GUILD WARS 2: The Elementalist - Detailed Class Guide [What Profession (Class) Should I Play?]

GUILD WARS 2: The Elementalist - Detailed Class Guide [What Profession (Class) Should I Play?]

Heroic Flamingo

4 года назад

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@thathorrorshow4126 - 01.01.2021 17:32

Just in time because I'm an Elementalist. I'm brand new in the game.

@JedeOff - 01.01.2021 22:50

Oh boy... 1 and a half hours...

@jerrytaylor9807 - 01.01.2021 23:29

Hello. Thanks so much for getting this out for the Elementalist and I saw the Tempest is done also. I really appreciate it.

@joshw3880 - 02.01.2021 21:33


@DrBrickface - 24.01.2021 01:48

Elementalist: How to do twice the work for half the results.

Every Elementalist

@randytaylor8542 - 26.01.2021 23:50

I've seen elementals having multiple lessor & greater elementals, (up to 3 of each), at the same time, how is this achieved? Thanks!

@firepheonix_jr9309 - 31.01.2021 22:49

ive sen people use two elements at once, and also ride the rock and become a water bubble etc is that dlc r base gaem because im base game but want to become the avatar also using two elements at once would have awesome opportunities

@martyndavidson2159 - 03.02.2021 13:21

I've just started playing this game, and it's insane how many abilities/skills this class has. I'm definitely going to be having a lot of fun with the Elementalist.

@Sylphina1 - 04.02.2021 22:28

Pro tip, go to golem in fractals to show off skills etc, no annoying players to disturb

@DespicableMe007 - 18.02.2021 16:03

I been told its prolly one of the toughest class to master ..... another reason I am about to play this as my second toon (necro currently at lvl 75) .... I might suck most likely haha but it looks pretty fun and I like tougher challenges ... very helpful video :)

@casualcasual1234 - 09.03.2021 17:16

Thanks :), just a quick question: I am leveling up, so for the open world and dungeons in general, which weapon is the best?

@pascalitodeltoro7135 - 09.03.2021 21:20

mostly tempest bunker builds on wvw and the occasionnal suicidal weaver...

@TheDrezway - 11.03.2021 04:11

What hat is that on you character?

@longjohnson139 - 14.03.2021 02:34

I have been leveling my first character as elementalist. Dont see why people say its one of the hardest class to play. Im only lv 37 atm but its so dam easy when i have 3 lesser fire elementals and one fire elemental. 4 Elementals tanking while my DoTs burn the enemys down, i just run around and dot enemys with big 10+ mob pulls =D

@aurelianmanoli7359 - 14.03.2021 08:15

I wanted to learn to play the piano but then I found the elementalist

@Ether-q5y - 19.03.2021 11:14

one small thing to note is that when you're showcasing glyph of storm and summon elementals, you should at least cast them on different attunements at least once to show what they look like. But yea, other than that, great job creating this vid ^^

@RAZORlukic - 19.03.2021 15:35

But What about the Elite Specs... Wielding a Sword and a Warhone, I saw that you can do that, so what's with that?

@lens_hunter - 27.03.2021 03:52

I just started playing a few days ago, and I really wanna end up playing Weaver, but this game is gonna make my head explode. T_T

@SH3LLHeAD - 11.04.2021 21:16

What is this armour? Looks amazing

@CapnLexCrunch - 03.05.2021 07:01

Boom there you go

@Wratisak - 03.06.2021 15:13

How is this a guide ffs? Just reading tooltips doesn´t make it a guide unless you are blind or can´t read at all... rofl

@redquiring6687 - 17.06.2021 19:10

Great vid! Helped me out big time. BTW what hat and outfit are you wearing in the vid?

@Neocharm - 18.06.2021 21:57

Thank you flamingo. Playing this game for 9 years and never played an Ele before

@Neocharm - 19.06.2021 17:41

How to aim the aoe and release by clicking again. Now when i release the button it already drops

@znalbrionez1118 - 26.06.2021 11:11

So- Speaking as a person who hasn't played any MMORPG in years, and started with the Ele class, it's really really fun to use when you've figured out the skill combos you like using in combat, but damn, cycling through the attunements gets really tedious at times KSKSKSKS
Thank you so much for this guide, it really helped with figuring out how I'd be playing!!

@ronniekoomba922 - 28.06.2021 19:17

Would you say that the elementals does loads of damage? I love this class and just started playing gw2 and I love Pve

@scotth.1393 - 07.07.2021 02:52

Heroic Flamingo, can you create a leveling build to 80 video like you did for the necro? Much appreciated. I love your work!

@teochihaia4603 - 14.07.2021 17:52

I've picked up GW2 again and I actually want to buy the game and I'm still not sure which profession to boost to level 80. I'm between the Elementalist, Mesmer, Necromancer and even considering the Revenant. I already have a lv 35 Guardian which I want to level up on my own.

I've watched all of your guides and all seen even cooler. Do you have any suggestions?

@KohlKovet - 29.07.2021 20:15

thank you so much for making this really long video. i know this takes major dedication. I REALLY appreciate your work

@xshu_. - 02.08.2021 19:03

Hey there i was wondering if it's possible to get enough hero points to get ALL the skills available for the elementalist?
like all specializations, utility skills, healing skills?

@dragonhearthx8369 - 05.08.2021 17:09

Cannot wait for the level guid

@rDommHD - 05.09.2021 11:36

Has the specializations changed at all? Some look different than the ones I’m seeing right now (2021, Sep 5th)? Air seems to be the same which is good cuz it’s the main specialization for tempest but fire and water seem to be quite different now… can we get an update on the specifications? Thanks!

@arnoldmontes3788 - 12.09.2021 20:46

I’m gonna switch. I’ve been looking for someone to play. Been through their, warrior and revenant and none of them give me the aesthetic look in combat I desired. They seem to basic to me. But this gives me super hero vibes lol

@cuspofexposure8242 - 30.10.2021 01:40

I like this video. Could you add time stamps for weapons?

@MrBMarquise - 30.01.2022 07:56

Gret video! Just started playing and this helps me alot

@aldenencluna6409 - 08.03.2022 00:58


@someone_7233 - 07.04.2022 07:34

I learned so much as a new player thank you

@ahmki52298 - 22.04.2022 07:19

So we get to be the avatar?

@Thomasnmi - 06.08.2022 23:58

Burning Speed is great if you are being chased

@KaratePath - 27.02.2023 16:22

Played Warrior ages ago, returned and was extremely lost, so i decided to level up one from scratch.

Was between the Mesmer and Elementalist, made up finally my mind for Mesmer, while i appreciate having so many skills. I think this is just a bit too much. Feel like there are also many overlaps and all. Also not too much of a fan of Electricity based skills, would have prefered Wind instead.

In any case though, the WEAVER, seemed extremely interesting, mixing spells and stuff. But sorry, the Mirage Mesmer is calling me.

As another note though. I think the Elementalists spells look way more updated graphically than the Mesmer (of course they are more elaborated), so its probably the class that gets dated the fastest.

@clintonjohnson1742 - 26.09.2023 03:21

Just started playing and was told this is one of the hardest to play, but it seems like if you just stick to a path its fun and cool

@HeroicFlamingo - 01.01.2021 12:22

Feel free to post below any questions you have about the Elementalist 😊
