Iniko is talented, but don't be deceived. The devil comes as an angel of light.

Iniko is talented, but don't be deceived. The devil comes as an angel of light.

Carol White

2 года назад

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@dstewart441 - 23.09.2024 03:07

I’m dead😂 u are part of the division just like religion and never stepped out the box

@adasade3347 - 23.09.2024 17:03

You a hater

@gayetri6 - 23.09.2024 17:56

Witches or highly spiritual beings are also gifted. They have the capacity to tap into the void, akashik records and bring light to this world. The lyrics that this girl taps into are channeled from the divine. She probably is a star child, an Indigo child.

@timby59 - 23.09.2024 23:05

You are nobody to judge.

@franceso5266 - 24.09.2024 14:44

presenting yourself as 'of the light' --- who is deceiving here?

@peacewarrior9500 - 25.09.2024 15:51

Your idea of god is someone else’s devil (aka demiurge) and vice versa. In the end, the fruit you bear in this lifetime determines your soul’s worth, not the religion you speak to yourself or worse yet attempt to preach to others. Christ is the highest consciousness more resonant with the likes of Iniko than the likes of you, ironically! Christ is not an afterlife insurance policy! Are you loving and kind? Are you gentle and patient? Are you disciplined and resourceful? Are you peaceful and joyful? I see these fruits of the Spirit far more often expressed among liberal atheists, buddhists and irreligious New Agers than among established Christians! That says a lot already!

@ElizabethJacquelineMpanga - 26.09.2024 09:22

A lot of Christians are ignorant and that's why they fail to defend the faith effectively.

@Theshen. - 26.09.2024 09:23

She got “ GENDERLESS” in her bio so I already knew what type of time she was on

@sophientombizodwamokoena - 26.09.2024 19:11

who told you witches was bad? Who called it witch in the first place? When European came to Africa, they meet witches as they call them but in south Africa we call it sangoma, these witches told them to get back in the boats because they're bringing sadness and misery. The Europeans called them witches since they knew what their plans were beforehand. Before you call anyone a witch, you need to educate yourself about so-called witches. So called witches were correct. The European call it fortune teller that was our knowledge that God gave it to us. We do it without cards.

@jerometruitt2731 - 27.09.2024 02:27

Iniko bothered my spirit from the first time I heard it. I was conflicted because musically its a good song. Then I hear her say "were arent disciples" and "summon old gods and new" yup thats gonna be a no for me.

@skiebashment7083 - 27.09.2024 04:55


@lifeisfree28 - 27.09.2024 17:02

Girl bye!!

@iamkoghod - 28.09.2024 12:30

This lady slow right here

@LessettFoster479 - 28.09.2024 18:48

Id rather listen to Iniko than Beyonce i can't stand Beyonce.

@jayjonah83 - 28.09.2024 20:10

This is your brain on religion 🤦🏾‍♂️

@fourofcats5803 - 29.09.2024 05:14

So, being a witch is not low vibration, or even automatically high vibration—it’s not any particular vibration. It’s how the person practices their beliefs that determines how it affects the world around them. Dunno if Inkio is a witch or not but I find it difficult to listen to you when your premise suggests you may not fully understand your subject

@YourMom_._ - 29.09.2024 12:00

And shit like this is why i left Christianity and never looked back 😂 The comedy just writes itself at this point

@FaaithhThaGod - 30.09.2024 00:48

Timothy 2:12
King James Version
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

