HP Pavilion Slimline PC - Where do I start with this??

HP Pavilion Slimline PC - Where do I start with this??


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@gentuxable - 13.10.2024 09:05

Look out for Radeon HD 7750, it is slightly too new for the system came out 2012 but was available as low profile, has good performance and drivers for XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

@artekmeister - 13.10.2024 09:26

I have one of these Slimline PCs. I used a FENLINK adapter for the SSD because it has all the holes just like the HDD. I added a half-height GT 730 from Lenovo for display-ports and a half-height USB 3.0 adapter for better speed when needed. With 4 GB memory, I loaded Windows 10 okay. Also experimented with Linux okay. Computer has memory size limit of 4 GB. ;D

@AntonioGarcia-ti9wc - 13.10.2024 09:28

Hi. About graphic cards for this, I have 2 suggestions:
Nvidia GT 1030 LP, a more affordable option or Nvidia Quadro T1000, a little expensive but excellent.

@Hadisabetghadam - 13.10.2024 09:51

Look To Nvidia Gt Series Like GT730 Or GT1030 Or GT1010 If Need Low Profile Thing(Just Get GT1030 GDDR5)

@Hadisabetghadam - 13.10.2024 09:58

For AMD Get HD 7750 Or R5 Series

@colinreece3452 - 13.10.2024 12:42

I just picked one for £24 so going have a paly with it, thanks for the this video.

@0MeALot0 - 13.10.2024 13:05

Its funny to see people putting in the effort to restore the oem bloatware. First thing i used to do was installing my own os getting rid of the bloat. Had a Packard Hell laptop during the vista period and i deleted vista within days going back to a fresh xp install. I really did not like vista at all, although i did like win 7 which is basically the improved vista.

@Redmage913 - 13.10.2024 14:11

My grandfather in 1999-2000 had a Gateway WinME system. He screwed it up so many times they taught him how to use the system restore utility (Norton ghost based IIRC), so he would stop calling them :P

@schnitzelsamy - 13.10.2024 15:35


@simonlathwell - 13.10.2024 15:35

I've got my Lenovo H30-00 slimline desktop system. It is basically a laptop motherboard built into a slimline desktop case with a BGA Intel Celeron Quad-Core J2900 2.41GHz, a single laptop 4GB DDR3 stick, 500GB HDD, and DVD-RW Drive. I brought it brand new in May 2015 for £200 (Canadian C$359.83) and it came with Windows 8.1 pre-installed, then I upgraded to Windows 10 in 2016 with the free Windows 10 upgrade. It done well lasting until April this year when Win 10 decided to nuke it's self and no longer booted, so I moved over to my Linux system that I built. The only things I can upgrade is the optical drive, RAM, and Hard Drive, and it does have a PCI-E X16 slot, and a Mini PCI Slot that only supports things such as WiFi or WiFi/Bluetooth cards. I'm gonna rebuild it, do a deep clean as I vape, and upgrade the HDD to an SSD, and then install a lighter version of Linux and get it setup as a Media System, and as a download system when am downloading large files overnight using torrents, like from the web archive when am downloading restore disks, and other older and retro software. Only downside is that can't install two SSD's unless remove the optical drive, so will be adding a 1TB portable HDD as my media drive, and a 500GB for all of my downloads.

Hope you and your family are keeping well, and that your Mum is keeping well. As always another great video, and look forward to your next video.

@jamesdye4603 - 13.10.2024 15:41

I actually like the shiny black cases, and I thought Vista was just fine.

@LatitudeSky - 13.10.2024 15:50

Just picked up an HP ProDesk G3 i3 7100, which is about 8 inches by 8 by 2. 15cm by 15 by 5 maybe? The size of a personal frozen pizza. Or a pita bread. Apparently I am hungry. It's for my home office where I don't need horsepower as much as I need compact size. Yet it can run Windows 10 just fine. HP did a terrific job fitting everything into a tiny case. Very nice build quality. No expansion at all but it does support NVME m.2. It replaced an HP DV6 laptop and uses the same power brick. I hadn't planned for that but I love it when the OEMs just reuse parts across product lines.

@aisle9 - 13.10.2024 16:52

I have one of those PCs, and love it. Mostly because I swapped the guts out with an i7-8086k and an RTX A2000, but I do very much love it. It's been my HTPC of choice since the day I decided to see if I could make an i3-6100 and GTX 750 Ti work in there if I used a beefier Flex ATX PSU.

@tarajoe07 - 13.10.2024 17:29

That dock can clone without any software or even plugging to a computer. Just need the drives in the correct bays and hit the button.

@laurencejohnson4106 - 13.10.2024 21:38

A fine restoration project!👍
Is 4 gig of ram., the maximum?

