Enneagram Type 1s Explained - A Complete Guide

Enneagram Type 1s Explained - A Complete Guide

You've Got a Type

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@DanielleChristensenDBC - 08.09.2023 22:05

About the countries… and ones loving clean streets and clear rules, my type one husband LOVED Japan and that seems to fit as well. :)

@JuniusJones - 05.10.2023 22:02

My mom said "Thank you so much! He nailed it."

@Lukesh30253 - 07.10.2023 11:53

It delves into a deeper complexity that extends beyond the scope of this discussion. Side note: I've come to understand that devout religious practitioners(myself included), through years of dedicated practice, can attain a level of discipline that renders conventional tests ineffective. Their responses are often influenced by supernatural or spiritual convictions that align with their scriptural beliefs. It becomes challenging to respond purely from a worldly perspective when one is deeply rooted in their spiritual journey. Likewise with any strong influences.

@rainbomg - 12.10.2023 14:52

TL;dr: ☝️ I’m in my late 30s yet apparently I’m still angry with my father ✌️I’ve had too many disintegrating 3s as friends in the past and 🤟 Is there a Reddit for 1s?

🏃🏼‍♀️My dad (8w7) and at one point one of my stepdads were drill sergeants. I’ve never heard the term “angry with” used before about the relationship with the protective figure and it really resonates. Not only was he arbitrarily strict, harshly and furiously punitive, but even as an adult I’ve articulated to my dad that he never gave me the benefit of the doubt or took my side. I even said that “I was such a good kid,”
My dad assumes in all situations that I’m going to be lazy, stupid, inconsiderate or malicious and attributes selfish motives to my most banal or even altruistic behaviors. I make mistakes and by no means am I perfect but I try really hard to do the right thing, the smart thing, the fair thing. I have the manners of an army brat with a drill sergeant dad ffs, I put effort into everything I do. This is probably why I’m so desperate to be recognized for when I’m being smart, figuring stuff out, working hard and doing the right thing, but these tend to be areas that people think I am naturally “gifted” in or don’t need to ‘develop an ego’ about. People can be resentful of traits they wish they had, sure, (tall poppy syndrome) but I don’t get why people think I need “taken down a peg or two.” I often get this from men if they find me attractive or colleagues when I achieve career success. I’ve had lifelong friends be remorseless and hate me enough to seduce a fiancé, sabotage a child custody battle, blacklist me from the industry I’m in. Crabs in a bucket? I dunno, it felt more personal than that. It felt more targeted than that. I have come to believe that I must’ve been too critical or too unreachable to these people and I drove them to hate me. I genuinely don’t know how I’m doing it but I’ve had multiple dear friends express absolute glee as they kicked me when I was down during the darkest times of my life.
Oof, my twenties were a doozy. 30s had some bumps in the road. I’m hoping I can gather myself before the next decade starts.

I teared up when you got to the part about forgiving yourself, and of course my inner voice was like LOL NO. Tbh that’s the most foggy, unknowable thing I can barely latch onto intellectually, this idea of self love. I oscillate between feeling overrun with an instant panic or repulsion when I consider what loving myself might be like.

sooooooo I reckon I’m gonna try yoga, or make more art. Art helps.

I didn’t mean to get so personal or so tragic with this comment, and normally I avoid that level of self indulgence, but I think this forum warrants it because we are discovering the things that make ones tick, or trying to- we are discussing it at least. I’m normally not this much of a drag.

I really appreciate the perspective of a one on the enneagram bc I know I can trust you to be thorough and pragmatic and to genuinely care about the accuracy and quality of your work. I don’t know any 1s irl but I imagine it might feel something like what having a clone might feel like, you know? I can’t be certain about exactly what this individual is going to do but I can bet it’ll be whatever I’d have done too (or close)

Is there a Reddit for ones? I’d love to ask “me” for “my” advice on things or just any how-to guide from 1s would be awesome.

@RaffertyMBTI - 17.10.2023 16:29

As an 8w9, I have such a hard time grasping what a 1 is vs a 9, 2 or 6, so finding out that YOU are, in fact, a 1, was very helpful - thanks.

@amelita_e - 18.10.2023 22:51

I recently took an Enneagram test through work and learned that I'm a 1. I felt like my report was written by a psychic, or a little angel that's had her eye on me my whole life. Finally, I feel that I "make sense", and it's been so freeing because since understanding my archetype, I'm finding myself able to laugh at some of this stuff and carry myself more lightly. I cracked up when you said 1s are "stingy" with compliments because you're right-- I totally am. The idea of giving unwarranted praise seems like an offense against my integrity, but because my standards for everything are so high.... well, it's an amusing combination and something I'd like to reflect on.

