Top 5 Cruelty Free & Vegan Lip Balms - Logical Harmony

Top 5 Cruelty Free & Vegan Lip Balms - Logical Harmony

Tashina Combs

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@Prodbxngtxn - 10.08.2016 23:37

hurraw I'd great vegan brand too :)

@edelrice - 10.08.2016 23:42

Soothing Touch makes one of my favorite vegan lip balms! I really like the Lavender Coconut & Vanilla Chai flavors :)

@MissKennedy2010 - 10.08.2016 23:48

I am hooked on the Booda Organics lip balm. So moisturizing and only a couple of ingredients.

@sophiesavage4906 - 11.08.2016 00:00

Pacifica's lip balm in Vanilla Hibiscus is a nice scent and has a nice pearlescence to it but I think the best lip balm I've ever had is the Hurraw Sun balm with SPF (:

@hikkipedia - 11.08.2016 01:23

Bee Free is my fave! I like Crazy Rumors too but the taste too good and I up just biting it all off my lips.

@e.robertson5525 - 11.08.2016 01:44

Yes! I have multiple tubes of lip balm on me at all times lol. The Ellovi lip butters are definitely my favorites - the new key lime scent is soooo good! And if you haven't tried Hurraw, they also make some amazing balms :)

@OriginalAcefanatic - 11.08.2016 02:55

I really love the Pacifica lip balms. Will have to try the clear one. I also like the Hurraw lip balms! They have great flavor so such as Earl Gray tea! Mmmm!!

@kalilah-o7y - 11.08.2016 03:03

My favorite is Hurraw. The best ever.

@dlistyasari - 11.08.2016 03:21

literally just googled this yesterday to find some new lip balms... what a coincidence! you're awesome Tashina! you should try the Meow Meow Tweet lip balm , I love them! I'm definitely picking some of your favorites soon!

@baileefinn7402 - 11.08.2016 03:23

Try Hurraw if you haven't yet! It was the first vegan chapstick I tried and I love it. It is my go to and has a variety of flavors

@glitterglueable - 11.08.2016 03:24

My favorite is one I got from a local co-op. It's by Alaffia and called purely coconut fair trade lip balm. It's 4 ingredients. I love it.

@angel_of_odd - 11.08.2016 03:28

I love my Pacifica Cherry Coconut (tint-free) Lip Tint!

@LauraACanas-zq3uc - 11.08.2016 03:59

Thanks for sharing. I've been looking for cruelty free and vegan lip balms that won't break the bank. Unfortunately I haven't seen any of the brands you've mentioned near me. My target for example only has a few Pacifica products but not much and definitely not lip balms.
I recently started using too faced cosmetics thanks to you! Primer, foundation and setting powder... And yes, they are good!
I recently saw that Milani has a primer and a liquid foundation? Have you heard anything about them? Are they vegan? If they are good and cruelty free and vegan they would be a break from the pricey too faced products.

@morganb4559 - 11.08.2016 04:10

thank you for doing this video! this is something I always have a hard time finding 💙

@kendramx_vegan_rainbow98 - 11.08.2016 04:18

I use the Pacifica lip balms at work and the go to put some color back in my lips. my current favorite balm is the coconut lime scent from Soothing Touch. I've been a lip balm addict since 7th grade and this one is definitely amazing! Will have to try the Elovi. I think I've seen the combo tin at Target.

@ArachneRose13 - 11.08.2016 04:34

My fav is Hurraw lip balms. They have a overnight treatment one called Moon Balm that I love, and the tinted Cherry one, they are all good!

@christinarobertson7329 - 11.08.2016 04:53

Lip balms are my favorite!!

@Blackandwhitepolkadots2828 - 11.08.2016 05:25

Hi Tashina! I loved this video - I've been looking for some good lip balms. I was wondering if you know of any CF brands that have a tinted balm with SPF? Thanks so much, beautiful! ❤

@AlessitaTutos - 11.08.2016 05:45

Tashina! What are you wearing on your lips and on your eyes in this video? You look so flawless! 🙏💕

@flot9061 - 11.08.2016 06:25

Does anyone know of a good vegan version of the burt's bees tinted lip balm? That used to be my favorite product before I went vegan!

@LCx829 - 11.08.2016 07:18

hurraw is my fav. I have 5 different ones but coffee and chocolate are my fav.

@sankat2676 - 11.08.2016 08:36

Hurraw moon balm night treatment is amazing, I use it all day aswell as night! It's only £4

@theveganchickpea - 11.08.2016 13:49

I'm obsessed with lip balm, too. My faves are Hurraw, Crazy Rumors, Ellovi, and Booda Butter.

