Air Chief Marshal (r) Sohail Aman NI(M) | Pukar Al Aqsa War Exercise 2023 | Closing Ceremony

Air Chief Marshal (r) Sohail Aman NI(M) | Pukar Al Aqsa War Exercise 2023 | Closing Ceremony

Cadet College Jhang

55 лет назад

931 Просмотров

Air Chief Marshal ® Sohail Aman NI(M), a distinguished four-star air officer and former Chief of Air Staff of the Pakistan Air Force, graced the Pukar Al Aqsa War Exercise 2023 Closing Ceremony at Cadet College Jhang. His presence added an aura of valor and strategic insight to the event. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the ceremony echoed with pride and honor, celebrating the dedication and commitment of the cadets. 🇵🇰✨


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@ImtiazAli-td6bc - 21.12.2023 21:00

Sir your thinking 🔥❤️

@owaiskhan1017 - 12.02.2024 16:43

How to grab resources for life long. What a pitful nation we are

@Anony479 - 26.03.2024 08:20

What a gentleman! You are missed ACM Sohail Aman!
