SNG Garage Eng

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@ChefHichamCAN - 01.04.2022 16:09

Very great car, adapted for the Russian cold and could be adapted to the Canadian market too... I wish we could have it in Canada.
Great review BTW !

@vasilesendrea4341 - 01.04.2022 19:59


@the-expertstreetb-racer5832 - 24.04.2022 22:02

Make the car’s AC very cold and big Radiator with heat resistant materials and this car will sell like a hot cookie in Saudi Arabia.

@Import61 - 13.05.2022 03:37

I am restoring a 1989 Niva in Melbourne Australia. Built for Siberia(& Australia:P) not Suburbia!

@jacek-jan - 02.07.2022 00:30

"A lot of Nivas" means "more than DMC-12" I guess.

@danielkiley1605 - 04.07.2022 22:07

Can I buy the lada from you

@igorlifanov4227 - 21.07.2022 22:51

This is obviously, this piece of shit will not give you a chance to survive in any type of accident.

@brianmurray2104 - 02.08.2022 03:19

I had a Cossack in 96-2000 and it was UNBELIEVABLE off road. Never to this day has there been a TRUE LOCK IN 4x4 (manual) the best by the way shifter down at the consol along with the 4x4 shifter. Had it up in a massive snow storm moose hunting in cape breton Nova Scotia Canada. I had to pull a Nissan Pathfinder out of an embankment. I loved this tough little customer. My only downfall I though it has was I wish it had more horses under the hood. This rig would be the best with a little Diesel engine. Otherwise I wish you could still purchase these in Canada. A fantastic design. I hope they kept the manual gear boxes and NOT go solenoid. I miss the older style with the older fashioned steering wheel and tach….it was classic oh yes the red and yellow indicator light were so cool and now they got rid of them in newer models.

@Athukorala89 - 03.09.2022 08:44

Simple is the Legend.❤️❤️🇷🇺🇷🇺

@hansmann677 - 04.10.2022 09:26

Best car review I have ever seen on YT! Thanks a lot!

@lazywastelander5250 - 23.10.2022 16:46

So jealous the Niva has never been available in US. Legend Bronto is my dream car. Love them!

@samuelmorenoelpapeto5283 - 23.10.2022 18:39

Price ?

@kaweesaismail1520 - 24.10.2022 19:59

True 👍 I too love its off road maneuverability

@mulugetayilmamengiste8120 - 29.10.2022 00:05

Are they fuel injected?

@clutch2315 - 30.10.2022 09:29

Wish we had these in Canada. They were supposed to be brought in I believe through the Mitsubishi group, but that was years ago. :( I'd definitely buy one

@nickgee7291 - 14.11.2022 10:13

awesome descriptions ! I loved ur video!

@alitirmixi5624 - 20.11.2022 19:54

I love this car but I want to import in Pakistan

@Charlie-Cat. - 27.11.2022 06:51

Greetings from the United States. I wish our country were able to distribute these cars brand new.

@lonewolfhamradio - 17.12.2022 00:01

“Imaginary sound system “ 😂

@davemTX2023 - 28.12.2022 04:48

The Lada Niva is one solution for the chip shortage.

@annahopp - 29.12.2022 04:46

Of course in the land of the free we are not allowed to have a new Lada Niva. So I might have to get an old one.

@daljeetsingh7552 - 29.12.2022 20:22

I m Indian I bought few years ago lada niva

@chupacabraattack - 24.01.2023 19:40

This channel is hilarious. Definitely one of the most underrated.

@colinkelly5814 - 17.03.2023 07:40

Of course last time i checked cant get one new in the usa. Older ones pop now and then. What a super cool car and great history. Good review. Thanks

@happymonk4206 - 12.06.2023 04:36

I want a Bronto Lada, should be at least 200 horse power. I like skinny tires but they have a good aggressive tread. Better in winter. Are parts hard to get in the United States?

@happymonk4206 - 12.06.2023 04:36

I want a Bronto Lada, should be at least 200 horse power. I like skinny tires but they have a good aggressive tread. Better in winter. Are parts hard to get in the United States?

@아이와-z3o - 27.07.2023 04:18

한국에서 이 차를 사려고 노력했으나
통관이 되지 못했다. 진심 사고 싶다.
나는 이차를 소망한다

@Coordinator61 - 15.09.2023 16:08

In the Netherlands banned this Niva due to extreme tax.