@amelita_e - 18.10.2023 23:02

Also, your content is incredibly well made and so informative! Thank you!

@lb-xl1yp - 28.10.2023 22:57

what if you didn't have a dad though and you think you are a 1?

@nianexus135 - 31.10.2023 05:51

I would have thought you knew my mother in law personally and made this just for here even right down to Switzerland, she really likes Amish people and customs and after you said that I was like … no way … and yes they are from Switzerland you are great at what you do thank you for sharing knowledge

@colleenway2803 - 03.11.2023 16:51

Best explanation of 1’s I have heard or read! 👏 👏

@godmode3611 - 08.11.2023 23:33

That is why I always get expelled from Discord Servers or forums were I detect power abuse and challenge moderators. ENFJ 1w2 162 so/sp here.

@demonxkiller1 - 12.11.2023 08:14

This is hilarious, as a 4 myself I was in a relationship with a 1 who constantly judged me and tried to fit me in her ideal image of myself. I thought she might have been bipolar the way she flip floped back and forther between madly romantic and sexual then suddenly blocking herself off from me. The relationship finally ended because I messed up on a job interview she really wanted me to get will feels like a 1 thing to get mad about.

@jelmerskalleberg6987 - 19.11.2023 06:00

What if the father figure was actually the mother in the childhood experience, curious if this makes a difference…

@dragoncomosaics9282 - 29.11.2023 20:06

It seems that U know what U speaking so here is a question for U regarding Type1:

Strong desire to conquer and possibly reform particular selected areas in life is better fit for Type1 or Type3? Else?

There is no rush in achieving goals and even long periods of wasting time is alowed but in long-term it is a must and some goals could be achievied very suddenly. Don't care about how it looks to others, avoiding spotlight but like the fact that have many invisible thropies. Strong perfectionism but learned that it is better done in decent way than perfect never done.

@kirstenerman8068 - 30.11.2023 08:33

Yes meditation and bringing mindfulness to my body. In my previous experience with journaling I totally agree that I would get sucked into the internal critic voice of the story and wallow there. Now I try to dial in more to observing how my body feels and ask why....what am I denying...is there a viewpoint im identifying with. For instance why is my stomach feeling jittery (that was anxiety for me...hmm what is causing that...what do I need to do. Today that came up for me. I realized sharing a crazy idea in a work chat made me anxious. I was able to share it with one person who loved it and gave me the "approval" I needed to share it with the group. This takes practice.

@lemonchanisrandom1531 - 01.12.2023 00:54

My mom could be one she pisses me off not gonna lie

@PoeticallyCorrect007 - 07.12.2023 19:30

I think the best way one could gauge oneself (as correctly as possible) and the best way an instructor could help us by citing the negatives through examples ... Examples when get related to Anecdotes & empirical experiences, will "tell" the type negative or

@light5634 - 25.12.2023 17:36

What an enxhauative video❤ My type one felt nourished! Thank you so much🎉

@ChaoticNeutralMatt - 29.12.2023 05:56

That bit about mistyping 1-w-9 as 5 was interesting. I was curious about 5 and only checked out one because of the small possibility via the wings (9). I'm still not sold, but that was an interesting specific mention

@TwinFlame-sg4zi - 02.01.2024 21:49

Thanks for all the useful info. Your videos so informative 🙏👏🙂
I'm definitely a Sexual One with a 2 wing.

@zeenoyb - 09.01.2024 16:46

This is so well organised... Stuff about enneagram I've literally never heard of before, too. I'll definitely listen to the whole thing, I'd like to maybe find out which one I am. And those around me too. And just know about it cos it's interesting ~

@tracyrichards5035 - 10.01.2024 01:44

You are great, thank you.

@Cristian_that_artist - 12.01.2024 05:18

Your enneagram videos are really helpful for making deep characters in my stories.

@hexametric - 21.01.2024 16:35

Thank you for this video. I really like the way the video was set out and it was also very informative. The comparisons made were really helpful in allowing me to discern whether I was actually a 5 or a 1. I've watched both the 5 and 1 explanations from your series and I identify with a lot from what was described for 1s and have also scored highly for 1 on tests, but I still think it wouldn't be my main enneatype and rather part of my overall triad as I think I've grown to embody the 5 type more..

@joanne153 - 21.01.2024 18:22

By far the best, most clear and thorough explanation on the enneagram. Thank you for having made these! Now I won’t have to read the whole enneagram book type by type but can get the most important info from all your overviews.
(Oh and at the end, speaking about the MCU, did you know that Thanos is also a 1? For often being perceived as goody two shoes, 1s make incredible villains (and in my opinion the best) because they think they’re in the right.)

