"Veganism is a Psyop!" Joe Rogan Response

"Veganism is a Psyop!" Joe Rogan Response

Mic the Vegan

54 года назад

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@globalist1990 - 23.11.2024 11:35

Why don't we see people hunting naturally (no weapons or traps) and eat the preys whole (certainly not pigs or cows)? Raw vegans exist, why not raw natural carnivores? Because they would be ded in a week. Eating meat is a technological adaptation, through fire, traps and weapons. It might even have a "religious" reason from observing nature and choosing to be a predator (akin to the rise of monarchies). Creating vegan foods to complement whole foods it's just an adaptation, and one born out of principle for our fellow planet inhabitants. So the food we eat, represents what drives you and how you choose to impact others around you. Are you a supremacist or a pacifist?

@KrwiomoczBogurodzicy - 23.11.2024 11:27

Ryan from HappyHealthyVegan called. He wants his everything back...

@slt42 - 23.11.2024 11:24

There are Vegans, Vegetarians and animal murderians!


@ilonabaier6042 - 23.11.2024 11:24

Joe himself has a religion: the disease is called trump.

@scruffylives9224 - 23.11.2024 11:22

Look, if there is one thing we all have learned since the internet has taken over, it’s that stupid people find eachother and choose to live in an echo chamber.

There is zero reason to “respond” to stupid people. They either will not see it or they will ignore what you say and continue to believe what they want, facts be damned.

I ignore stupid but unfortunately I get exposed to them by having smart people make response videos and so here I am.

Rogan is a stupid person. His viewers are stupid people. They will not change. Didn’t he have the guy from Game Changers on a few years ago looking to humiliate him and the guy ended up destroying everyone and it left Rogan having to meekly concede?

Yet he continues with anti vegan gibberish. Why?

Because he’s stupid. Stupid people do not evolve. They do not learn. They do not change.

So responding to them is worthless.

My plea to vegan content creators, stop giving attention to stupid.

You can’t elevate stupid. But stupid can drag you down to them.

@maxencen.9550 - 23.11.2024 11:18

I can understand the will to be tranpartisan, but you should replace more this show in a poilitical view of society. The alt right is pushing against the advocacy of every minorities including animals

@stevemccann7272 - 23.11.2024 11:10

Can you cover Elon Musk's comments on Joe Rogan that eating meat has no environmental impact?

@mindE10101 - 23.11.2024 10:58


@bAa-xj3ut - 23.11.2024 10:55


@bAa-xj3ut - 23.11.2024 10:54


@ramonriemer-menger7160 - 23.11.2024 10:41

That's disturbing to hear! To call a believe system other than yours a cult. How about killing 83 billion land animals each year and we're conditioned to not care?

@julioandresgomez3201 - 23.11.2024 10:39

I think scientists have known since the XIX century that the human body can live on plant foods alone. And since the 80s of the XX century that is not just a viable option to get by, but actually the healthiest. That doesn't mean that just any plants diet will do it. Yes, there are billions of ways of doing it wrong.

@CRM-114 - 23.11.2024 10:30

Eating meat is a psyop

@AvengerNk - 23.11.2024 10:28

Oh it is the "trust me bro podcast" against veganism again

@NapaValleyVegan - 23.11.2024 10:13

I believe it is easy to see what “diet” is best for a human being just by looking at the person. If we consume foods that are not optimal for our health, it eventually shows on the outside what we’ve been doing to our insides. I am old enough to remember Joe Rogan when we was a vibrant, up-and-coming minor celebrity. His meat-heavy diet has wiped away all semblance of that vibrance & vitality. That speaks to me just as loudly as blood tests do.

@RoodiniCats - 23.11.2024 10:06

JRE is a psy-op😅

@amblyommaamericanum6590 - 23.11.2024 10:05

The more veganism catches on, the more resistance we will face. Our movement is progressing at the typical pace for a justice movement. Just look back at any other justice/ethical movement. It's incredible how similar the fight for animal rights is to things like the fight to abolish slavery, or for women's rights. How the people are different but the roles are the same. Joe is adopting a character that many others before him have played. It's fascinating. Certainly, history rhymes.

I think we need to brace ourselves. I predict we are going to have a very, VERY rough decade or two until things like cultured dairy and meat destroy animal ag.

@PhoxHole117 - 23.11.2024 09:48

Vegan Trump voter here.

@kwimms - 23.11.2024 09:40

Meat eating is an addiction, a cult, and a deep demonic sickness that blinds those that participate in the humiliation ritual.

@NguyenVinhHang - 23.11.2024 09:40

Meat and Dairy industry is harmful and veganism is not so not a psyop ( the word sounds like carnists animal bones snipers.) Joe’s neon sign reminded me or local bbq joints signage ☹️

@observingsystem - 23.11.2024 09:39

I wonder how much money Rogan gets from certain industries. I smell a shill.

@kwimms - 23.11.2024 09:37

Meat eating is the psy-op. OBVIOUSLY!

@kwimms - 23.11.2024 09:36

These two meat heads are liars and paid shills for the meat/death industry.