So, how are you any different from her when you're trying to teach or enlighten other people when the bible says that's not your place as a woman in first place or mine yet here we are..... I get the message you are trying to send, but if you know you are Hebrew Israelite like you mentioned in your video, then you know a man should of made this video not you... your sin is no greater than hers. And if you understood the spirituality of what she is saying then you'd realize she isn't off on what she's saying. We are here trapped on this earth as a punishment for going against our God the Most High, but before that we were just spirit beings & nothing more... I don't agree with all this new generation stuff but before eve (like said in that chapter of the scripture I posted) WOMAN bit the apple but before that we didn't know we were naked so by definition we didn't know our genders we just knew to follow the Most Highs universal laws because it gave us spiritual growth. You literally said suns & moons was God's but then gave the credit of that to something ungodly. The most evil thing a person can do is take something righteous and make it negative which is what our society is literally built off of. And she didn't say she summing God's she saying we are trapped here on earth because of the wickness acts our people did when we were in power so because we did that now our consequence to that is war death fear sadness (now ask yourself who is in power/controls society... not our people not the blacks) things we wouldn't of had to go through if we stayed on the path of Hebrew Israelite and not practing other cultures traditions hence which is why we are suffering how we do today. This is not our kingdom so the tricklology free masons use is only giving us half the truth then adding their lie to spin it to fit reality but really we have been here before in other lives and because of that we are in tune with faces the same battles over and over again until we correct it but there is no such thing as a coincidence so what you call synchronization (again their terminology to make something negative/evil) is literally what Most High says is out reincarnation.... so like the bible says study to show thy self approved...... Christianity is nothing but a cunningly devised fable to keep our ppl down when we are really the 12 tribes the lost children of Israel the real jews. She may not of said it that way but in her spirit that's what she represents and stands for. And to be clear a witch is when a WOMAN researches dreams the way a prophet would when again that's not a women's place to give break downs of ppls dreams it's a man's job. But just because a woman has that knowledge doesn't make her a witch. Now if she practices looking up dreams that would make her a witch. And you keep saying in the eyes of man when men are the dominant species again in the bible Most High sajd his flock of sheep are MEN not women. We should look for validation from men because men are supposed to yield to men and take heed to let him lead and submit to him in order to even be in the good graces to get to the Most High you gotta go through your husband (a man) to even be able to get to God.

Just a food for thought but you gotta do the dishes... you can look up everything I said in the KJV bible or from ISUPK (Israelite SChool of Universal & Practical Knowledge) under the Commanding of General Yahanna.

@realosphere - 30.09.2024 04:15

Lucifer had a beautiful voice

@cwl3392 - 01.10.2024 03:15

It always struck me as wild when folks say that God won't save/forgive/whatever they believe God does to a soul just because they don't believe in the orthodoxy of Him. A person raised without God and related teachings still has God working through them. It's you He's testing by putting spirits like Iniko here. If you really think she's spitting demonic bars then shouldn't the response just be 'they know not what they do'?

@AlmaAndAdy - 01.10.2024 04:54

You look like her. Are you jealous?

@moonbabies0o241 - 01.10.2024 14:46

Did you really just say synchronization is Lucifers way?! 😅geesh

@anb3rlyn - 01.10.2024 17:42

Great video!👍😊 Hell will break wide open for the ppl in your comments😆 Be blessed

@gobontu6224 - 02.10.2024 14:44

I see it as a warning, not necessarily as the truth. Diddy, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, they're all talented.....Many people are blessed with great talent and yet have ZERO success.
Unfortunately the music industry and Hollywood is infested with Satanism, ALWAYS working with symbols, so I remain cautious.

@royal_rootz - 02.10.2024 20:21

Girl you better 🫶🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 spoke nothing but FACTS!!!

@ElijahWalker99 - 03.10.2024 04:58

Don't judge anyone or you to will be judged

@WhatsInTheAir - 06.10.2024 11:47


@XanthusMills - 08.10.2024 07:06

Need to update your headset from black and white to colour vision. Humans are brown 🟤

@Grandma_Jizzzzzzzard - 09.10.2024 17:00

Christians are the most brainwashed people on earth. Do you have misunderstood? You're so-called holy books that were written by your oppressors and then given to you.

I wish it were that easy.

The whole point is to find the answers by yourself. ❤❤❤

@dhertz225 - 09.10.2024 23:31

The accusations about being a witch is nasty work lol… I am not here to bash anyone but I just want to say that religion is a construct of something other than TMH as far as I am concerned… it is a systematic way of separating us the only religion should be coming together to gain understanding of one another despite our differences. yes I read the helleluYah scriptures but I also read the Bhagavad Gita, Quran and other philosophies. I have come to the understanding that they are in parables (aka mandalas) and there are lessons to learn when you connect the deep aspects instead of what is being taught by pulpit enthusiasts. Our job here is to teach and understand each other not bash and bully… God is within all of us not a separate entity or living in the sky. It’s ok it took me a while to get to this way of thinking too there is over 8 billion ppl in this light matrix world we live in we do not arrive at knowledge at the same time… shalom

@journeyofasister - 10.10.2024 16:54

Her song Eden is about a love affair between Lucifer and Eve...