@mohammadrezahassani8579 - 17.09.2023 23:28

I am so jealous and really want to buy one for myself

@teov5596 - 22.10.2023 02:01

I sold my megane 2 with sunroof...automatic lights....automatic could cruise at 170kmh even with rain....5 stars at crash tests....not much of noise at high speeds...very comfortable can make 500-600km trips without rest if you like for a 2006 Lada Niva with multipoint injection...hydraulic steering wheel a/c and electric windows and lpg.... the guy that sold me it told me it needs nothing only to paint they have many niva for hunting so they dont care to fix them.... the car had 2 valve with holes...literary there where holes in the engine valves... even though it managed to get me a 160km trip to a lada specialist for a rebuild... man i love this car.... its handling its not bad at all...i was expecting a very very bad car , very good at cornering and it has 7 years old 50-50 tyres... brakes need a bit of tuning ... its a car that you buy it and you have to fix some things even if you buy it new...when you fix those things the car is amazing.... for example the whistling noise you hear even on that niva which is new, disapear by changing the Transfer case lever and the Low gear lever , -10db to noise.... its a totally amazing car, at least for me .... if you have the patience and passion to find where it hurts and heal it :D
And yes the engine is weak...specially uphills 2-3kg more torque would be acceptable :P but guess what...there is a kit that you can make it 1950cc with the same engine :D

Also its a car that you can sit with your wife in the engine hood (me 100kg wife 60kg) and drink coffee :P

@ginkgol7258 - 24.10.2023 23:44

Hope to see a dealer in NZ.

@Monzaman30E - 03.12.2023 23:18

How much Vodka did you drink to persuade yourself that the WHOLE world knows and loves the Lada Niva !?!?

@rayankhalil2495 - 25.12.2023 03:26

amazing bro

@adamholmes91 - 31.12.2023 07:26

As a Brit i love the Niva! It's like a more reliable, "luxury" version of the Land Rover Defender.

@toti6656 - 14.01.2024 23:00

Who don't know NIVAS cars. Legendary.
I really like this car.

@aguage99 - 21.01.2024 12:54

Thanks for your good video.
I bought a new Lada 4x4 Urban in 2020 in Italy. A car that comes from Germany.
You're right! I bought this car because I don't want electronics, I have to be the one driving, not a computer. Noise? Yes ok, but it is an element of the game...

I drive my 4x4 Urban for the countryside where I go very often (both in summer and winter) leaving the city. The Urban handles unpaved roads and difficult trails magnificently.
Many people look at this car with admiration and when I am in a parking lot or at the supermarket park ask me informations. Others, nostalgically, remember having had it.
I am completely satisfied.
Thank you! Ciao!

@RickNCR - 06.03.2024 07:04

Bro as an American. How can I have a Lada Niva here in the states?

@AshishSawant-mt5bv - 25.06.2024 09:18

Really a fan of Niva Lada and unfortunately it is not available in India although being Russia's close friend. 🙋🇮🇳

@georginikolov1141 - 06.08.2024 18:51

Like it but way too expensive for Lada

@ravenouself4181 - 09.08.2024 13:50

Have a 2007 Niva, 10/10, would not give it up.

Edit: Yes, power is a bit lacking, but eh. Not really a huge problem.

@AlexsTheSoldier - 23.08.2024 10:17

i grew with lada

Dad Had 1998 Lada Samara 1500S 21099 sold it back in 2014 due to him having no money now he has 2001 mercedes benz C class estate CDI 220 still has it
Uncle had 1998 Lada Niva 1.7 2121 4x4 sold it back in 2022 due to him damaging him and not carrying to it now he has 2000 Audi A4 1.9 TDi still has it

I own my very own 1999 Lada Samara 1500S 21099 (for 990 Euros) I love it but sadly i can only own one vehicle ;(

so im gonna work and save money atleast 2-3 years so that way i can buy 2000-2015 Lada Niva 1.7i 2121 4x4 becouse i refuse to buy newer lada after 2015 becouse i want manual doors and 2015 was the year they stopped manual doors soo yeah sadly im gonna upgrade my samara 1.5s to its full factory for the next 2-3 years becouse

i wanna own lada niva i would be happy forever and i know lada niva will be the same for another 50 years <3

@sutkeiadam4610 - 12.11.2024 14:03

I really want to buy a newer one with AC. I really don't know how reliable are them?!
How long can the engine run with a services with proper fluids and interval without any major engine renewing?

@craigdouglasmartens7037 - 05.12.2024 00:12

It's basic, functional and highly competent off road. I want one! Perfect for the African bush and deteriorating roads...

@Invis_Space - 10.12.2024 00:49

I loved this 😂 hello from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 take care and bye bye.

@Johnny-Mnemonik - 19.12.2024 14:52

Классный обзор друг!!! Нива была у папы когда я еще мелкий был, сколько воспоминаний с этрй машиной, сколько после этого машин не было, ни одна столько восторга не давала ❤

@obrigota - 01.01.2025 01:37

Who didn't own this car think it's more reliable than japanese or european cars but when you buy it it's literally a lotery where you can get an amazing reliable car or car with broken transmission after 20km and that's the most inconvenient part of buying a any new Lada but it's maybe even cheap in russia if don't think that recycling fee in Russia is will get bigger every year so foreign cars become expensive but the only comforting thing is Russian car manufacturing probably will become better.

@sandor7594 - 01.01.2025 11:00

I have a small Japanese car. I consider the Lada Niva car too rough. It's just an old, outdated machine 😕

@СергейКазаков-ч7ы - 05.01.2025 03:29

❤😊❤НИВА❤вот такенная машина🇷🇺👍❤️💯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘

@SamsRussianAdventures - 14.02.2025 03:20

Which is the best Niva to buy as a used car?
