I'm coming back when I can build my base on a planet.
ОтветитьKeep up the good work m8 👌👍
Ответитьbelieve it when i see it
ОтветитьSC is dead
Ответитьfinish nothing, break everything. blame no one and continue to take players money with a promise of nothing. this is wrong what they are doing. 4.0 is just another example of how they do not play the gaem, because you can not even call it that. a giant waste of time. and no u tubers are talking about, just making excuses. this is starting to get into the criminal side of business
Ответитьimagine how bad game would run with npcs flying ships. game is already runs like crap
Ответитьwhen will get the video about how great cig did last year and they ear b4 that. and how they have the players in mind always. not a new summer house for them. so tired of u tubers sucking the tit of this con artist rtoberts. seriously , how can you say they release this pos 4.0 as a success. nothing but the truth. if they dont fix it will be the final nail. they can not even fix the thing meant to fix the pos 4.0
ОтветитьThis is a bug that identifies as a game. This is the biggest waste of time and money I have ever made in my life.
ОтветитьIf a hard drive going out is making you lose files then you definitely need to consider getting at least a basic NAS (network attached storage). If you want to build your own look into TrueNas Scale, otherwise you could buy a Synology machine (or 45 Drives for the more hardcore option).
Given the Star Citizen community's demographics, I think their mobiglass apps issue could be solved in an amazing way just by opening up an API (probably two, one client-side and one server side) and creating a tool/store to let people load in and share their own mobiglass apps. This would let them get all of the apps they need, likely at a higher quality than CIG could manage, without needing to spend significant development time on it.
Star Citizen is nothing but a polished turd.
ОтветитьThere are too many bugs to tell me that... especially new bugs on older features. They have a junior software team.
ОтветитьThis video ——> badumm-tsss
ОтветитьTony Z once talked about spawning breadcrumbs as part of encounters which might lead on to future encounters. For instance, maybe you're in a bounty hunter ship with prisoner storage. You disable a ship with a pirate on board and bring the pirate in. Maybe you get the location of another ship the pirates are planning on raiding from the intact ship, that attack might start when you get near giving you a defend mission, then the people you defended might hire you to search an area where they think other pirates are leading to a larger base.
Those sorts of links might not be guaranteed, but they could reward curious players in a more interesting manners than "open contracts tab, find nearest good paying job, blow up ships, repeat" and reward players for using ships with capabilities other than DPS (Distortion/EMP, Quantum Interdiction, Prisoner Containment, Hacking, Ewar) in a PVE context.
I, like many am at a place where I believe it when I see it.
However, to CIG, community, and creator, I mean that when I see it, I will believe it. I would really, truly love to play the game and invite other friends to invest in and play the game.
I have been a backer for many years. And for many years staunchly defended the project, and the game.
So, CIG. please fix the current game you have implemented, if you do, you will have the best game ever made, as is. You will boost the morale of your player base, allow newer players to enter more freely, and at the same time, allow you to work on the now non-included features and ships as time goes. I’m sure every one of us (personally as a backer with a ship I likely won’t see for year) would rather have a game that is working, then our ships with a game we can’t play in with them!
Bruh wait what, they dont even have NPC ships flying around and "doing" stuff? Bruuuuh.
ОтветитьI mean, if they have a really good API that can provide useful information quick, third party tools are going to be insanely good and useful, and it's a good way to offload some of the features so that you don't have it in-game..... I mean yeah, theoretically if you need to go outside the game to engage with part of the game... then that's bad design, But look at Elite and the plethora of information, trade data, prices, commodities, minerals materials, mission types, system types, hot zones, mining hot spots, ship outfitting, prices with supply and demand for all of these, it's crazy honestly, i haven's seen any game that comes close to this, maybe EVE would be one. Still i'd say for Elite, it's somewhere in the middle, the galaxy map does have a lot of layers and can provide trade data and prices, and the in-game market menu shows you which stations produce X and which stations consume X and at what price. (wasn't like this at first but it got added later with updates). But if you really want the most money/hr you rely on outside tools, so it's kinda somewhere in the middle, I'd say that's a good compromise. And yeah, ship outfitting you can totally do that in-game, it's standardized for every ship and easy to understand. Alas, yes, there aren't that many weapons and ships compared to what SC has/wants to have, but.... do we really need a lot of ships or just very specific roles and few ships to fit each of those roles and... thats it?
ОтветитьThe mobiglass to me feels soo clunky and unintuitive to use... loads of buttons and labels, not many shortcuts, everything has the same color, and its loads of text everywhere... very visual and made to look pretty, but not very useful.
Ответитьthe should sell there server meshing tech to make a load more to help with development
ОтветитьI just want falling through planets to be a thing of the past.
ОтветитьIntroducing trade would actually make this a multiplayer game. There is no player to player interaction apart from combat.
ОтветитьMy biggest issue with CIG is they apparently have hundreds of staff yet nothing to show for it. It shows more bad management of money compared to the results.