@horusfalcon - 13.10.2024 22:11

Yet another HP. Yeah, the AMDs in that generation ran a good bit hotter than the Intels did. I've found that a good polymer heat transfer pad of the type that melts and flows to fill voids works well, but they can be really tough to remove. A good hi-temp heat paste like one of the upper-range Noctua types will be a good choice. Neat trick for getting the system to let you make a new image disk set. I'll have to put that in my Oolie Book.

@theexpndables2022 - 13.10.2024 22:56

great job we like your video's

@erichkohl9317 - 14.10.2024 01:14

Yeah I always thought Vista was cool, although you have to be careful saying that in public otherwise you might get arrested lol. Right now I have a Dell OptiPlex Core2Duo that I got from a coworker that has Vista on it, the real deal that I bought back in ‘07.

@chrisrudi7162 - 14.10.2024 02:07

Very detailed video, thank you for that. A few days ago there was an Acer Aspire XC-603 with an Intel Pentium J2900 processor on the street. I took the device with me and installed 8 GB. It's not a high-end device, but I want to use it to set up a Batocera Linux PC. Unfortunately, installing a dedicated graphics card is not possible with my model.

@9852323 - 14.10.2024 02:11

I max out CPU and ram plus add an SSD and put windows 10/11 on machines this age.

@kylestevenson9699 - 14.10.2024 02:28

Linux is great for these older Vista era PCs. I use one as file server and it works nicely(though it has 8GB DDR2 of ram so it doesn't have the same issues of other Vista era machines). Originally when I got it from my grandfather, the HDD was dead and the CPU's thermal paste needed to be replaced. After that it has worked well with Fedora LXDE or XFCE, or without GUI as a server.

@JustsomebodyWatchingurvids - 14.10.2024 03:47

Great info on that recovery disks work around. Back-ups are a absolute must. Recovery and restore are nice but the best way to do it, if you have the money, is cloning. Macrium is extremely easy to use. Looks like IA is offline because of some nefarious DDOS attackers. It's good to know they're working to bring it back online. Until then we'll just have to wait. 😞

@treahblade - 14.10.2024 04:54

I have 3 Nvidia GTX 710 cards that I pulled out of an old security PC that needed this many cards for multi monitor. They are very small cards and I suspect they came with low profile adapters as the VGA connector on them is optional. I may have a low profile bracket for one at work and if so I would not mind sending you one as I have no use for 3 gtx 710's lol. EDIT: I just checked online and indeed this card did come with a low profile bracket option when new. It would be probably trivial to find the brackets for them.

@bigpanda8847 - 14.10.2024 06:32

+The Retro Recall. Great video as always I always love watching a rebuild of a old school pc and I agree with you on the whole internet archive thing I really hope it's up and running soon as it's a reliable website for retro enthusiasts to archive much needed software and stuff.

@CounterStriker013009 - 14.10.2024 10:48

I still have this PC, BTW you need to replace the new power supply with the screw to ham the lock of PC case inside. My slimline is trade with carousell(now don't have anymore I guess), I replace the CD drive as HDD encloser and replace more.

@phanthanhlaptop - 14.10.2024 17:50

Wow, this video was such a blast from the past! The detail you put into showcasing and restoring the HP Pavilion Slimline is incredible. It’s amazing to see all the care and knowledge you bring to these vintage machines. Keep up the awesome work!

@AJComputerServicesUK - 15.10.2024 10:37

Nice Video Squire, I currently have a S5000 Slimline Pavilion as part of my Collection, Believe mine has an Intel CPU and has a Windows 7 Home Premium C.O.A Sticker on the side, Mine only has 1 X Card Reader Slot which can use SD, MMC & Sony Memory Stick Cards plus it has the Pocket Media Bay Drive Slot & I actually have a Pocket Drive which fits in the Slot too, I have upgraded both the Internal Hard Drive & the Drive in the Pocket Drive for SSD Drives which help with the Speed of the System, I think it came with Windows 10 & can’t remember if it still has the Images for the Windows 7 Recovery, I’ll have to check that out! Anthony - Birmingham/UK 🙂🇬🇧

@SJ_new - 15.10.2024 11:13

I want to see the second video right now

@SJ_new - 15.10.2024 11:19

currently available Nvidia 210 ddr3 1gb card low profile would work in this plus a fresh install of win 7 pro ultimate updated to max after all caps recapping will bring this pc to modern days and give it atleast half a decade more functionality ...

@Trylen - 15.10.2024 21:17

Asus and Pegatron are sister companies. Asus is more to the consumer side whereas Pegatron is more to the enterprise side, though now-a-days they each do both, They're both based off Pegasus, Pega-tron and Asus, though I've never heard anyone say it as Usus..

@sjftech - 16.10.2024 14:54

I really don't see the need for some of these negative comments. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Move on and watch something you DO like.

Constructive criticism is fine, being negative for the hell of it isn't.