@janet06477 - 11.08.2016 17:55

Thanks for your video about lip balms. Can you recommend any with SPF?

- 11.08.2016 18:02

I looove crazy rumors too!

@a91170 - 11.08.2016 19:21

Can you please do a review on unscented products - lip balms, skincare, etc.?

@larissaboatman5251 - 11.08.2016 20:06

Omoroviscza makes the best lip balm I've ever tried. Use it day and night. Sugary taste yet a little minty and soothing.

@AlyLaughlin - 12.08.2016 01:56

Yes!!! Thanks so much for sharing this!

@nenia120 - 12.08.2016 06:14

I am also a major lip balm addict...

&another Hurraw! fan here. I also really like ecolips, particularly the MY ecolips where you can design your own formula & flavors. The one I designed is strawberry/vanilla/coconut flavor & red raspberry seed for natural spf protection :)

And I do not care for Crazy Rumors, it has too much sweetener in it for me unfortunately.

@anonymousmakeuplover6974 - 12.08.2016 15:04

Can u pls do a drugstore fav series? Like drugstore fav foundations, lipsticks,etc!

@BottledBlueOnYouTube - 12.08.2016 17:44

I loooove crazy rumours lip balms!! Xx

@SL221000 - 13.08.2016 00:11

Just tried out ellovi the other week for the first time, my absolute fav! Love the key lime lip butter

@BeBraveBeYou - 14.08.2016 16:36

Any UK stuff would be good plz! x

@BakedBeauty - 14.08.2016 16:46

I looove your necklace 😍😍😍😍

@stephaniebishop8461 - 15.08.2016 23:12

I love the Ellovi ones- I use the vanilla lip butter to prep my lips before makeup pretty much every day. I have the plain one in my purse so I'm always hydrated.

@asaltyblackberryheart6891 - 16.08.2016 01:30

Love your Top 5 videos! Very informative. I would love to see a favorite eyebrow products video :)

@rhianhy - 17.08.2016 02:19

Love this!
I need to try more Crazy Rumours ones... i had a cocoa one i LOVED but think i lost it so this was a perfect reminder!

@Smoofii - 17.08.2016 08:14

I'm a huge fan of Hurraw and The Merry Hempsters peppermint lip balms, but I recently found a Shea butter balm by Out of Africa that I really like. It is a peppermint formula as well. Something about the minty tingles makes me feel like the moisture is sinking in and working!

@juliaphillips7354 - 18.08.2016 06:37

Hurraw is my current favourite, it was the only vegan lip balm at my health food store with an SPF and that is a must for me in the summer!

@brandelee9930 - 20.08.2016 04:41

Hurraw! lip balms are amazing, my favorites from them are black cherry and vanilla.

@kitescape297 - 21.08.2016 00:24

Hurraw! lip balms are my favourite. They are macadamia free and their formula is amazing. Their sun protection lip balm is awesome!

@melissagandarinho1288 - 28.08.2016 18:15

LOVE Ellovi!!! I have yet to try the Crazy Rumors ones, they have a 35% discount right now, might have to take advantage. What are your 3 favorite scents? I love the Burt's tinted balms, but haven't purchased in a while, wonder how they compare to the Root and Pacifica ones.

@marieevans100 - 29.08.2016 00:55

I am a new subscriber coming over from Patti at rxstrmom.  I am interested in learning what brands are and are not cruelty free. Looking forward to binge watching your videos to get caught up.

@lisamiddleton3475 - 08.10.2016 04:11

So the meundies link in the description box... I take it you wear them? Thoughts?

@lisamiddleton3475 - 08.10.2016 04:13

Also curious on how you feel about the brands that have toxic chemicals like parabens... I've been moving towards cleaner products and they also have to be cruelty free. Lots of target brands that are cruelty free still have ingredients that aren't good for you.

@Marielegoth - 14.11.2016 19:20

I like to make my own vegan lip balms! It's super easy (and cheaper, you can even sell them and earn some $$$) I also recycle old lip balm containers. 😉

@melvegan5750 - 09.12.2016 23:38

I HIGHLY recommend checking out Sudsatorium!!!! I discovered them at the Toronto Veg Food Fair and purchased their "Great White North" lip balm. It has MAPLE SUGAR in it!!! When I apply it at work, people are like "MMMM omg it smells so good like cookies" and I say "Maple"? and they are like "YES!! that's it!!" Cruelty-free & Vegan and simple ingredients!

@deadlittlebunny - 18.04.2017 03:45

What is the one that you use when you're just getting over a cold and your lips are chapped, and cracked, and flaking and just plain miserable?