Scale down, reset the direction of the game. you dont need a 1000 dead systems. you need 1000 good missions. a solid running engine with little issues. Fix the spaghetti code of old before bringing anything new. get a solid base of a game that people love and then build up.
CIG got greedy and promised too much. Now they trying to make everything without looking back and fixing everything thats already broken.
All they have to do is make the game not literally unplayable.
ОтветитьI have yet to properly play anything outside of walking around and going in the hanger. Missions don’t work, Quantum warp yeets me into the sun/ ejects me from the ship.
Ive been trying to have just one full session with the new patch and it’s failed every single time since 4.0 dropped :/ I’m hoping CIG can knuckle down on the bigger bugs to give us a BASICALLY stable experience
Honestly, EVERY SINGLE VIDEO about Star Citizen for the past year I've seen, I've thought, "OH Im so happy I don't WASTE my time on this awful experience anymore." Still, my HOSAS setup sits waiting for 1.0 or sq42.
ОтветитьOne would hope for this. I haven't played since 1.7. I'm holding out for it to matter
ОтветитьWhat are your thoughts about a certain CEO reamerging.
ОтветитьDead game walking
ОтветитьYou really need to source stuff like this.
ОтветитьI would be ecstatic if CIG finalized gold standard and then went back and upgraded all the older ships. So many ships in the game that deserve love but have been left behind with outdated designs. I love the freelancer but wish it just doesn't feel as cool as all the new ship releases.
ОтветитьThey have more ships then content and features. The game is nothing but an E-store.
ОтветитьNight vision, which ED does, and planetary coordinates, which NMS does, are the hills I will die on.
ОтветитьYea I honestly don’t mind them being ambitious. But focusing on making the PU as bug free as possible will allow for me and my buds to play consistently because we don’t have to deal with elevator buttons not working/elevators not spawning/glitching out of ship… and many more bugs that I’ve experienced yesterday during 4.0.1~ games super fun but I definitely will see it to believe it when CIG talks about making the PU more playable this year
Ответитьas a NEW player what i minded the most was :
1. keybinds and controls ( way too many unintuitive, overcomplicated keys)
2. inventory system (i still dont understand it)
3. equipment (i need to bring a mulititool on a mission but noone tells me that, and so on)
I just want to deliver boxes, I’m a simple man!
ОтветитьIts definitely time for a cleanup pass.
ОтветитьI picked it back up hoping I could play without running into a game breaking bug within 3 minutes or less. The story is the same now as it was in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Least functional game I've ever played
ОтветитьThis is not happening. The game is not playable and it will not be as Robert is stating. His current actions is not to bring in to playable state. And it is fault of managment of the game not its devs. His business model is working but not the game. If the game would be working it would have possibility for players to play and grind and they would had many ships and eqipment in game and his business model of him selling them and upgrading to players qutie expesnively would stop working. He also provides exclusive support to some players in his club which is not for free.
ОтветитьI haven't logged in since they nerfed the Corsair, not even to fly my zeus and I won't be back for some time. Heard it all before and have no faith at all in CIG but at least I have the steam back catalogue.
ОтветитьLike it! Does it.
32 / 5 000
Does it cost anything to download?🤔
I agree on pretty much every count here. As the owner of an Avenger, a Caterpillar, and now a Dragonfly, seeing older ships brought up to gold standard is probably #1 on my wishlist right now. CIG always seems to be cranking out new ships, but I feel like I haven't seen an actual gold standard pass since the Retaliator years ago; at best, it definitely makes me question the company's priorities, or even the state of the company. I also STRONGLY echo what you said about player-facing communication; things like stats and commodity prices across the verse just aren't communicated at all, and the fact that only minimal effort has been made to bridge that gap despite years of relying on third party tools feels like a huge oversight.
Everything the community brought up for this video would go a long way towards improving my experience, but as many other commenters have already stated I've been here long enough to have a very "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude with CIG. I find myself pretty concerned about the direction of the game recently, with the lack of communication on NPC and Sim development in favor of focusing on the recently-announced PvP/Org Warfare features; I'm really hoping this year will bring some news/developments that leave me feeling a little more optimistic.
I remember hearing about this game when i was much younger and thinking, "oh damn! that's so cool i cant wait to play it when it's complete!!" and it's just never been completed so I've never played it. Now it looks rather dated and it's not even finished!! What a waste :'( From the outside looking in it looks like people got scammed of their money.
ОтветитьNo man's sky is better! Star Citizen will take another 10 years to become playability. Sad!
ОтветитьThe Dev's could try adding more graphical options so I don't have to buy a super computer to get more than 10 fps :D
ОтветитьIts been almost 5 years since I had this game on my radar, but I've never had the pc performance nor the money to get into it until now, I'm willing to buy it this year if it truely becomes easier to get into and if the game is playable
ОтветитьThis fuckers keeps updating nothing just and bugs all the game. Thats the intention, keep your money and you wait for the final game that never finish. Meanwhile a middle ship like A2 is $700 for a game that they will not finish because thats the idea. Yeah take your money but not for the game investment.