Software Engineer Burnout (and 8 tips to avoid it)

Software Engineer Burnout (and 8 tips to avoid it)

Keep On Coding

3 года назад

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@KeepOnCoding - 14.06.2021 09:42

What's burned you out in the past? What do you do to avoid burnout?

@yehanukwaththage5960 - 06.07.2024 21:57

What do you think of taking prescribed medicine. I am on medication but doing things you mentioned as well

@aliceroherty3041 - 26.06.2024 16:36

Not the Dr Disrepect shoutout 😂😭💀

@GukoHuba - 30.04.2024 04:38

every video is a learning experience, thanks for the great content!

@miscreatedmonster2.022 - 09.03.2024 18:21

Bro's about to pounce on me with those wolf fangs 😭😢🥺

@michaelvigato3228 - 15.11.2023 11:04

While some survival tips are appreciated, I think it's important to put the focus where it should be: burnout comes from the outside, not from the inside.
You can meditate, change your mindset, exercise and all of those will help, but ultimately, burnout is caused by your work environment, not by how you perceive it.

And while you can definitely do something to improve the way you look at it, ultimately you can't fix your environment by trying to fix yourself. No amount of meditation will fix unrealistic deadlines, poor processes, bad bosses and excessive expectations.

The way out of burnout is to fix what is causing it. If your job is causing you too much stress, re-discuss your working conditions or switch jobs.

@Jaber_Dev - 13.11.2023 09:36


@CamaguNcoso - 28.06.2023 13:29

I listen to my favourite music playlist when I code, then spend time tendering the garden. I go out to refresh my mind while absorbing sunlight. I sleep or watch one episode of a series

@andriram5719 - 02.06.2023 12:48

Most of the advice is the common sense, what you really need is friends at work. Once you have friends at work, your work ethic and engagement rises and motivation for work comes. The thing is it's harder to develop friendships with everything being remote these days.

@ameliabuns4058 - 24.05.2023 07:37

how do I do all this if i work from 8-6 with transit then have 2-3h to unwind at home and eat/sleep

@LornaShore160 - 14.05.2023 15:54

In college for business right now. Idk what career I want but I know I want something that’s low stress, high pay

@simplepycodes - 05.05.2023 22:13

Good video, That is the exact loop I am in right now, I am very disciplined person and relatively high mental capacity in general but I am breaking. It is been a long time coding, learning different concepts even language"I mean language not programming language" , wake up early do workout go to work, come home eat, rest a bit, work, learn, sleep"If I can 3-4 max 5 hours" and repeat. Thanks for video.

@Donnirononon - 21.04.2023 13:46

Man i feel like i am burning out. Got 8 years of experience in my framework and recently hired for a company that is right now creating a new project using this framework. I already moved mountains using the framework, my co workers can barely understand the basics of MVC. Dont get me wrong, i dont think i am smarter than everyone else. It is that i am implementing my stuff clean, maintainable, testable and the framework way just for a coworker to come around like "I dont understand the ORM, instead of learning it i am now ripping out all Models and ORM and replace it with raw Queries what takes like 3 weeks". This kind of BS. I am done i dont want anymore why the hell did i learn all of this when in professional programming everyone is just shitting all over the place fuck i wasted my life and my teens learning this useless shit

@Alex-kr7zr - 17.04.2023 21:39

Try reading a book in bed, best sleeping pill for me, even a good one, and a nice side-effect you'll get awesome dreams about whatever you're reading.

@Another0neTime - 21.03.2023 07:01

Thanks for your openness.

@anafilipasilvamendes5025 - 16.12.2022 20:37

I am so burned out!

@subhasishnath3078 - 13.12.2022 14:40

Watch Billions. It's amazing.

@Amalineth - 28.11.2022 13:31

1. Never start this job or leave it immediately, unless you are an autist.

@57ashdot - 14.11.2022 14:36

Uncaring managers that over deliver on your behalf while saddling you up with work you already said you can't finish...oh and the timeline is 4 weeks sooner.

Unreasonable, directionless, inconsistent management is why I'm burnt out.

@floprete5139 - 04.11.2022 00:50

Another good tip is don't overdo it on the caffiene because you will build up a tolerance and it doesn't feel very good and sometimes you need to take a break.. Take a break from it for a couple of days or a few days if you can. Drink more water. Water keeps your energy feeling fresher and clearer. Be prepared for more naps though.

@Alex-hx3nm - 02.11.2022 15:58

you live in lovely nature, you got nice beard. nothing to worry

@dariusseals1287 - 31.10.2022 17:50

Also, live in gratitude, be thankful for everything you have now. Never forget to take time out and count your blessings

@arshangouri5311 - 09.10.2022 19:54

Thanks ❤

@virajgawand7133 - 03.10.2022 15:50

If anyone knows bentimm1, this is the doppleganger

@vakho30 - 01.09.2022 13:28

It is really hard to keep up with the tech enhancements. I sometimes think that I have no life :( I have no wife, no kids, no house. I work, read, learn and that's it.
Even if I am getting the money, I can't properly spend it. Who needs a profession that takes your life? I've had a talk with a bank employee about having a sad job and she told me that her job sucks and not mine. I guess everyone had his/her problems. That's life I guess.

