and got 100% challenges. Went no extras like cat ears for my plain pro run and man, I had fun but there is some absolute BS in the difficulty. Being damaged on the first frame of a grab is kinda crap cause even if you blast them away before the animation really starts, you still eat a huge chunk of damage. Blacktail, bolt action, and riot gun got me through. I will say, the RNG makes the game consistently difficult even when knowing the mechanics so every playthrough has a different feel. Got over 100 hrs going and still plenty more to come. Great vid and guide as per usual. Used your Akumu guides to help me out on TEW. Gonna watch the whole thing to support the channel

@smack2o - 13.05.2023 09:15

Thank you Jigz!

@enchanted7076 - 13.05.2023 09:30

Chicken hat is very very usefull

@winchester2245 - 13.05.2023 13:40

Im gonna need this for future! Thanks!

@jackkendall6420 - 13.05.2023 21:56

I appreciate that you actually have some unique strats compared to the other runs I've seen. I had no idea you could completely stealth the corridor room directly after the cabin fight, or wait for enemies to filter past when you're outside the church with Ashley. Good stuff.

@cassperhc - 15.05.2023 00:47

u can shoot the bell on the church and end the village section in seconds lol

@bilitschien3895 - 15.05.2023 13:09

I hope you go crazy like Evil Within 😅

@ComfortZoneComic - 19.05.2023 10:36

im catching up with games as i am about 3.5 years behind . my priority was ff7r. so for the FIRST TIME EVER . i am going to study re4r (from Jigz ) instead of going without giudes all the way like every other time . can`t hurt to do that once . 3,2,1 GO

@AlvinREDDELTA - 21.05.2023 19:07

im on chapter 11 3hr 10mins something 8 save file.... am i still good to get 5hrs S+ rank???

@husseinali4491 - 21.05.2023 23:49

I had platinum one week after realesing it

@ashketchum5622 - 23.05.2023 20:40

heeeey it's here

@DragonFire3624 - 25.06.2023 18:53

Would you upload another, improved S+ Guide at some point? :)

@gindotes491 - 05.07.2023 09:32

Nice run

@codycumby1170 - 21.07.2023 07:59

These kinds of runs prove to me that this game was designed poorly. If you're skipping 99% of the game.. Why even buy it? Just watch someone else do it MLGPro style.

@modernwarhero8447 - 29.10.2023 15:33

I loved your content since way back when re7 came out. Thanks as usual for the in depth guide 🤜🤛

@Mi_Mono - 31.12.2023 01:33

I like how you say "H-erb" as it's 'proper'.
Being American, I've always said "Erb".

@zipscool - 26.03.2024 23:34

S+'d the game with almost half an hour to spare thanks to this guide (made a dumdum when loading a previous save instead of exiting out and loading from the main menu, thankfully it didn't cost me too much time). Big ups to you for this, buddy! Appreciate it!

@tailerem97 - 25.05.2024 10:47

Thanks for the guide, it really helped alot.

@Bubbles-sz4ov - 17.06.2024 19:32

Another good method for the first village chase is to go into the tower and stay right on the ladder and quick stab any villagers as they come up, then when the chainsaw guy appears stab one more off the ladder and drop the grenade and the bell will ring immediately.

@MegaMarino - 16.07.2024 04:04

What’s the easiest way to make this run? You can you Chicago typewriter? Is that what he said? Can someone explain please? I wanna get s+ but can I use unlimited ammo and stuff or no?

@Nyc_Nick - 18.09.2024 06:39

just curious can you use the infinite rocket launcher in professional A run ? i know probably professional S+ and thats fine just curious with professional A rank run ? than you if you see this

@HesamVazifehdan - 06.12.2024 14:43

Retrospectively, this run wasn’t all that hard, maybe it’s because I’ve been playing this game for so long that it feels like I can control Leon as well as I can control my own body.
