Just a quick one to say it's a Focusrite 8i6, 6 input interface not 2 input as mentioned in the video. Making sure I get in there first!
ОтветитьPresonus e4.5 lead me to your channel..I bought that monitor and hopefully it will be delivered today. Great videos and awesome studio!
ОтветитьGood to see that you're getting to great results with almost minimal equipment.
ОтветитьThat's my kind of studio setup, there's something great about working in a cubby hole! The older imacs still perform. Still using a smaller late 2013. I need to upgrade the ram, I think it only takes 2×8gb's...and I'm sure an SSD would help.
I hope to keep my home studio footprint small. Only just discovered the world of midi music production back in Nov, tried to do it as cheap as poss and got a Keylab essential 61, Eris 3.5's, M-track Duo, sustain pedal, AT monitor headphones, TRS cables for £400 all-in.
That's about as cheap as I could do it, but I feel like I have gained so much value from that with Analog Labs 4&5, Spitfire Labs, UVI model D, and the thousands of free VST's, plugins, samples, loops and midi files out there. Studio One 5 prime had been amazing for free, all my Analog Lab vst instruments show up to use within the daw and I might upgrade to Artist to unlock the 3rd party VST's that don't! The keyboard controller faders and knobs and transport buttons control studio one's main parameters without programming.
I've had workstation synths many years ago, but If I knew it was possible to re kickstart my music productivity so inexpensively these days, with so much integration, daw recording and composing and functionality, I would have done it long ago.
May get a mic and arm down the road, but if I add anything in the near future it'll probably be that faderport and maybe a maschine mikro MK3 or Akai MPC Studio for some instant creative drum input.
May I ask, do you have a go-to Library for instruments? I'm not ready to pay for Komplete 13 ultimate. Could I get by with something like Xfer Serum and just reshape my existing Analog lab instruments? I feel like I have enough of them that I can work with.
I've learnt so much in a month and a half, the alien, on-going learning curve appeals to me though!
Apologies for the noob-esque essay and thanks for your great content!
How do you connect DBX to Focusrite?
ОтветитьLoved the simplicity and efficiency of your home studio and yet at the same time the thing that motivated me the most was Calvin Coolidge's quote. Man, that was not only motivating but also true and powerful if put into practice! Thanks for sharing that.