@mikesapienza1211 - 16.10.2024 21:05

I had an Intel Pentium version of that PC. It ran Ok for what it was.

@VioletDragonsProjects - 16.10.2024 21:23

Would it be possible to do a revisit video on Installing Windows XP on this unit? Had one of these in for a downgrade from Vista to XP years ago but had a lot of issues with Drivers had to put Vista back on it as XP wouldn't work. Would be interesting to see if you had the same problem. Now this was years ago though so my knowledge back then wasn't all there.

@jasonme3557 - 16.10.2024 22:49

these were so bad

@futurepastnow - 17.10.2024 01:18

Pegatron is a spin-off of Asus. It was Asus' branch for making OEM products, which was spun off to its own company around 2010. A competitor of Foxconn, Compal, Quanta, etc. They probably made this entire computer (except for the drives and maybe power supply).

@rluker5344 - 17.10.2024 21:27

I used to have a very similar one. HP Slimline s3220n. Same motherboard. Had a Hauppage TV tuner/capture card. The Athlon 2 core really held it back.

@jameslewis2635 - 18.10.2024 00:25

I remember selling systems like this. Even then the modems were obsolete and generally caused more problems than they solved. The Intel competition for these Athlon X2 chips would have been from the Core 2 Duo line when Vista was current. I would swap out the modem for a low profile graphics card. The ones I have seen are the likes of the GeForce GT730 and Radeon HD5450. Neither of those would turn it into much of a gaming machine, but it would take a fair bit of stress off the CPU.

I wouldn't read too much into the size of the CPU cooler, it is not one that would come off the shelf with this CPU - rather it is an HP design. Also Intel CPU coolers have always been so much junk that people looking to get the best out of their systems have always had to purchase after market coolers. The motherboard looks like an ASUS board because Pegatron originally were the part of ASUS that dealt with OEM motherboards and was spun off in 2007. They seem to have still been using the same text and colour schemes I have seen from earlier ASUS motherboards.

@ultrametric9317 - 18.10.2024 00:40

Nothing changes :) HP laptops have always been the bad sort of scorchers. And the software is always the absolute pits. It's worse than bloatware, it's like digital debris. I remember old HP so well. Once had an HP-UX workstation as my personal machine. Even in the worst days, the hardware seemed respectable but the software (on PCs) was just abysmal.

@PiercedJedi - 18.10.2024 19:49

those media bay drives were such a great idea, unfortunately they were too proprietary to really catch on, had they shared the rights other manufacturers would have been able to make drives/bays for their computers and everyone would have gotten on board, it's like Zip disks or LS120 super drive disks, could have been way bigger had they not kept them under lock and key

@erniemiller1953 - 19.10.2024 18:31

I have a 4 year old Slim Line. I will NEVER buy another HP PC...on purpose...I am so disappointed how crappy the design is.

@christophercompton2739 - 22.10.2024 14:23

Most HP systems from that time has a restore partition. You can Clone it with Ghost to a new drive and reboot to system restore. I've done this procedure hundreds of times. Once you get into windows you can then create your own restore discs.

@RoyHess666 - 24.10.2024 21:02

I couldn't stop looking at all the defective caps

@geofftottenperthcoys9944 - 30.10.2024 07:40

IA is not offline for me, I used it a week ago, and today as well for Amiga stuff.

@JoshuaDominic - 06.01.2025 10:34

I’m sorry but this case still looks modern to me. It could pass in my book for 2025 usage.

@RandomYouTuber52602 - 12.01.2025 00:59

If you still have this computer, you should try to put a Core 2 Duo or 1st/2nd gen core i3/i5/i7 in it to see how it fairs with modern-day browsing via Supermium, MyPal. I know me and maybe some other people mentioned this before, but it would be fun to see a short/video on MyPal or Supermium, and maybe as well some other programs you could run on Vista, like VLC, VideoPad, ImgBurn, SpotifyXP, 8GadgetPack, MuseScore 2, HyperCam 2, or even older versions of Audacity, iTunes, or Bluestacks. It would be fun to see, and i would enjoy a video like that, even on any of the older PCs you have running Vista or even XP!

Also, Is there still gonna be a video on the Dell OptiPlex 960 or GX400 again? we haven't seen them in a while. Also, what happens if you run out of space?

@paulbruss7266 - 13.01.2025 23:46

I have recently been attempting to capture the recovery discs from an HP Slimline s3000n. Unfortunately, I think there is something wrong with the motherboard because it randomly turns off. I've tested different RAM and a different power supply with the same intermittent results. Because of this I've been unable to create and validate the recovery discs. I have attempted cloning the drive to a VHD and booting in a virtual machine with VirtualBox, however, Vista Bluescreens on startup. If I conduct a system restore from the harddrive in the VM, Windows installs, however when it gets to the HP configuration, it detects improper hardware and fails to continue booting. Any tips?