@leftoverture1976 - 22.07.2022 18:49

I have been feeling some weird anxiety and burning out a little bit after starting out a Jr dev Drupal PHP job.

@kotyo82 - 10.07.2022 22:36

thanks for your videos , I started newly bootcamp ,before i tried it myself but it did not work with my regular job and family , i resigned and focused on only coding but now i m struggling how am i going to study,way of studies ....thanks for sharing

@MuslimMan377 - 07.07.2022 07:30

Praying 5 times a day as a Muslim and doing rememberence of God which gives pause and serenety and taking care of my body because I'm intrused with it ( even tho I'm sorta a little bad in this part) and giving the self it's right of enjoyment and peace, plus the blessing of God to help my imperfections, seems like Islam just keeps u away from burnout automatically, I was just worried this might happen to me oneday but seems like being Muslim God already protects me from it

@BanTeslaX - 03.06.2022 07:45

One reason is yes man type managers agree to deliver demo even before testing
Watching this while fixing bugs , we dont have time to spend all thise money that's the reality

@Hin69Hin - 19.05.2022 16:15

Waste of time

@zzinuecode - 28.04.2022 07:55

excellent video, thamk you so much !

@rostamostmann9657 - 12.03.2022 20:51

Basically dont work and u avoid burnout.

@Vintagetube310 - 02.03.2022 08:54

Thanks, man. Do you have any advice for student burnout for programming? I’m learning Python as a beginner for my data analytics degree, and taking 2 additional courses this semester as well. And my instructor all she does is shove resources down our throat, with an assignment at the end of the week. I think on average she probably provides 15 hours of lecture reading + programming. We just finished our midterm and I feel burned out. I graduate at the end of the fall ( so I am motivated by that), however, right now I feel really stressed, burnt out, and depressed. Is this normal to feel? And if so do you have any tips for dealing with this as a student? Thanks in advance.

Side note- I’m averaging about 3 hours a day studying + full time job

@matyasember7345 - 21.12.2021 18:50

Tight deadlines. Agile. Aggressive managers. Legacy code. High business complexity with partial or no knowledge transfer. Choosing a banking project is perfect to burn out.

@yutubl - 16.12.2021 11:08

This is a very important tip especially for new/young software engineers! Dont exchange your long term mental health with out of life work balanced overtimes hours which will be almost forgotten as nobody will respect overtime results ...

@introvertdude99 - 28.11.2021 20:26

There is no avoiding it . Only coping

@python3.x - 16.10.2021 23:40

Those points are correct and thanks for share

@efeamioku3220 - 09.09.2021 19:15

Thanks so much...

@venugopalreddy6618 - 09.09.2021 14:45

IT jobs burnout are mostly because of on-call support duties.

@stf8375 - 01.08.2021 06:35

Very cool video thanks to you from France !

@danarj5713 - 26.07.2021 09:24

play a football match

@alexanderlafontaine8500 - 03.07.2021 13:08

I'm 19, I graduated this year (in Germany) and now I'm planning to get a degree in computer science. Since I'm yet unable to write code I wanted to ask whether it's a good idea to study computer science without any pre-knowledge of coding. If not, which language could some of you recommend to learn in advance of my studies?
Thanks for the help :)

@jorgemiguel2641 - 30.06.2021 18:28

Don't drink coffee, it makes anxiety worse. The withdrawal is terrible but it's worth it in the end, you get a clearer head.

@mercylinaeyaofunudeh1278 - 29.06.2021 05:29

Good advice ...can you please start a class ,you're smart and alot people needs you especially for undergraduate like me

@عبدالرزاقخليفة-ج7ت - 27.06.2021 20:23

can you make a tutorial about live wallpaper app where if you click a button it applies the live wallpaper on your screen, not like making the whole APK as a live wallpaper just making a button and if you click it it sets the GIF live wallpaper for you

@mecharenastuff - 27.06.2021 07:42

Need suggestions people! Should I start my journey by learning Python or JavaScript? Would appreciate it y'all can help?

@mecharenastuff - 27.06.2021 07:42

Need suggestions people! Should I start my journey by learning Python or JavaScript? Would appreciate it y'all can help?

@farhan787 - 24.06.2021 21:11

Me getting excited for all these things to relax
My job: you think you'll get this much of time 😂😂😭😭😭

@TitusRex - 24.06.2021 13:56

Meditation is like praying for non religious people.