@HummusPizza - 23.11.2024 09:15

the fact that atherosclerosis only happens in omnivores when their thyroids are removed, and humans can get atherosclerosis, is a deductive logic based given that humans are not omnivores
am i taking crazy pills, why is that not enough information

@stacies89 - 23.11.2024 09:02

I honestly think the carnivore movement is a psy-op 🤷🏻‍♀️

@slartibartfast2452 - 23.11.2024 08:54

Odds that swift is at very least unnaturally held in place are extremely high. Her catalogue is owned by Blackrock. Not to mention the fact that she's almoat 35. Average career lifespan for an adult female pop stars is 18-26. For decades it has matched parallel to the career lifespan of a female adult actress, 18-26. For obvious reason. As a pop star she is, for all intense and purpose, old like ancient. Specially given that she's a horrible songwriter. Historically speaking. Song writers that consistently develop songs on her level usually didn't get a second album deal. Which means the odds her career is unnaturally held up are dam near 100%

@RabiesMoose - 23.11.2024 08:51

brogan is such a grifter

@CristinaAcosta - 23.11.2024 08:42

My blood work improved drastically after becoming vegan. And the diversity in my diet is much better than when I relied on meat

@jadhajali2804 - 23.11.2024 08:34

veganism is 100% being used as a psy-op.

As a vegan, if you don't acknowledge that, then you're delusional.

@sharonoflondon3365 - 23.11.2024 08:15

Remember though, Russiagate was a hoax (see reports from journalist Aaron Mate).
Thanks for all the work you do!

@benjammin105123 - 23.11.2024 08:05

Joe Rogan is another right wing sellout. Just another mouthpiece for the facists. The low carb keto crap might as well be part of maga at this point too.

@johnnym6700 - 23.11.2024 08:03

Definition of a shill is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization, or have been paid to do so....

@joshwong800 - 23.11.2024 07:52

'Carnism' the world's biggest cult ever perpetuated and for the longest period of time!

@dogberry20 - 23.11.2024 07:52

I'm a depressed, unhealthy vegan. Of course, up until a year ago, I was a depressed, unhealthy meat eater.

@ashishpatel350 - 23.11.2024 07:37

a cult? since when did vegan adopt jesus as their head?

@heindattel3919 - 23.11.2024 07:23

Psyop? 🙈😆

The real truth if at all is that being and staying carnivore as an human nowadays is or needs a psyop 💡💭🙈😐 without any doubt.

@Viva-Longevity - 23.11.2024 07:16

Earth scientist here: I'm not aware of any leading earth scientists — Stefan Rahmstorf, Johan Rockström, Hannah Ritchie... — who aren't vegan. We never knew we were religious cultists or PSYOP specialists. We thought we were simply people who point out that Joe and Max spread word salads of misinformation. And we bring receipts.

@interesant7 - 23.11.2024 07:15

Mic you are a hero! Thanks for the great responses to these cruelty promoting people

@earlw33 - 23.11.2024 07:14

Wait. Who is the leader of this vegan cult? This is an important part of a cult.

@TheBadMoJoe - 23.11.2024 07:07

Joe claims veganism is a cult, yet he endorsed trump, oh the irony

@bbvaghhjj6130 - 23.11.2024 07:05

Rogan has done great things, I love his podcast but from this stuff just make the obvious clear, nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws and I think this topic is one of his. Doesn’t mean everything else he does is suddenly discredited. Think logically people not emotionally.

@tnargs57 - 23.11.2024 06:54

Here is a real psy-op: Fox News. Meets all the terms of the definition that you read out!

@michaeld4861 - 23.11.2024 06:53

If you don't support the BTK killer then you are in a cult. - Rogan
Ending child labor is just a cult. - Rogan
Against killing puppies? Yup, you're in a cult. - Rogan

@artvsmachine - 23.11.2024 06:38

Dude. Totally on your side about diet, but the Russian influence in the 2016 election hoax has been thoroughly debunked by our own government. Turns out there's no evidence and "Russiagate" was an actual "psy-op". It's a lot of work to break out of one's political bubble. I recommend focusing on nutrition and leaving politics out of it until you are willing to re-examine your sources and conclusions. You were also wrong about the origins of COVID, as it indeed did come from a lab. I don't hold it against you because of the phenomenal work you are doing for vegans, animals, and the environment. But for those of us who have leveled up our game on politics, you undermine a bit of the trust we might have in your intellect by in effect repeating what turns out to be party, partisan propaganda. Diversify your sources of political information so you aren't getting all your info from democratic party mouthpieces. That's all you need to do.

@ejRecording - 23.11.2024 06:23

Psy me up!! 😂

@TT-zl7ir - 23.11.2024 06:21

If your goal is to win over people like Rogan's fan base you need to hammer away at how gross and unhealthy factory farming is. Gross living conditions. All of the crap they pump into their bodies. All the pesticide laden food.

@ozertayiz - 23.11.2024 06:15

Carnism is the actual violent dogmatic death cult, killing both animals and humans with its dogma. If anything, vegans are the ones who quit the cult, seeing through its lies and propaganda.

IDK how "I prefer to be kind to animals and not hurt or kill them" can be called a cult...

@vssj91 - 23.11.2024 06:03

Man quit the crap about RuSsIaN interference. By that logic the West interferes in every internal affairs of every other nation by churning out nonsense with a colonial gaze.

@richardvass1462 - 23.11.2024 06:00

A cult needs a cult leader. So joe rogan and his followers might loosely be understood as a cult.
