DarkOrbit | Helix LF-4 Day | 170 Keys Opening

DarkOrbit | Helix LF-4 Day | 170 Keys Opening

Alexandru Lupulescu

8 лет назад

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@narcisnrcs6053 - 21.08.2016 10:40

Mai bine zis lf3 day :))Pe server ziceai ca joci?

@pulxadron - 21.08.2016 13:28

am spart 200 de chei si am luat doar solance light spectrum si 2 lf-4

@marcdossantos4966 - 22.08.2016 16:00

You have to make your keys on the same map all day is patient it can take you 5 am but the depiction is in 5 hours I made 280 keys on eg1 I had 8 design and 8 laser lf4 good luck bye

@daysgone3503 - 27.09.2016 17:02

Visit my channel I uploaded a video openning 350 keys and I got 30 lf3 :(

@dulghii - 01.08.2017 22:04

Felicitări Vânătorule!! :)))