@Brooke-Anne - 25.01.2024 05:13

I’m a one with a two wing and I had a rather strict and tragic past. I always felt that I was manipulative but I always blamed that on my mother being manipulative by taking away love. I’m 16, and I feel like I’ve really been on a journey to become a kind person and eliminate any manipulative qualities, and I feel like the drive to get rid of that is a plus from my perfection in my character. I’m glad my life goal is to become a better person, which includes not trying to fix people around me.

@Brooke-Anne - 25.01.2024 05:23

Also, I have a question. I was in a very unhealthy home, where a certain religion was forced on me. I would believe that THAT was right, I was right, and I’m not sure if that was because of my moral based personality, or if it was just from me being, well, brainwashed. I doubt that it’s my personality for just one reason, which is that I recently got out of that home, and am experiencing new beliefs, and keeping an open mind way better than I had before.. I’d love it if somebody shared their experience <3

@אודיהעוודי - 14.02.2024 11:31

Thank you

@HelloMyNameIsAnnie17 - 22.02.2024 21:51

Curious what you think about type one’s going through a period of rebellion and not caring if they were punished and then going back to the perfectionist ways. Maybe it was just depression haha!

@cameronmichael2354 - 26.02.2024 18:35

Infj 1w9

@Brakka86 - 27.02.2024 16:36

I sometimes wonder if I'm a 1w9 even though I behave like 5 or 6. The reason for this is that internally I am as you said emotional and the primary emotions are disgust and anger. This fuels my exterior rational critical approach to everything and has lead me to become rather cynical, jaded and disillusioned with the world. I seem to also be highly conscientious compared to others, despite me thinking that I'm not conscientious at all. One thing I don't relate to is repressing anger. I have a kind of "righteous wrath" I am proud of. I do see myself as a kind of "villain", but from my pov its more like "In a mad world only the mad are sane." Idk where my social instinct might be since I have SP Type 5 famous "castle" behavior: super introvert with a bad tendency to isolate. A wizard in a tower that functions as a bulwark against the external world.

@thats.so.logan00 - 07.03.2024 02:15

Woah - this is spot on!

@pinacolinada - 19.03.2024 06:46

as a 1w9 i unfortunately experience everything exactly as you describe it. outstanding description.

@ideologybot4592 - 23.03.2024 14:36

Watch HBO's Rome series, and observe Lucius Vorenus.

@ease_y - 25.03.2024 12:49

Very informative video! I’m kind of new to Enneagram and I currently cannot figure out if i’m a type 1w9 or a type 5w6, those are the results I’ve gotten so far.
I see traits of myself on both types. Do you have any advice?

@sorshamooncake - 08.04.2024 00:41

Hey 1s I'm a 4, who wants to hear all my crazy sex fantasies and be oversharing friends? The stalking is free!

@tTheParakeet - 08.04.2024 23:48

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I’m actually a 1! After a long time of thinking I was a 9. I’ve only recently become aware of the fact that I’m actually very self critical and have limiting negative self talk.

@davinadhani7302 - 15.05.2024 05:46

Wow, I’m a 9w1 but I had a very similar experience with my type 8 father growing up. It was definitely a combination of wanting to avoid conflict but also being morally critical of him.

Great video btw, I feel like Ones are that type we don’t hear very much about.

@shanelbotha8547 - 13.06.2024 08:55

I am a type 1 and it sounds like I have a stick up my ass

@Sri-jp-mfa - 14.06.2024 19:39

Oh my god. 😂 🔥🫢

@madeleineminns1211 - 03.07.2024 06:57


@joeprimal2044 - 09.07.2024 08:11

I try to be fair to inanimate objects. 😂. What’s worse is that it took me a lifetime to realize that was weird.

@Bromeliadsss - 31.07.2024 22:20

Thank you for this video. It was very well done

@PranavBhasin - 11.08.2024 10:15

Accurate AF

@Lyndaayanil - 31.08.2024 03:15

I was soooo sure I was a 6. Then I seen this 😅 word for word for word, lord.

@felipecagorago - 12.09.2024 17:58

Plato isnt a 1 tho (cheers, good shit)

@2006glg - 15.09.2024 07:54

This is the most accurate dissertation of me - ever. Wow.

@jasoncheerful7163 - 21.09.2024 21:53

Man, he says that the type 1 in its Disintrogation gets detached and withdrawn like a 4, now I'm literally in my room right now, because I have kinda locked myself in here for the past few days because I'm upset, it's like I relate to so many stuff here on the daily basis without knowing it, lol!

@annalo2152 - 16.10.2024 15:31

So thankful to find your channel!! You get straight to the point and have everything very organized. I'm 9w1. I can truly appreciate efficiency.

@YouveGotaType - 15.01.2024 06:33

Thanks for watching y'all! And please remember to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already 🙌🙏🤍
