How to copy a cartridge game in 1983

How to copy a cartridge game in 1983

Chuck Hutchins

55 лет назад

4,044 Просмотров

Back in the 80's, all I had was a cassette tape drive and it's not easy to copy a cartridge to tape.
We used a long forgotten little program called "ROMSAVE" to copy cartridges, but it required a bit of hardware hacking to allow the VIC to save the contents of a cartridge ROM.

Thanks to Robin at 8-Bit Show And Tell for his generous help.

Link to ROMSave program:

Intro: 0:00
Hardware: 1:20
Saving to Disk: 2:23
Saving to Tape: 4:39
Loading a saved cartridge: 8:47
Write protecting a RAM cartridge: 10:13
Summary and End: 11:13

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@10MARC - 27.09.2020 00:40

Wow... That was easier than I thought! I always wanted one of those cartridge port expanders as a kid.

@herdware - 27.09.2020 00:49

Thanks for the video!

@DappieKS80 - 27.09.2020 08:21

Mucho smoke and mirrors for me!....thanks for sharing!

@furroy - 28.09.2020 04:46

very cool

@stefanocrespi5424 - 29.09.2020 16:01

Very informative, thanks for sharing

@KingBeetle1966 - 30.11.2020 06:16

When I was 15 years old in 1982, the local discount electronics chain Sun TV started selling the VIC-20 for $259. I lived about five miles from Sun TV, and rode my bicycle to the bank, withdrew the money, went to Sun TV, purchased the computer, and rode back home with the big clumsy box under my arm and across the handlebars. I learned a lot from that machine. Thanks for the memories!

@Hounddoggy33 - 17.12.2020 06:30

Jim Butterfield: A proud Canadian!

@derekdresser9214 - 15.03.2021 19:22

Great video I have waited 30+ years to find this simple answer to how this was done. Way easier then I would have thought. I assume it's roughly the same process with the 64?

@ACURAOCULTA - 19.05.2021 05:29

Very good my friend

@Doug_in_NC - 22.06.2021 03:56

Fascinating video! I had no idea that you could change where the RAM in a cartridge located itself. I would love to have a go at doing this just because, but I haven’t been able to find a slot expander as yet.

@Nas_Atlas - 11.10.2021 21:57

I've got the penultimate cartridge. I imagine I would still need a slot expander of some type to copy a cartridge?

@greenaum - 02.11.2021 22:35

Why won't the VIC just save the bytes from the cart straight away? Is that some part of the tape save code that refuses to? To save above $8000, couldn't you just copy the save routine from ROM, into RAM, patch it, and run it from there? Patch it so that whatever problem it has above 32K is no longer there. Presumably the machine itself can access memory above that address or else this wouldn't be a problem that ever comes up. So it's just a matter of read RAM, send some beeps to tape.

Or just copy the cart ROM to some RAM, which you had installed previously of course, 3K or even 8K not up to much. The machine has to be able to read cart ROM in order to run the games! And the piracy protection doesn't seem that sophisticated.

Did nobody do that? Did code in RAM run at constant speed? I mean, graphics wouldn't interrupt it at unpredictable times? The ZX Spectrum 16K model had that problem, only code in ROM or the upper 32K (in a 48K model) would run predictably, the first 16K RAM (from $4000 to $8000) was shared with the screen so accessing it would cause the CPU to pause if the screen wanted it first. It was OK though cos tape saving and loading code ran from ROM so the soft timing loops weren't affected. As long as it could get access to RAM eventually, before the next byte needed accessing, it was fine.

@8bitsinthebasement - 04.11.2021 22:37

Excellent video, I've been looking for how to do this, thanks ;)

@elmariachi5133 - 08.01.2022 05:08

And weird: Why can the VIC load to block 5 from tape, but not save block 5 to tape? One might think it was supposed to be a bit of a copy protection, but then being able to save block 5 to floppy would not make sense ..

@WinrichNaujoks - 23.05.2024 22:26

I have this ROM save/load program, which loads a game in just 15 seconds or so. It's really awesome. I wonder if anyone else knows about it? You first load the faster loader, then type SYS 4100 and then press the reset button. SYS 4103 saves a ROM.

@speedbird737 - 04.08.2024 02:05

I had a device for my 64 here in the UK that allowed me to copy commercial C64 tapes - you needed two datasettes - both connected to the device that plugged into the C64 cassette port - press play on one record on the other - perfect copy of the commercial software - no copy software required.

@8_Bit - 11.02.2025 06:34

Great video, thanks for making it. I'm watching in 2025 for a refresher on how to do this as I have recently got a VIC cartridge that doesn't seem to be archived at all. And funny, I had totally forgot I did that little disassembly of ROMSAVE!

@8_Bit - 11.02.2025 06:38

Also, it's really cool how those 8K RAM expanders are secretly so configurable! Funny how they're potentially more desirable than the 16K carts for that reason.