@SechabaMajwe - 11.10.2024 14:09

Who the Fuck is you to judge iniko like that,I truly think your the one who's actually are a fallen star. Go get your facts and studies up to date about synchronicity

@120gerruhepuls - 12.10.2024 10:19

What are you rambling about?

@timeup2929 - 13.10.2024 18:44

So many nonbelievers, this is sad. We must seek a higher power and deliver yourselves from false prophets and propaganda.

@ThatTV1 - 14.10.2024 02:12

Christianity was once called The Way. Look it up

@JahssarahJahs - 14.10.2024 09:35

I totally agree with this commentary! Speak the Word sister. The scales need to come off. Glad to hear a believer speak the truth in the face of darkness.

@JessicaWoods-k5c - 14.10.2024 13:46

Who in the hell has taught you both that your assumptions that your judgments that your words and your behavior right now towards another human being is anything close to truth?. I mean seriously this woman is out there spreading light and has touched the hearts, minds, and the spirits of many many that are simply on a path of enlightenment, a journey and genuine desire to be lighter and brighter in this dark world.
Jesus is the light of the world and He is the light in me, and without a doubt, Iniko has brought more light to me than you religious Pharisees and teachers of hatred, division, and ANTI-CHRIST theology.

Jesus died on the cross for the sin of mankind. My sins are forgiven yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Therefore NOW there is no condemnation..

But im pretty sure ...those that condemned others ...were and ARE causing THE King's children to stumble when you put hatred and speak sin over them (which is why he sacrificed his son! I wouldn't challenge a parent that had to guve the life of their child for your ignorant ass to be set free from your wretched behavior). Better that you tie a boulder around your neck and flop into the sea than talk shit about a child of the one true King.

You might wanna back back back back it waaay up sisters. Back it way tf up. Please delete your evil post.

@slackcellar844 - 14.10.2024 14:08

To see that people would worship celeberties and idols, to the point to where they'd protect them with every fiber of their being... dissapoints me. Why? Because it is a person, an equal human. Everyone has an opinion to share. If you don't like her opinion then silence yourself. And maybe move on instead of commenting. If you'd protect god the same way you'd do with this "Celebrity" you'd already be set in heaven.

@komoraAyub - 14.10.2024 20:46

You have a problem and it’s not Iniko.

@indigomoonchild9 - 15.10.2024 01:09

How can you say who will ascend and who won't. Seems a bit judgmental and not Christian to assume a person's beliefs without knowing her. Iniko has uplifted many people with her songs.
Since you admitted that you too were seeking fame at one time...maybe you are just jealous of her. May God touch your heart and make you a kinder person.❤🙏✨️🙌✨️

@erikaramsire5528 - 17.10.2024 07:31

Man shit yo dum azz up 🤦🏾‍♂️

@LidiaPereiraMz - 17.10.2024 09:03

Believe it or not but today I saw a suggestion to watch her video and I had never heard of her but the title was JERICHO and that surprised me especially because of her appearance
I click the video and watched until the end … not good. My heart became troubled so I looked up to see reactions and tour video popped up. I AGREE WITH YOU and it iis sad that many people would disagree “because of different beliefs”. It is still demonic and opposed to the Word of God tho. I’m from Mozambique (a country in Africa)

@Pam-dw3zn - 17.10.2024 22:37

Did you know that AI can create lyrics?

@EmeraldEmpress33 - 19.10.2024 11:13

Careful who you call a witch carol that’s a sin in your Bible I think you need to inner-stand where you come from and not lean into your own understanding

@motherinmaat6947 - 19.10.2024 11:39

Iniko is my GIRL!🩵🩵🩵 Love her so much. Spreading love and positive vibes through her craft. Bringing the entire vibration of the planet up with her. This woman is tripping.

@romeonwheels - 20.10.2024 05:26

I know a hater when I see one 😂

@jeffhemmen2523 - 20.10.2024 20:05

It sounds like someone needs stop reading a book and go meditate like Jesus did❤

@nexyaz - 21.10.2024 03:01

I dont know. I'm christian but i dont perceived anything bad on her clips.
