My Favourite Tier 9 Medium in World of Tanks

My Favourite Tier 9 Medium in World of Tanks


3 года назад

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@Jetsskiiee - 23.08.2021 13:19

I remember playing this tank while grinding Prog. 65 and got Ace Tanker 7 games in a row.

@alexfisch2228 - 23.08.2021 13:22

Before the nerf the tank was good and one of my favorite Mediums, now the gun is bullshit, and the intraclipreaload too!
If you only play in thexfirst shot to max the dpm , the dpm is still under the dpm that the tvp autoloader has
, and tpv has better gunhandling, netter accuracy, better aimtime, much better intraclip!
So the tvp is now the better tank and wg has nerf the Standart b to a useless bad tank ! Yes of rng is on your side you can perform good like with all tanks in wot! But the gun is so terrible it hurts, sstandart b was a real good tank, not op like bullshit chieftain etc.! But wg killed that tank, gunhandling worst than 430 but no amour! You only have mobility to run away or relocate why the gun only Hits 1 of 3 , if you aim on weakspot on a range more than 50 m!
Now adays leo is better , tvp better, 430 better, t54 better, e50 better, patton is better , and many others too, especially tier9 reward tanks like charfutur!

@graemepetersen - 23.08.2021 14:02

gandalf baby

@flaminghawk5369 - 23.08.2021 15:49

Nah kpz 50 t is better

@tsankopetkov6687 - 23.08.2021 15:56

Manipulative MM and RNG!

@ryokajimosensei2780 - 23.08.2021 16:38

Field mods mad this tank slightly better

@lemanruss7218 - 23.08.2021 16:56

I am a 49% Wingate scrub, have 65% Wingate in my standard b so far in NY 65-70 games. I love this tank so much

@alzamon91 - 23.08.2021 17:22

DPM is meme stat quicky.

@Prosper_NA - 23.08.2021 18:14

Why do you keep poking your hp away when you're not prepared to actually fire? Only reason you survived is because the isu had bad rng. It was able to put two shots in your direction and you took 2 non pens from the indien pz, all when your were not ready to fire. You got lucky this game, it's the only reason your team won.

@davidmccormick5131 - 23.08.2021 19:18

Wargaming LLC accused of money laundering in Ukraine Feb 18 2021..... what a shock ! .Say it ain't so. How is this possible with such an upstanding Russian company ? ..... sarcasm

@darklink6994 - 23.08.2021 20:13

I remember playing that tank sotck and it was a real pain, but once fully upgraded it was indeed great, so i understand the bad WR on it.

@badrobot2478 - 23.08.2021 20:39

Stupid question time,
The map is one I've not played in ages,do PC and console get different maps?....

@danielfavaretto9855 - 23.08.2021 22:12

Prototipou standard b, as an italian this made me laugh more than necessary. Love you QB kepp up the great work <3

@admiralbone2002 - 24.08.2021 00:07

Standard b had gotta be one of my favorite 9s. I got my 3 mark a while ago :D

@rexmexzilla - 24.08.2021 00:08

idk about the standar B but the line till tier VIII is solid as fuck

@pharaon6718 - 24.08.2021 00:21

After nerf it's trash ...

@d1sabl3r62 - 24.08.2021 02:43

Do a replay on a t110e4!

@louferrao2044 - 24.08.2021 15:29

The Standard B looks like a Leopard 1. I wonder if the Italians based their tank off the German tank.

@jopa6994 - 24.08.2021 15:56

Standard b for me is the best tier 9 medium

@kyanderson2461 - 24.08.2021 16:06

I just uninstalled world of tanks I am tired of wargaming's greed and how they treat the player base they only care about money I have played this game for years and I can not support this game or this company anymore .

@Aussiejayp - 24.08.2021 19:03

Mate... what can I do to play with winning teams??? My last day was 24 Games.... 22 Defeats!!!! WTF!!? My average last month is 5% wins with teams.

@gregoryclark8217 - 24.08.2021 19:57

My favourite T9 tank is the Centurion 7/1. It's only main downside (for me anyway) is the lack of high pen premium shells, as it has the 200mm pen HESH instead.

@skorpion7132 - 24.08.2021 21:27

His favourite is an auto(re)loading clipper who is quick on its feets and like its jerry and czech counterparts the main contributors of the "invisible" tanks ...
Haha, why am I not surprised.
I cant say I'm a fan of any of those tanks and what they seem to promote as generic playstyle (even if QB may not nesecarily play as such)
But its one of those evils in the game thats here to stay ...

