Very good conversation with HollowStrife. Go check out his channel!
From 21:30-26:30 you can’t hear his responses. Twitch sucks. Nothing new there.
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Where you from?
02:55 How did you get into gaming?
05:18 How did you get into Gears?
11:00 When I first notice HollowStrife. Will you make intermediate/advanced tutorials?
18:10 What motivates you to play Gears 5?
21:30 Has anyone taught you your own information? *technical difficulties*. Can’t hear hollow strife
26:30 We can hear him again
28:45 what games will you play that’s not Gears?
34:40 Twitch or Nah?
41:38 Favorite Horde Map?
43:30 Favorite Escape Map?
47:45 Favorite Class?
52:00 Favorite game outside of Gears?
56:00 Favorite Gears and Gears campaign moment?
01:02:50 Manchester, UK food places
01:11:54 Cool things to do in Manchester?
01:20:00 Gears 6
01:33:10 What’s next for your channel?/Miscellaneous
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at
#games #twitch #Gears_5 #Hollow_strife