@JD-kg3mx - 25.08.2021 05:32

You should’ve published a warning: “Does not depict typical game play, your results may vary”, in regards to the “B”.

@MartinAleksanderAksnes - 25.08.2021 08:35

Well Im still in tier VII, I have the Proggetto and I like it but is so hard to play, no armor, no camo, but I love that burst damage.

@nimay13 - 25.08.2021 15:48

DPM is a myth until you can actually apply it.

@sherbicko872 - 25.08.2021 16:03

I watched the vid where qb was talking ab influencing that one extra game. Today I got a t10 mm against obj 260,279e and 268v4.
We won city and went back to defend cap. I was in my IS 3 II.
I hit the guy last second on the move sacrificing myself and getting set on fire. Got 100 base defense points and that's the reason we won lol. THANK YOU QUICKYBABY

@dyusi144 - 25.08.2021 16:52

I love my Standard B. I have enough to get the Progetto 65 (which I'll do one day) but I just enjoy playing it so much I haven't bothered. I do admit though, I've had a bad run of luck lately in it and even though most of the games are good, or at least ok, I'm down to like a 52% win rate in it. But I'm sure I can get it back up.

@darkbee2359 - 25.08.2021 18:58

I didn't know the Standard B had such good HE penetration but then for the reason QB mentioned, I wouldn't really dream of reloading HE unless for very, very specific reasons.

@iSven - 26.08.2021 01:13

My favourite tier 9 med too (and only)

@Beserker_HUN - 26.08.2021 18:19

why do you not have fully camouflaged the tank?

@ChallengerV8 - 31.08.2021 05:35

I didn't do Italian tanks yet, however I've got Progetto M46 and my best battle was 6419dmg and 1792 base exp. Not bad, I played 50 games only. :)

@nicolasblanc816 - 01.09.2021 07:12

This dude is soooo modest. Must be a British thing.

@TigressOrchid - 03.09.2021 08:46

The 3 second intraclip reload (too long to continous fire, everyone hides after first round)+ shells going straight to the end of the circle even fully aimed KILLED this tank for me. SOLD as scrap.
Nothing can beat Skoda T50. Just nothing.
And there is one interesting thing. You mentioned around 3-5x times in your streams, that for you the best tier 9 medium ever is also Skoda T50. So this video is a little bit of lie, or misleading to be polite......

@Metallica4Life92 - 04.09.2021 03:06

What I like about this one is that you have to think about whether you can kill your target in 1 salvo, or you have to retreat in between individual shots to conserve HP. You really have to pick your engagements.

@tommyhungrish1684 - 05.09.2021 10:17

You know when the geezer talking out of his ass when he has only 175 games with his “favourite “ t9 medium tank while he only played 65000 games with other tanks

@idiotsoftarkov2638 - 07.09.2021 16:30

i got 53% win rate in standard B but i completely suck with the tier 10 lol

@hanningliu8347 - 08.09.2021 16:45

Standard B used to be one of the best Tier 9 medium, but even if I gave it three bond equipment , it barely works right now.

@thorsmith59 - 09.09.2021 04:45

Is it just me or does he have a lot of good games on this map and mode?

@blowdabladdydawsoff997 - 17.09.2021 23:47

Think you mean "irrespective of" (not "irrelevant of")

@torturebear - 19.09.2021 11:34

To be a former member of SRSLY I am happy to see the last player being one of them. Props! Greetings from torturebear

@Neryman - 23.09.2021 20:13

That S1 congratulated you calling you "qb" ... even though you were anonymized.

@Immortal_BP - 25.09.2021 02:23

skoda t50 is my fav tier 9 med

@djuraster - 18.12.2021 00:20

WG nerfed this gun into mediocrity

@ScottGenX - 14.04.2023 13:47

whats funny is you dont fight at first. you run and hide to shot people first. huh...yep your not a fighter at all.

@JakeyyRL - 23.07.2023 17:52

I just got it and im completely stock ITS PAIN

@hellogamerx9559 - 22.09.2023 06:46

does the standard also have high heat pen in wot as it does in BLITZ?

@bolderdentful - 07.02.2024 00:22

Love to play like a mupphet bahaaa, Always good info and content buddy
